00:00 00:30


RANTHAMBORE & KEOLADEO NATIONAL PARKS. Ranthambore National Park is part of Project Tiger, a unique wildlife conservation program set up to insure the preservation of the magnificent Tiger. In Ranthambore we encounter the tiger along with Sambar and Blue Bull, Wild Boar and Langur Monkey. We also explore the historic side of Ranthambore which is dotted with ruins of the fort that protected the region for hundreds of years. We end the episode with a tour of a very different national park. Board a rickshaw and join your guide as he explores Keoladeo National Park, known for its abundant bird life.

00:30 01:00


KERALA. Join us as we cruise the backwaters of Kerala, one of the most beautiful and serene areas of India. We explore the cities of Cochin and Kozhikode. Attend a local theatre performance and learn about traditional drama styles. The drama continues as we witness a local festival and then take in a display of the ancient art of Kalaripayattu. Bill helps raise the Chinese fishing nets at dusk and tour a 1000 year old boat yard, where luxury vessels are still handcrafted.

01:00 01:25


PHILADELPHIA. The city of brotherly love does not disappoint history lovers. We visit Independence hall, the liberty bell, Elfreth's alley, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and get creeped out at America's first penitentiary, Eastern State.

01:25 02:15


Baja California - a 1000 mile long desert peninsula. The Sea of Cortez, separating it from the Mexican mainland, is studded with islands, large and small.It’s a sea teeming with lifeThe islands may be barren but oceanic upwellings draw in massive schools of fishAnd this richness attracts the inevitable predators. Biologically speaking, this is the richest body of water on our entire planet. The calm waters among the islands are perfect breeding grounds, creatures migrating thousands of miles to spawn their next generation here. Primeval forces draw giants here on an annual migration from frozen northern seas. Other creatures also travel thousands of miles to nest here on tiny dots in the ocean. The sea of Cortez has been relentlessly exploited by man, driving some species to the brink of extinction. Yet this almost land-locked sea also provides evidence of the remarkable resilience of the ocean. And it also shows us how we humans can sometimes make a difference...

02:15 03:10


EP. 01. Peppered across Africa are a few iconic locations that are renowned for killing action. Arenas bathed in a history of blood, places where Africa’s icons have hunted successfully for generations. Predators here develop unique and clever ways to hunt. But the circumstances aren’t the driving factor in this story. Sometimes these predators look for the perfect patch of ground to kill, a small area of long grass, or a single path that leads to the perfect ambush. How do they amplify their age-old skills by using the lie of the land? Savuti is big cat country. But only the most resourceful cats make it to the top.The Marsh Pride, Savuti’s resident lions, is faced with their toughest challenge this winter: Buffalo. The complicated mix of boggy marsh, open plains and dense woodland provide extra obstacles in their path to a meal. Over centuries these heavyweights have adapted their hunting strategy to Savuti’s every challenge and the buffalos’ every move. And their secret: The nighttime hunt. When the sun sets, the tables begin to turn and Savuti is at the pride’s mercy. But there’s no shortage of challenges: Saba, the pride matriarch and most experienced hunter, has got to provide for her pride and keep them, and her territory, safe from two young male lions that are trespassing on Marsh Pride territory. It all seems doable until she gets injured after a run-in with hyenas… A lone female leopard is Savuti’s ultimate innovator. Her environment has forced her to change her hunting strategy and her prey, and she’s thriving!We follow three characters through Savuti’s winter, starting with the disappearance of the small game and the arrival of the buffalo. The film looks at how our characters use the environment and features of the landscape to their advantage. We focus on the numerous challenges of Savuti – the things that make it such a hostile place for predators, and also highlight the inter-predatory battles between the Marsh Pride and the Nomads. We look at the challenges the young leopard is faced with while hunting under the lions’ radar and trying to survive in her non-leopard-friendly environment.

03:10 04:00


It’s ‘Silly Season’ in Mamba Valley and like zombies from their graves, the heat draws Black Mambas from the shadows. They’re on the hunt for summer lodgings but as the deadliest snake on the planet, they’re not popular neighbors. Many will fall foul to a gunshot or the sharp end of a shovel. But some will be lucky enough to be ‘rescued’ by a snake wrangling team with a passion for Mambas and a unique facility where these snakes can be housed and observed. One snake has a special mission –she’s recently mated and ready to deliver a new generation of silver killers into Mamba Valley. She’s the deadliest snake on the planet, but can she outwit her greatest enemy and unleash her fearsome spawn on the valley?

04:00 05:05


Millions of golden yellow fruits dry out in the sun. They are called 'Gold of Mesopotamia', the juicy apricots of Anatolia. On the plantations at the shore of the Euphrates grow 95 % of all apricots processed worldwide. But the idyllic atmosphere is deceiving: behind this picturesque façade, seething conflicts erupt among the old patriarchs about more self-determination and, above all, the concerns over climate change and its effects on the harvest are hovering.

05:05 06:00


This films reveals the extraordinary variety of life found in the vast blue expanses of te open ocean. Here, all the action takes place in a 10 metre deep band of water, just under the surface. Many species use this section of water to migrate and hunt while others use ingenious ways to stay hidden where there appears to be no shelter. From the surface, the huge blue expanses of the open ocean appear to be devoid of all life. Popular belief is that most sea life congregates around mainline coasts, islands or rocky outcrops. But that perception is far from the truth. This 4K film,shot in the Atlantic, reveals the extraordinary diversity of species who call the open ocean their home and the tactics they use to survive in the watery wilderness. Most of the life here congregates in a nutrient-rich band of water, around 10 metres from the surface. But it is brutal life out in the open ocean. There is little shelter, big predators abound and food is hard to find. Only those who adapt to the conditions have a hope of surviving in the blue void. Barracuda are a common species in the open water and they travel in large spiraling groups close the surface as a defense mechanism against bigger predators. This space is also their own feeding ground and they can attack smaller fish en masse. And where there are barracuda, Blue sharks are never far away. These supreme open ocean predators are among the most graceful of sharks but when the need arises, they can transform instantly into ferocious and efficient killers. They regularly cross the Atlantic, coast to coast, in a journey of 4,000 kilometres. Other species profiled which also undertake huge journeys include turtles, pilot whales and whale sharks, and we reveal how the notorious Portuguese man o’ war provides shelter for small fish within its lethal tentacles. Other small fish of prey instinctively group together when they are threatened - as lone individuals they are far more likely to be eaten than large groups. But in dramatic close up action, a banquet is served as dolphins sprint in from the blue to harvest this massive source of protein. The film also reveals the amazing variety of life and colour found in shipwrecks. Like oases in the desert,these steel skeletons are colonized by soft and hard corals, attracting huge armies of small fish. They hide in the structures while larger fish and sharks roam the periphery.

06:00 06:30


Events - National Day, concerts starring Sting, James Blunt and Katy Perry, the world’s richest horse race the Dubai Cup, the Dubai Art Festival, the Dubai Literature Festival and Polo championships.

06:30 07:00


Food & Gastronomy - Dubai’s rich international dining scene, its food festival, Beach Canteen, the secret squirrel blogger, food tours of exotic restaurants, and genuine Emirati cuisine.

07:00 08:00


EP. 01. Masters of stealth or speed, using enhanced senses and lethal strategies to hunt, Africa’s killers include the incredibly fast cheetah and lions, which while slower, have raw power and ingenious teamwork on their side. The rivers, meanwhile, hold fearsome crocodiles.

08:00 09:00


In Africa’s waterways, one predator reigns supreme – the Nile crocodile. One of the biggest and most deadly reptiles on Earth, it commands a fearsome reputation and strikes terror those who share its domain. Countless attacks in which victims are ruthlessly taken from riverbanks or attacked in their canoes leave no doubt that the Nile crocodile may views humans as natural prey. In fact, the animal was recently reclassified as the number one killer of humans in Africa, overtaking the previous record holder, the hippo. In ‘Diving with Crocodiles’ cameraman and crocodile expert Brad Bestelink undertakes the unthinkable and dives into the waters of the Okavango Delta. Without a cage or any other protection, he gets up close and personal with these fearsome creatures in this groundbreaking film. Such a feat has never been recorded before. But Brad is well prepared – his decision to take the plunge is the result of many years spent studying crocodile behavior in his native Botswana. His window of opportunity to dive is small and dependent on the seasonal ebb and flow of the Okavango. There are only a couple of months each year when visibility in the delta allows for perfect filming conditions. This extraordinary film provides all the high drama associated with modern-day exploration, coupled with the exhilaration of interacting with wild animals. The underwater secrets of the Nile crocodile are revealed with unique and compelling footage in the pristine underwater environment of the Okavango delta.

09:00 10:00


Our planet is heating up and one of the first casualties will be the crops that supply our food. Scientists are working overtime to find solutions including going back to the ancestral origins of our staple foods. SEED HUNTER will take you on a remarkable journey from the drought ravaged farms of Australia, to the heart of the Middle East, to the mountains of Tajikistan where charismatic Australian scientist Dr Ken Street – a real life version of Indiana Jones – and his team of ‘gene detectives’ hunt for plant genes that will help our food withstand the impact of 21st century global warming. Along the way we meet farmers around the world who are struggling to grow crops in a climate that’s gone haywire, as well as scientists working at the front line of gene technology to save tomorrow’s food. At journey’s end, deep in the Arctic Circle, Ken deposits his bounty of seed in the newly constructed seed bank known as the ‘doomsday vault.’

10:00 11:00


EP. 01. Peppered across Africa are a few iconic locations that are renowned for killing action. Arenas bathed in a history of blood, places where Africa’s icons have hunted successfully for generations. Predators here develop unique and clever ways to hunt. But the circumstances aren’t the driving factor in this story. Sometimes these predators look for the perfect patch of ground to kill, a small area of long grass, or a single path that leads to the perfect ambush. How do they amplify their age-old skills by using the lie of the land? Savuti is big cat country. But only the most resourceful cats make it to the top.The Marsh Pride, Savuti’s resident lions, is faced with their toughest challenge this winter: Buffalo. The complicated mix of boggy marsh, open plains and dense woodland provide extra obstacles in their path to a meal. Over centuries these heavyweights have adapted their hunting strategy to Savuti’s every challenge and the buffalos’ every move. And their secret: The nighttime hunt. When the sun sets, the tables begin to turn and Savuti is at the pride’s mercy. But there’s no shortage of challenges: Saba, the pride matriarch and most experienced hunter, has got to provide for her pride and keep them, and her territory, safe from two young male lions that are trespassing on Marsh Pride territory. It all seems doable until she gets injured after a run-in with hyenas… A lone female leopard is Savuti’s ultimate innovator. Her environment has forced her to change her hunting strategy and her prey, and she’s thriving!We follow three characters through Savuti’s winter, starting with the disappearance of the small game and the arrival of the buffalo. The film looks at how our characters use the environment and features of the landscape to their advantage. We focus on the numerous challenges of Savuti – the things that make it such a hostile place for predators, and also highlight the inter-predatory battles between the Marsh Pride and the Nomads. We look at the challenges the young leopard is faced with while hunting under the lions’ radar and trying to survive in her non-leopard-friendly environment.

11:00 11:55


360° GEO- Report visits the Nenets, the last true nomads on earth, on their remote Russian peninsula. Every August, on the Russian polar peninsula of Yamal, children of reindeer shepherds await a helicopter that will bring them back to school after the summer holidays. For the main part of the year, 600 nomad children from the indigenous people of the Nenet live and learn separated from their parents. Up until now, their home Yamal was an of Russia that was far from any semblance of civilization- until an enormous gas pool was discovered beneath the tundra. Now, destroyed nature and gigantic industrial plants are a common sight along the nomad's track - but this industrial development is also offering new opportunities to their children.

11:55 12:20


EP. 01. Very quick intro to the history of the course and the make up of the influx of new students as well as a look at some of the lecturers and their characters. Darting practice and drug theory: Students practice with dart guns from certain distances and learn the theory of dangerous drugs. The next step is learning to dart from a helicopter. A moving target is towed by a vehicle, and students have 1 dart to prove their accuracy. Darting practice on donkeys: 3 teams are formed and they have 3 donkeys to dart and check all vital signs. Darting 2 young antelope: 2 students are chosen to dart a young Rhone antelope and young Sable needing medical attention.

12:20 12:45


EP. 02. A student darter is selected to dart from the helicopter and soon a suitable giraffe is located. The dart location is perfect and the giraffe begins to slow down as the rest of the team jump into action. The giraffe becomes more of a challenge as it wrestles with the rope and breaks free. The drugs eventually take full effect and the giraffe is subdued. The team carry out all the checkups, take samples and reverse the drug in good time to see it run off in good health. The vet lecturers give the debrief and conclude with all the positives and negatives.

12:45 13:10


EP. 03. One of the students is selected and soon locate a huge bull elephant from the helicopter. The dart successfully finds it mark and the bull takes 20 minutes to lie down. The rest of the team rush in to do the necessary data entries and reverse the drug within 20 minutes. The vet lecturers give the debrief and conclude with all the positives and negatives.

13:10 14:00


THE FIGHT FOR FOOD. Every single day there is a growing number of people to feed and in the next thirty to forty years we will need to double our food production to sustain the increase in population. In this episode author Julian Cribb examines the infestations that are threatening our food supply.

14:00 14:30


EP. 01. Journey inside Dust Storms to see how they are formed and the hazards and effects they cause. A glimpse into the science of Clouds and how they fit into the weather cycle of the planet. The power of Lightening is more than visual, it is noise, electricity and it even helps plants to grow. Did you know that Rain droplets have different shapes and temperatures, it’s maybe more interesting than you think?

14:30 15:00


EP. 02. Heatwaves have caused cities to literally meltdown and systems to fail, how are we working with nature’s heat? When two Cyclones collide, we get the Fujiwhara Effect, how is this possible and how does it manifest? Floods occur around the world and the world is learning how to cope, combat and prevent damage and share lessons. How do you classify a Blizzard, and let’s look at some of the worst blizzards that have occurred on earth. Do you really know how to measure Rainfall and how to identify violent rain from a shower or appreciate when we have had enough or too much?

15:00 16:00


There is a goldmine atmosphere in the Azores: in the crystal-clear water live 21 species of whales and dolphins. Their instinct for play and their empathy for humans make them a fantastic source of capital. Several whale-watching companies have been founded in recent years – and swimming with dolphins has become one of the most sought-after tourist attractions. But there are also critical voices, such as the biologist Maria de Cruz, who is attempting to find out how much stress it causes the marine mammals.

16:00 16:25


THE BRIAN-EYE PROCESS. Understanding how we think and see by playing games with our brains. This factual entertainment series explores the way we see and interpret the world around us with engaging tests, activities, demonstrations and explanations. In each episode we experience visual and audio illusions, sensory puzzles and brain tricks from the worlds of art, science, nature and psychology and learn why they baffle our senses.

16:25 17:00


OUR AMAZING BRAIN. Understanding how we think and see by playing games with our brains. This factual entertainment series explores the way we see and interpret the world around us with engaging tests, activities, demonstrations and explanations. In each episode we experience visual and audio illusions, sensory puzzles and brain tricks from the worlds of art, science, nature and psychology and learn why they baffle our senses.

17:00 17:30


COLOR. Seg 1 Chromatic Adaptation. Chromatic adaptation is the ability of humans to adjust to changes in brightness to keep up with the appearance of colors. this is the reason why we are able to perceive colors properly even though lighting in real environments change constantly. Seg 2 Color-changing animals. Color changing in animals are developed adaptations which the animals use for various applications such as signaling their species or as a way to hide from predators. Animals that can change color have specialized cells called chromatophores that can alter pigmentation and light reflecting properties. Seg 3 How do we see the color pink. We are able to see pink because our brains are able to perceive variations in light and color. Although pink as a wavelength does not exist in the light spectrum, it is our brains that processes light in a such a way that we are able to perceive combinations of colors thus giving us a way to see colors like pink. Seg 4 Blue wings, blue feathers. Blue rarely exists in nature. But due to evolution, structural features in the wings and feathers of some animals allow light to bend in ways that make it possible to reflect the color blue. Seg 5 Snow camouflage. Snow camouflage, is a type of camouflage that certain creatures use to hide during winter. It is typically characterised by differing shades of grays and whites.

17:30 18:00


PROBLEMS. Seg 1 Monty Hall problem. The Monty Hall Problem poses a counter-instinctive dilemma of picking a choice with a higher probability of winning. It has been calculated that switching from a player’s initial choice to the last option possible, after eliminating all empty choices, instead of sticking with the initial choice gives a bigger chance of winning. Seg 2 The Birthday Problem. The Birthday Problem presents a situation that addresses brains’ unintuitive response to exponents. We try to figure out why it’s possible for only 23 people to have a 50% chance of sharing a birthday when there are 365 unique birthdays. The dilemma usually comes in when we gloss over the fact that even small groups can form several pairings, and we actually compute the probability of sharing a birthday by subtracting the chances of not sharing a birthday by multiplying individual probabilities with each other. The answers can be quite surprising when the math to be done is not instinctive for people. Seg 3 Gambler’s ruin. Gambler’s Ruin closes in on how a gambler with the smaller amount will always be the loser in the long run in a game of 50-50 chance with an indefinite number of rounds playing. Gambler’s Ruin also debunks the ‘luck’ factor by emphasizing that each round played has its separate probability from previous rounds, thus maintaining chances of winning at 50%. Seg 4 The Infinite Hotel Paradox. The Infinite Hotel Paradox shows how infinity, for all its vastness, cannot be fully grasped, especially when it goes beyond the confines of the countable infinity. The paradoxical part comes in when the union of two sets with infinite elements will still be infinity; adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing infinity with infinity is still infinity. Seg 5 The Locker Riddle. The Locker Riddle stimulates how good and fast a person is at factorization. In the problem, the key is identifying which numbers from 1-100 are perfect squares, but the solution lies in the number of factors those particular numbers have. Perfect squares have odd numbered factors because one factor will be multiplied by itself and it only counts as one in the riddle’s context, leaving those locker numbers open in an alternating open-close pattern.

18:00 18:30


S1 EP 01: GRAND CANYON. Outta Town Adventures travels both near and far to discover the best advenures the destinations have to offer. Season 1 visits attractions from California to Rwanda, Switzerland, Iceland, Utah, Zambia, Mexico, The Grand Canyon, Georgia (the Eastern European one) Louisiana, Hawaii, Mauritius and Seychelles. This TV series is dedicated to presenting history, culture and geography in a fun and pisitive way. It encourages people to explore this beautiful world - something that starts with simply getting out of town!

18:30 19:00


S1 EP 02: GRAND CANYON. Outta Town Adventures travels both near and far to discover the best advenures the destinations have to offer. Season 1 visits attractions from California to Rwanda, Switzerland, Iceland, Utah, Zambia, Mexico, The Grand Canyon, Georgia (the Eastern European one) Louisiana, Hawaii, Mauritius and Seychelles. This TV series is dedicated to presenting history, culture and geography in a fun and pisitive way. It encourages people to explore this beautiful world - something that starts with simply getting out of town!

19:00 19:30


SERENGETI: THE GREAT MIGRATION. One of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World—all other great wilderness areas are compared to this vast savannah. Wildlife numbers are awesome, but nothing like the numbers of the great migration. Journeys places you in the midst of this natural phenomenon where predator and prey are on a march for survival.

19:30 20:00


ZANZIBAR: THE ORIGINAL SPICE ISLAND. The name alone conjures up mysterious and exotic images. The architecture and backstory to this once powerful independent kingdom, is both amazing and horrifying. Outside the city, Zanzibar earns its “Spice Island” nickname due to the huge plantations that grow everything to make your cooking flavorful. Journeys final stop is to visit the highly endangered Red Colobus monkeys. Learn why these human-like primates eat dirt for survival.

20:00 21:00


Florence, the cradle of the Renaissance, is today a so-called "museum-city". The small city center is invaded by thousands of tourists every day. But there is one sport tourists usually don't know : the calcio florentino, a violent game with no rules, exclusively for Florentine people. Struggling with the consequences of gentrification, the city is losing its identity and its citizens. But there is still one way in which Florence and the "Fiorentini" can express their own identity - the "Calcio Storico Fiorentino" (Historical Florentine soccer), a game that has been played in Florence for 800 years but only 3 days a year in the month of June! This primitive, tough and dangerous mix of football and boxing is played in one of the world's most famous squares, the Piazza Santa Croce. The players can hit the ball with their hands or feet, and they can stop their adversaries in any way possible. These two rules make the game one of the roughest sports ever played.

21:00 22:00


EP. 03. Peppered across Africa are a few iconic locations that are renowned for killing action. Arenas bathed in a history of blood, places where Africa’s icons have hunted successfully for generations. Predators here develop unique and clever ways to hunt. But the circumstances aren’t the driving factor in this story. Sometimes these predators look for the perfect patch of ground to kill, a small area of long grass, or a single path that leads to the perfect ambush. How do they amplify their age-old skills by using the lie of the land? The fastest mammal on the planet, Cheetah’s don’t only use speed to kill. They use look out points to scan for weak prey and a baby fawn as lure to get its mother to come closer. Africa’s heavy weight the Lion is twice the weight and half the speed of the Cheetah. They need cover to hunt down their prey, so they stake out ambush points in Gullies, Marshland and Forest, lying in wait for their prey the wildebeest. We follow three characters through the Ndutu rainy season, starting with the arrival of the annual wildebeest migration, through to the wildebeest calves growing up and continuing their journey to the north-west. The film looks at how our characters use the environment and features of the landscape to their advantage. Reflecting on how they have learnt this from previous generations and will pass onto the next.

22:00 22:30


EP. 01. The Tech Effect is a portal to the future, a look at the forces and inventions that could shape us in the coming century. From e-sports to robotics, home automation to autonomous cars, this series examines the potential for cutting edge technology to improve our lives, while not ignoring the risks. The Tech Effect will appeal to anyone curious about exploring the technological advances that are changing our world. Sophisticated and edgy, each theme-based episode profiles the innovations transforming contemporary life. By identifying the world’s most ingenious discoveries, we can unlock tomorrow, today. This episode investigates the jobs of the future, and why it might not be long before your co-worker is a robot. As industry changes, companies are identifying ways to re-train their workforce so they can be deployed in new roles. With space research becoming an important tool for innovation, we hear from a worker on the International Space Station about the types of experiments he conducts. Finally, we visit the factories of the future, discovering that, as a car has more lines of code than an F35 fighter jet, one of the most important jobs of the future in the automotive industry is software developer.

22:30 23:00


EP. 02. In this episode, we look at the ways robotic engineers are mimicking the natural world. BionicWheelBot and the BionicFlyingFox have been developed to navigate difficult terrain, like their biological counterparts. Robots like the canine-inspired models produced by Boston Dynamic are already being used in hazardous environments to reduce the need for humans to be exposed to risk. We’ll also see how robots are covering new ground in space exploration, with smart autonomous vehicles destined for Mars, given greater capability than ever before. Finally, we visit some of the environments, such as offshore rigs and factories, where robots are being deployed in a range of jobs, including as exoskeletons for human workers, to reduce injuries and enhance endurance.

23:00 00:00


During many years, scientists and institutions fought to avoid the extinction of the Bucardo, a rare Pyrenean mountain goat. In 2003, Spanish and French scientists managed to clone the last bucardo. It was the first time in history that an extinct animal came back to life. They took a historic step in science, the first de-extinction in the world, the first real “Jurassic Park” and a new door was opened to hope.

00:00 01:00


S1 EP 01: BULKELEY HOTEL. The former home of Queen Victoria is now home to many spirits who have been seen by guests and staff. Witness the first ever formal documentation of the paranormal activities in the Bulkeley Hotel.

01:00 01:30


OSLO. We set sail to the land of the Norseman in Oslo, Norway. We’ll climb the fort walls at Akershus Fortress and discover the North and South Poles at the Fram Museum. Then, we’ll unearth ancient viking ship treasures at the Viking Ship Museum, and we’ll brave the open waters of the Pacific with Thor Heyerdahl at the Kon-tiki museum.

01:30 02:00


FLAGSTAFF. Get your kicks on Route 66 in Flagstaff, AZ. Duck and cover! We’re headed to the famous Barringer meteor crater outside of town. Then we scan the stars for heavenly bodies at Lowell Observatory. We’ll learn the history of the region at the Northern Arizona History Museum, and finally swing from their many ponderosa pines at Flagstaff Extreme adventure park.

02:00 03:00


360° GEO - Report takes part in an exhausting journey exhausting journey through desert heat and drought. In the times of the pharaohs, people trekked through the desert between what is today Sudan and Egypt. They travelled in camel-caravans, loaded with ivory, salt, ostrich feathers and other precious cargoes. Even today, the Bedouin tribes follow these ancient trade routes, but today, it is the camels themselves that are sold to Egypt. Approximately 3 million camels exist in Sudan alone and about 200,000 animals per year are sold to Egypt. One of the most important yet dangerous paths leads from Kordufan via Darfur to South Egypt. It is called the Darb al- Arba'in - " 40-Day road". Only experienced caravan leaders dare to undertake the laborious journey.

03:00 04:00


360 - GEO Report joins Professor Brian Grieg Fry as he carries out his thrilling job : catching the most dangerous snake in the world for his research. About 7 of the world's 10 most venomous snakes live in Australia: one of them is the taipan, said to be the most venomous in the world. Its venom can kill a horse in just seven seconds. Yet if someone actually dares to catch this extremely dangerous animal, its venom can be used as a medicine and can save lives. Professor Brian Grieg Fry is one of the very few, who takes up this life-threatening challenge. For the sake of his research institute, he travels regularly through the country catching taipans, as well as brown snakes, sea snakes and skinks.

04:00 05:00


Dark matter, which is unknown and undetectable in our physical models, would appear to populate the cosmos on a massive scale. For the first time, a film portrays the wild scientific quest that dark matter gives rise to. A real thriller. In our physical models, the weight of all observable matter (stars, galaxies, etc.) accounts for just 4% of the universe, whereas an invisible, unknown matter that no tool has ever been able to detect appears to populate the universe on a massive scale. Today, astrophysicists and cosmologists - researchers in the fields of the infinitely large and the infinitely small - are joining forces to solve a major mystery: what is this famous “dark matter” made up of? A breath-taking thriller that leads us to the dawn of a scientific and metaphysical revolution, akin to Copernic’s or Galileo’s. It could totally change the way we perceive our world. 2013 : Best film Award at the International Science Film Festival (Athens, Greece).

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