00:00 00:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Household Avatar. Grizzy discovers a new generation Tamagotchi game on the Ranger's tablet: the camera scans the player and gives him a virtual avatar of himself to take care of. You must feed it, put it to bed, play with it... Grizzy takes his new responsibility as a "parent" very seriously, but the Lemmings decide to complete the virtual Grizzy's education with far more intense activities. (5 min)

00:05 00:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Beastly Genie. Grizzy and the Lemmings find a native American Indian vase with a genie inside that will make anyone's dreams come true, if they only let him out by rubbing the vase. There is nonetheless one little snag: the effects of the genie's magic instantly wear off as soon as he returns to his vase and the lid shuts. (15 min)

00:20 00:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Make Peace Not War. The Lemmings get their hands on a secret weapon that belongs to the Canadian Army: anyone hit with it becomes non-violent. They use the arm to transform Grizzy into a cherub, despite himself. (5 min)

00:25 00:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Disguised Reality. When they discover a super fun app that allows you to see yourself as a rabbit or a robot or something else decked out with lots of animated accessories, Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over the tablet. But if they insist on arguing and refuse to share their virtual costumes, they could end up smashing each other's faces in for real. (5 min)

00:30 00:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Folds and Folds Again. When they find an old book on traditional Japanese origami, the Lemmings churn out paper birds to play gliding games. Grizzy realizes that he could make the gorgeous butterfly on the cover for his beloved she-bear. But to make the Lemmings bow to his authority, he will first have to become a true origami master. (10 min)

00:40 00:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Cartoon Bear. The Lemmings are all lined up on the couch to watch a cartoon film where a mouse plays nasty tricks on a cat. Grizzy, who has decided to take his nap, switches off the TV and confiscates the batteries of the remote control to make sure they can't switch their program back on. But is it wise to frustrate a gang of Lemmings who've been inspired by a gag-filled cartoon? (5 min)

00:45 01:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

XXL Bear. Once again, Grizzy shows the Lemmings that they just don't measure up to him physically and that the last jar of chocolate spread is for the strongest. The Lemmings find a way around this by increasing the power of a lamp that accelerates plant growth and instantly expand themselves to... bear size. (15 min)

01:00 01:10

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

The Hero Trap. The Mushlets love Mush-Mush's heroic stories. But when they demand to see him actually do something heroic, Mush-Mush feels he can't back out... and so ends up stuck up a cliff. Relieved to be rescued by Chep and Lilit, Mush-Mush is about to admit that he isn't a hero when the Mushlets find themselves in danger. Now Mush-Mush has no choice but to be a real hero! (10 min)

01:10 01:25

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Bird Call. Chanterelle has built a whistle that can reproduce the most beautiful sound of the forest: the one of the Nightingale. When the whistle disappears, Mush-Mush, Chep and Lilit soon discover that it has been stolen by a beetle. In order to finally hear what a real Nightingale sounds like, they'll have to get it back! (15 min)

01:25 01:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Let It Bee. Wanting to rush off to climb Mush Mountain, Mush-Mush is in a hurry checking nectar level in flowers... a job that takes time and care. Soon Mush-Mush's haste causes disaster when he scares all the bees away. Now Mush-Mush and friends have to find a way to lure the bees back... (15 min)

01:40 01:55

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

The Staff Of Wisdom. Mush-Mush is amazed by the way Mushpot uses his staff of wisdom and how awesome it makes him look. Mush-Mush wants to be as cool as Mushpot and asks him to lend him his staff of wisdom. But the staff comes with a lot of responsibilities... (15 min)

01:55 02:05

Bugs Bunny Builders

Beach Battle. When The Looney Builders enter a sandcastle building contest, Tweety sees the competition and loses confidence in his idea. (10 min)

02:05 02:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

Soup Up. As The Looney Builders help Petunia build a greenhouse, she can’t wait for the veggies to grow and does everything she can to speed up the process. (20 min)

02:25 02:35

Bugs Bunny Builders

Squirreled Away. The Looney Builders build Tibs Squirrel a closet in his tree, but it won’t fit all of Tibs’ stuff and he doesn’t want to get rid of anything. (10 min)

02:35 02:50

Bugs Bunny Builders

Looney Science. The Looney Builders build a science museum in the desert where Wile E. Coyote becomes distracted by the Road Runner. (15 min)

02:50 03:00


Ace in the Hole. When a group of alley dogs, aided by a heroic stray, are saved from Catwoman by kind-hearted Buff, he brings them all back to live in the Batcave, unbeknownst to the rest of the Bat-Family. (10 min)

03:00 03:15


Batty Body Swap. After agreeing to swap motherboards and change bodies, the Batwheels have to quickly learn to “drive a mile in each other’s wheels” in time to stop the approaching Legion of Zoom! (15 min)

03:15 03:25


A Jet Out of Water. After refusing to practice with her new underwater mode, Batwing is unable to save Batman from Penguin's sunken ship trap. The Batwheels must help Wing practice her submersible skills before she can save the day. (10 min)

03:25 03:35


Bibi's Bad Day. Bibi has a terrible no-good day after she keeps messing up and lets Joker get away. She doesn’t think he can help Batgirl anymore, but a “bad today” doesn’t mean it’ll be a “bad tomorrow". (10 min)

03:35 03:50


Mechanic Panic. When Jestah injures herself preparing for an extreme sports competition with the other Zoomers, Bibi helps her overcome her fear of going to the mechanic so she can heal up in time to compete. (15 min)

03:50 03:55

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Musical Battle. Grizzy comes home and discovers the Lemmings dancing madly and throws them into the jungle where they meet a parrot that can reproduce any sound. The bird becomes their ally to distract Grizzy and recover their musical equipment. (5 min)

03:55 04:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Day and Night. The Lemmings organize an obstacle course in their cabin. Grizzy ejects the Lemmings from the cabin and they crash onto an Incan temple where they discover a spheric object that can control the Earth's rotation. (10 min)

04:05 04:15

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Tilted Lemings. The Lemmings get hold of an old pinball machine and install it in the cabin. Their furious party interrupts Grizzy's nap and the bear threatens to break the contraption. (10 min)

04:15 04:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Recreational Botany. Grizzy, a big chocolate lover, is growing a young cacao tree under an ultraviolet lamp. During a trampoline session, the Lemmings accidentally break the lamp, provoking a supernatural reaction. (5 min)

04:20 04:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Generational Conflict. During a fight, Grizzy and the Lemmings stumble upon a Mayan temple lost in the jungle. Once inside, they set off a magic reaction that creates doubles of themselves at different ages. (10 min)

04:30 04:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Breathless. Short on food supplies, Grizzy has gone out to gather fruit. He comes back with a basketful but discovers that the Lemmings have stolen the last helping of Yummy chocolate spread in the cabin. A fight breaks out. (5 min)

04:35 04:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Ancient Brainteaser. The Lemmings take off with the last jar of Yummy chocolate spread. Grizzy catches up with them but they drop the jar and it lands in a nearby sacred temple. While trying to get inside, they accidentally activate a mechanism that blocks the entrance. Grizzy and the Lemmings must resolve riddles and overcome dangerous obstacles along the path to the Yummy – before the other one gets there first! (5 min)

04:40 04:50

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Couch Wrestling. The Lemmings organize wrestling combats on the living room couch. Grizzy, weary of the clamor, stops the match. The displeased Lemmings retaliate, but during their fight the cabin's wood floor caves in and they all fall into an old sidecar with four wrestling masks inside. Grizzy, two Lemmings and a partridge launch into a pitiless combat. (10 min)

04:50 05:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Goldrush. After a spat over a jar of Yummy, Grizzy and the Lemmings find gold leaf-wrapped chocolate bits scattered in the jungle. Delicious! On the backs of a bat and a tapir, the rodents and the bear fight over the harvest of candy. (10 min)

05:00 05:05

Mighty Mike

The Guard Dog. Mike's got some company! A stray dog shows up at the Mikkelsens and the family is instantly impressed when he scares off the raccoons with a display of macho barking. Cassius is real guard dog material and it looks as though if Mike doesn't shape up he might be out of a job. When the racoons break in again Mike has a real fight on his hands to prove he's top dog. (5 min)

05:05 05:10

Mighty Mike

Who's The Boss. Tom walks in and catches Mercury trying to break into in the garage. He thinks Mercury would make the cool, exciting pet he's always wanted. To Mike's horror, Tom makes him promise to make sure nothing happens to Mercury while he's at school. Mike, ever the obedient pooch, does his best but the turtles want Mercury out of the house. Mercury is making himself way too comfortable. Mike will need to use all his brainpower to kick the unwanted guest out of the house and enlists Freddy as an unlikely ally. (5 min)

05:10 05:25

Mighty Mike

Dog-Gone. Louise draws a bunch of hearts and flowers on Mike during a makeup game. Mike sees the results and he's absolutely horrified. When Iris shows up, Mike has no choice but to hide. The raccoons take advantage of Mike's predicament to try to rob the house. Mike's only choice is to defeat the raccoons without being seen by anyone... especially Iris. (15 min)

05:25 05:30

Mighty Mike

The Fourth Turtle. Mike, Iris and the turtles are playing a game of ping pong when a mysterious aged turtle arrives on the patio and gets hit by the ball. Mike and Iris take the poor injured turtle inside to recuperate, but all is not what it seems. The turtle is a master thief and his injury was all made up to steal a shiny Faberge egg from the Mikkelsen's house. Can Mike figure it out before it's too late? (5 min)

05:30 05:40

Mighty Mike

Trojan Racoons. The raccoons find a brilliant way of getting into the Mikkelsen's house without anyone noticing by getting mailed to the house inside in a cardboard box. Mike falls for it and the raccoons are free to steal whatever they want in their few minutes of freedom inside the house. The racoons skedaddle back to their lair, but instead of stealing the loot, Mercury brings back an old grandfather clock that belonged to the family's grandmother. Now Mike has to break into the raccoon's lair, retrieve the family heirloom and give the raccoons a taste of their own medicine. (10 min)

05:40 05:45

Mighty Mike

Mike's Paws. Mike is running around like a headless chicken: saving Fluffy from danger, stopping the turtles from breaking everything in the house, and fighting the raccoons. He's in serious need of a break. Seeing how overworked Mike is, Iris and the turtles decide to take over Mike's duties for the day so the exhausted pooch can get a well-deserved rest. The friends mean well but they might have underestimated just how hard Mike's job is! (5 min)

05:45 06:00

Mighty Mike

Sauna. It's cold and grey outside. Mike invites Iris over to warm up over a hot chocolate. The raccoons sneak into the house and damage the Mikkelsen's home Automation Temperature regulator in the process. Now the house is randomly flipping between blistering hot to freezing cold. Mike has to face danger, overcome challenges, and battle the elements in order to boot the raccoons out of the house. (15 min)

06:00 06:10

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

In The Garden. Mr Bean’s attempt to cut the grass is thwarted by a pesky root which refuses to budge. When Mr Bean breaks his spade he heads to the local Garden Centre to find a replacement. But instead of simply buying one he enters a gardening competition to win one - judged by none other than the Queen herself! Its gardening gloves off when Mr Bean goes into battle with his rival green-fingered competitors. (10 min)

06:10 06:25

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

A Magic Day Out. Mr Bean and Irma are off for a day at the seaside. Irma is travelling light but Bean wants to take almost everything his owns in an enormous trunk. Arriving at the seaside Bean’s trunk gets accidentally swapped with a trunk belonging to a famous stage magician. As Bean entertains Irma pulling rabbits out of hats the angry magician arrives on the scene - and he’s not a happy bunny. (15 min)

06:25 06:40

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Ball Pool. Mr Bean loves playing in the neighbourhood soft play centre – bouncing on the trampolines whizzing down the slides and most of all immersing himself in the ball pool. But he doesn’t like sharing the place with all those annoying kids. So Bean decides to turn his flat into his own private play area where he can play in peace. Unfortunately Irma Mrs Wicket and The Bruisers all want to join in the fun with him. (15 min)

06:40 06:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Pizza Bean. Mr Bean orders a takeaway pizza but when it arrives he feels let down by the size of it. So he sets out to bake his own unique Teddy shaped pizzas. Under the name Pizza Bean his pizzas become extremely popular and very soon business in booming. As a result rival pizza producer Don Crustyoni sees his profits plummeting and decides to make Mr Bean an offer he can’t refuse. (15 min)

06:55 07:05

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

The Photograph. Mr Bean is not allowed to fly off on holiday as his passport has no photograph. After failing to get one from a photo booth he tries numerous other ways to get his photo taken including photobombing a tourist’s snap. None of these work but after Bean is arrested maybe the police can assist him. Say cheese! (10 min)

07:05 07:25

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Dancing Bean. Mr Bean wants to impress Irma by entering them both into a dance competition at the local park. But his tango is terrible and his rumba ridiculous so he enrols for lessons at a local dance school. After an unsuccessful class at the dance studio and a trip to the library to teach himself Mr Bean has lost track of time. He needs to make it up to a disgruntled Irma but will his homemade effort ‘win’ her over. (20 min)

07:25 07:35

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Bean Shopping. Mr Bean manages to get himself locked in a department store overnight while spending too long trying on clothes. Bean takes advantage of the situation having fun in the various departments. But when he discovers a robbery taking place the fun and games stop as the desperate burglar chases Bean from floor to floor and all around the store. (10 min)

07:35 07:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

Game Over. Mr. Bean becomes obsessed with gaming after being introduced by Mrs. Wicket's nephew. He decides he must have his own console only to discover how expensive they are. But as luck would have it he arrives at the shop at closing time to discover that tomorrow there will be a special sale. All he has to do is be first in line… (20 min)

07:55 08:05

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

Special Delivery. Mrs. Wicket demands that Bean stay in to take delivery of a new lounge chair. He is forced to dress up as Mrs. Wicket when Brian the Delivery Man won't deliver the chair to anyone but Mrs. Wicket. Then Brian falls in love with 'her' and asks 'her' out on a date. Bean accepts because he's starving hungry. How long can he keep up the deception? Long enough to fill his stomach? (10 min)

08:05 08:20

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

A Dog's Life. Mr Bean dog-sits for Irma and while in the park comes across a professional dog-walker. This guy’s making a fortune while Bean is doing it for free! That evening posters go up and the next morning Bean has four dogs to look after. But who is going to walk whom? (15 min)

08:20 08:30

Tom and Jerry

What’s That Smell. One cat’s delicacy is another mouse’s poison. Tom and Jerry get caught in a thorny issue over the aroma of durian. Will the King of Fruits help reconcile their differences? (10 min)

08:30 08:40

Bugs Bunny Builders

Mini Golf. The Looney Builders redesign the final hole of ACME Acres Mini Golf Course, and Porky is determined to get it just right for the kids. (10 min)

08:40 09:00

Bugs Bunny Builders

Castle Hassle. Prince Lionel of England hires The Looney Builders to build him a party room for his birthday, then proceeds to boss the crew around. (20 min)

09:00 09:10

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

Haunted House. Mr. Bean is trying to impress some kids in the park with his football skills but winds up kicking their ball into a dilapidated scary-looking house. He has to go in and get it back. A feral cat living inside decides to steal Teddy and in the chase around the insides of the house Bean manages something not even a wrecking ball can do. (10 min)

09:10 09:25

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

Eau De Bean. Mr. Bean accidentally spills all of Mrs. Wicket’s new expensive perfume on the floor. In an attempt to hide his crime and refill the empty bottle he tries to recreate the smell – by adding all sorts of odd and strange ingredients. He might be able to fool Mrs. Wicket but can he fool Scrapper and all the neighbourhood cats? (15 min)

09:25 09:35

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

Running on Empty. Mr Bean is on his way to the seaside when the mini runs out of petrol. Undeterred he manages to get a push but for some reason the do-gooders don’t want to push him all the way to the beach! Instead he uses wind power piggy backs on a car transporter and 802harnesses up some horses to try and get to his destination. (10 min)

09:35 09:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

Bean Bug. Scrapper gives Bean fleas and Bean is forced to call in the pest control person. His flat will take 24 hours to fumigate. Bean begs Mrs. Wicket to let him stay with her. She agrees as long as Bean helps her with cooking cleaning etc. 24 hours later and Bean is desperate to see the back of her. The feeling is mutual. But then Mrs. Wicket starts itching … (20 min)

09:55 10:00

Lucas the Spider

Tongue Twister. When Bodhi’s tongue gets hurt, it’s up to Dr. Lucas to help. (5 min)

10:00 10:05

Lucas the Spider

Sleeping Dogs. Lucas and Findley discover a cake, and they try to keep Avocado asleep so everyone can have some. (5 min)

10:05 10:10

Lucas the Spider

Skunked. Avocado gets skunked. Thankfully, Lucas helps her laugh at the situation. (5 min)

10:10 10:30

Lucas the Spider

Arlo And The Snake. Lucas has to convince Arlo that the garden hose isn’t a snake. (20 min)

10:30 10:35

Silly Sundays

Picnic Hill. Hugo wants all the family to reach the top of Picnic Hill. When he realises they won't make it, he learns to appreciate the things around him. (5 min)

10:35 10:40

Silly Sundays

Sit Still, Sonia. Sonia tries her best to keep still during play time and along with all the family she learns the benefits of taking a break. (5 min)

10:40 10:50

Silly Sundays

The Last Cookie. Hugo and Sonia discover their cookies have been eaten and when they follow the clues, they discover something even sweeter. (10 min)

10:50 11:00

Thomas & Friends - Shorts XXV

Skiff Upon the Sea (10 min)

11:00 11:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Lemming Gum. The Lemmings find a pack of icy mints that literally chill your breath. One blast from anyone who eats them freezes everything in sight. Grizzy does not particularly care for this frosty ambiance and tries to take their candy away. (5 min)

11:05 11:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Lemming Juice. Grizzy can't believe it: he has just swallowed a spoonful of his favorite food, chocolate spread, and he hates it! How could that be possible? And yet, when he swiped the jar from the Lemmings, they seemed to be enjoying it immensely. A quick investigation reveals that the Lemmings added a dash of lemon juice to the jar to give the spread a sharper taste. And they intend to jazz up the rest of the stock as well! (5 min)

11:10 11:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Zen Bear. Grizzy discovers the fondness of his beloved she-bear for meditation. To seduce her, he sets out to prove to her that he too can attain the Zen attitude. This demands practice, of course, but it especially demands lots of willpower and concentration to get rid of the rowdy Lemmings without losing one's temper. (15 min)

11:25 11:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Ctrl+Alt+Bear. Grizzy and the Lemmings discover a super-secret Canadian Army prototype which resembles a simple computer keyboard. It has only several command keys: select, cut and paste, and delete, but the keys act directly on surrounding elements... as well as on living beings! (5 min)

11:30 11:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Lemming Bowling. The Lemmings are having a blast with a bowling game they found in the Ranger's storeroom. Grizzy hastens to destroy the pins to ensure his peace and quiet. But the Lemmings discover a remote-control device that can modify the ball's weight. By setting it on maximum, the ball could knock over much more than pins: furniture, a bear and even a log cabin! (10 min)

11:40 11:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Mushroom Hunt. After the rains, to the great delight of the Lemmings, strange bouncing mushrooms have sprouted in the yard. To put an end to the Lemmings' noisy games - which prevent Grizzy from enjoying his peace and quiet - Grizzy tramples the mushrooms. Only to realize that each crushed mushroom frees a cloud of spores that instantly creates... a bunch of identical mushrooms. (5 min)

11:45 12:00

Thomas & Friends - Shorts XXVI

Train School: Under the Meadow. Our engines learn about kindness to animals when Nia figures out how to save a baby duckling trapped in the tracks. (15 min)

12:00 12:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Stories. The Looney Builders are hired by Hoots Talon to expand and paint the old library. They enlist master painter Sylvester who faces his fear of heights with his build buddy, Tweety. (10 min)

12:10 12:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

Smash House. The Looney Builders learn that Taz accidentally destroyed his house, so they set out to build him a new one that’s smash-proof. (15 min)

12:25 12:35

Jessica's Big Little World

The Big Kid Playground. Jessica goes in the big kid part of the playground for the first time, and befriends Stanleigh. (10 min)

12:35 12:55

Jessica's Big Little World

Grocery Store Friend. While helping Duane at the supermarket, Jessica meets a new friend and has trouble staying focused on her responsibilities. (20 min)

12:55 13:00

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

A Kick in the Tail. When Tuffy shows an interest in soccer, Jerry decides to be the little guy's coach and show him how the game is really played by beating Tom in a one-on-one match. (5 min)

13:00 13:10

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Broom for Improvement. The gang does battle with a magical broom. (10 min)

13:10 13:20

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Puppy Guard. An over protected Spike goes to extreme lengths to keep his precious pup safe from harm. (10 min)

13:20 13:30

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Bones of Contention. Spike's bones are missing, and Frankie the Rat is the culprit. Now all they have to do is catch in the dirty rat in the act. (10 min)

13:30 13:35

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Farmed and Dangerous. Things get crazy down on the farm when a cat and mouse pursuit lead Jerry to hide his turtle egg in a hen's nest. (5 min)

13:35 13:40

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Slam Dunk. The Cat and Mouse are hired to find out who absconded with Hoops McJumpalot's lucky hightop sneakers. (5 min)

13:40 14:00

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Attachment Disorder. Tom and Spike get glued together. (20 min)

14:00 14:10

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Young Bean. When did Mr. Bean first meet his teddy bear? Did he really learn to drive his mini at the age of ten? Could he possibly have known his battle-axe of a landlady when she was a sweet and blushing bride? Bean takes us on a journey into the past, answering these questions and giving us an inkling as to what made him the man he is today. (10 min)

14:10 14:25

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

In the pink. Mr. Bean finds himself lumbered with an unwanted pet in the form of a four-legged ball of pink fur with piggy eyes and a penchant for earthworms. Encyclopedias leave him none the wiser as to the identity of the pesky creature but Bean can’t bring himself to just abandon it. The puzzle is eventually solved after a picnic in the park and a raid on the local pet shop. (15 min)

14:25 14:35

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Dinner for two. Mr. Bean forgets the golden rule: never fall asleep in the bath when you've got a chicken in the oven. So what romantic meal can he quickly rustle-up for his luckless girlfriend, Irma Gobb? The cheese from the mousetrap? The flower from the vase? A meal is eventually provided by an uninvited guest. (10 min)

14:35 14:50

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

The Ball. The nasty tennis player is big and angry and wants his ball back. The one Mr. Bean managed to throw on the roof of a house across the road. Paralysed with vertigo sixty feet up on a windowsill, he is eventually brought to earth by the helpful intervention of a neighbour’s pet gerbil. (15 min)

14:50 15:00

Meet the Batwheels

Bat Surfin'. Surf-riding musical mayhem with Batman, Robin, and the Batwheels! (10 min)

15:00 15:05

Silly Sundays

Crab's Home. Sonia and Hugo build a new house for a beach crab and learn the importance of respecting nature. (5 min)

15:05 15:10

Silly Sundays

Magic Trick. Hugo struggles to perform a magic trick until he discovers the fun in thinking on his feet. (5 min)

15:10 15:20

Silly Sundays

Yellow Sock. When Hugo can't find his favourite Sunday Socks, he learns that his socks aren't what make Sunday's fun in the first place. (10 min)

15:20 15:30

Thomas & Friends - Shorts XXV

Diesel's Rules (10 min)

15:30 16:00

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Friends of the Forest. While they are enjoying the longest day of the summer, Mush-Mush, Chep and Lilit realise that the forest is drying out. Worried, Mushpot explains to our friends that the Tree of Life, that regenerate the entire forest, is dying! There is only one Mushable who could help Mushpot to save the forest: Starmush. But the Mushelders haven’t gotten along for years. Will they be able to put their differences aside in order to save the Tree of Life before it’s too late? (30 min)

16:00 16:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Tweety-Go-Round. Tweety leads The Looney Builders in building a new merry-go-round at the park for the kids. His crane breaks down and his small size affects his ability to contribute to the build. (10 min)

16:10 16:30

Bugs Bunny Builders

Stories. The Looney Builders are hired by Hoots Talon to expand and paint the old library. They enlist master painter Sylvester who faces his fear of heights with his build buddy, Tweety. (20 min)

16:30 16:40

Jessica's Big Little World

Glow Toy. When Jessica can’t get a new toy to work, she learns a new way to appreciate it. (10 min)

16:40 16:55

Jessica's Big Little World

Jessica's Restaurant. Jessica opens a restaurant with her good friend Stanleigh, but will they be able to keep their customers happy? (15 min)

16:55 17:00

The Tom and Jerry Show II

X Marks the Thumpin'. Not wanting to miss a marathon of their favorite TV show, Butch and Meathead give Tom a fake treasure map in exchange for a little TV time. While they try to get comfortable in Rick and Ginger's house, Tom and Jerry must figure out a way to circumvent Spike when they realize his house is sitting directly atop their riches. (5 min)

17:00 17:10

The Tom and Jerry Show II

Dragon Down the Holidays. Hildie sends Tom and Jerry into the woods to find a baby dragon who they befriend on their way home. But when Hildie tells them she plans on making the dragon into dinner, Tom and Jerry work together to save him. (10 min)

17:10 17:25

The Tom and Jerry Show II

Baby Blues. While Rick and Ginger are looking after their adorable niece for the weekend, Rick jokingly puts Spike in charge of keeping the kid safe while Ginger goes to the store. Taking his new job seriously, Spike swears that nothing will happen to the baby. Naturally, this is where Tom and Jerry arrive on the scene to wreak havoc and make Spike's babysitting job quite possibly be his last! (15 min)

17:25 17:30

The Tom and Jerry Show II

Build-A-Beast. When Hildie and Beatie believe they've had a few of their things stolen, they employ a little magic to create Bog, the Cottage Beast. In order to prove that Bog is overkill, however, Tom and Jerry must confess to borrowing the "stolen" goods to beat up on each other. (5 min)

17:30 17:35

The Tom and Jerry Show II

No Fly Zone. After Tom finally drifts off to sleep, Jerry heads for the coveted wedge of cheese in the kitchen – only to have a pesky fly get between him and his meal. Even though Jerry offers to share the cheese, the winged cheese bandit sets out to do his very best to make sure that Jerry will never enjoy that cheese – including waking up Tom! (5 min)

17:35 17:45

The Tom and Jerry Show II

Charity Case. Feeling bad for giving Tom's precious blanket to "Badwill," Jerry's determined to get it back. But with all the bizarre, enchanted items that have been donated over the centuries, getting anything back from Badwill is not easily done. (10 min)

17:45 18:00

The Tom and Jerry Show II

Duck, Duck, Loose. Quacker's sleepwalking habit creates mischief and mayhem for Tom and Jerry during an overnight sleepover. (15 min)

18:00 18:10


License to Joke. When Redbird tries his hand at espionage as “V-8, the Super-Spy”, he quickly realizes he's gotten in over his head, so Redbird teams up with Bibi to save the Amusement Mile from Dr. Spy! (10 min)

18:10 18:25


Ace in the Hole. When a group of alley dogs, aided by a heroic stray, are saved from Catwoman by kind-hearted Buff, he brings them all back to live in the Batcave, unbeknownst to the rest of the Bat-Family. (15 min)

18:25 18:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Couch Wrestling. The Lemmings organize wrestling combats on the living room couch. Grizzy, weary of the clamor, stops the match. The displeased Lemmings retaliate, but during their fight the cabin's wood floor caves in and they all fall into an old sidecar with four wrestling masks inside. Grizzy, two Lemmings and a partridge launch into a pitiless combat. (10 min)

18:35 18:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Goldrush. After a spat over a jar of Yummy, Grizzy and the Lemmings find gold leaf-wrapped chocolate bits scattered in the jungle. Delicious! On the backs of a bat and a tapir, the rodents and the bear fight over the harvest of candy. (5 min)

18:40 18:55

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Theft Reactions. Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over the last spoonful of Yummy. Their brawl is interrupted when they happen upon a full crate of chocolate spread in the garage. The rodents snatch the crate and take off on a drone. The bear catches up with them, mounted on the back of a giant bat, but the cargo falls onto the roof of a sacred Mayan temple that's boobytrapped! When they recover the Yummy, Grizzy and the Lemmings are pursued by a stone giant! (15 min)

18:55 19:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

High Tension Fireflies. Night has fallen and the solar panels do not generate enough electricity to charge Grizzy's TV. He sees the Lemmings playing with fireflies that could make his panels work, and tries to distract the Lemmings and capture the fireflies. (5 min)

19:00 19:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Skull of Discord. After stealing Grizzy's jar of Yummy chocolate spread, the Lemmings propel the bear far from the log cabin. Grizzy lands in a temple where he finds a crystal skull which gives you the power to cause chaos. (10 min)

19:10 19:15

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Polar Bear. Nutty Hill is suffering from a stifling heat wave. Searching in vain for a bit of cool air, Grizzy suddenly has a brilliant idea. He'll get into the fridge, where the temperature will be more bearable. One slight detail, the refrigerator shelves are already full of Lemmings. (5 min)

19:15 19:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Spread. Grizzy is frustrated: just as he was about to coat a nice big fresh salmon with chocolate spread and snuggle up in front of the TV, he discovers that the pantry is empty! His frustration transforms into rage when he finds the last jar in the clutches of the Lemmings, who are organizing a sort of "beach party" in the sandbox. (15 min)

19:30 19:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Race The Beast. Mush-Mush and his friends are determined to win the bark sledge race, but their essential fourth team member drops out. Our friends ask Mushpot to step up from being their coach to racing with them. The Mushelder is reluctant at first but soon reveals the tough competitor he is! (10 min)

19:40 20:00

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Surprise, It's Spring. Puff doesn't like change much. And with spring about to burst forth and all the changes spring brings, he is puffing out nervous fog which is blanketing the whole of Mushton. Mush-Mush and friends need to get Puff to relax and celebrate spring together with all the other Mushables! (20 min)

20:00 20:10

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Hopping Mad! When the frogspawn in Mr. Bean’s bath hatch out, it’s the last thing his landlady needs, especially when she’s invited the Mayor for tea. Hundreds of angry amphibians decide to invite themselves as well. Bean proves to be no expert at catching slippery green things that won’t stop hopping about all over the blinking place. (10 min)

20:10 20:25

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

A Grand Invitation. Mr. Bean meets an aristocratic old lady when he nearly runs over her lapdog with his mini. He’s thrilled to be invited for luncheon at her grand but strangely shabby mansion. Bean is determined to rise to the occasion. He’s so busy with matters of protocol he doesn’t notice that the lady and her sinister butler aren’t quite what they seem… (15 min)

20:25 20:40

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

A Royal Make-over. How does one choose tasteful wallpaper these days? After watching a royal documentary on TV, Mr. Bean decides to decorate his room in the style of Buckingham Palace. If the Queen’s new wallpaper is good enough for Her Royal Highness, then it’s going to be good enough for him. Meanwhile, his landlady, Mrs. Wicket, suffers from illusions of grandeur and crowns herself Queen of the street. (15 min)

20:40 20:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

SuperMarrow. Mr. Bean finds himself in a race to grow a giant marrow with his next-door neighbour. There’s prize money at stake and a chance to get his photo in the papers. And so, as the competition gets tough, Bean’s gardening techniques become more ingenious, unconventional and desperate. (15 min)

20:55 21:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Mass Control. While searching for the television remote control, Grizzy discovers a gadget that controls various functions in the cabin. Hup! One button and there's light! Hup! Another surveys the house's nooks and crannies. Grizzy will finally be able to rid himself of the Lemmings, without even leaving the couch! But beware of losing control... (10 min)

21:05 21:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Under Control. To make sure that the Lemmings don't snatch his chocolate spread while he's taking his nap, Grizzy turns the fridge into a safe - combination lock and all. The Lemmings try in vain to break into the fridge until they see Grizzy open the door while sleepwalking. Unfortunately, Grizzy wakes up at the crucial moment. The Lemmings do everything possible to make him fall back asleep as quick as possible. (5 min)

21:10 21:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Popcorn Party. The Lemmings have invented a new popcorn game which consists of throwing popcorn and catching it with their mouths. Grizzy notices that his lovely she-bear seems to be drawn by the scent of the grilled corn and decides to invite her over for a snack, just the two of them. But first, he must quickly recover the popcorn from the Lemmings. (15 min)

21:25 21:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Dancing with the Bears. Grizzy wants to learn to dance the mambo to please the she-bear he's in love with, for she truly adores this rhythm. He finds a learning kit at the ranger's home which has a dance carpet with footprints that light up in rhythm. The only problem is that Lemmings want the ghetto-blaster to continue their rave party to an entirely different beat. (5 min)

21:30 21:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Role Change. After receiving a terrible blow over the head, Grizzy is no longer the same: he thinks he's a rodent! He tries to get the gang to adopt him so that he might participate in their fun and games like any other Lemming. But it's not long before his newfound comrades start to find him rather heavy! (10 min)

21:40 21:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Lemming Tonic. Grizzy is exhausted and the couch has never seemed so enticing! He goes to fetch a pillow and a sleeping mask, but the Lemmings have entirely different plans for the couch. They see it as a fabulous trampoline and the ideal spot for an aerobics session. To win the right to have his nap, the weary bear must first contend with the super-energetic Lemmings! (5 min)

21:45 22:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Itch. Grizzy discovers that the frenzied "break dance" the Lemmings are doing is actually due to the fleas they are infested with. When Grizzy catches them too, it's panic all round! Grizzy is determined to eliminate the parasites, down to the very last one. The problem is his little roommates have no desire whatsoever to be treated... (15 min)

22:00 22:10

Alice & Lewis

Crazy Hide and Seek. Alice has bought herself a gorgeous new cap but gets laughed at when she wears it to school. Seriously embarrassed, she escapes to Wonderland. Today just happens to be “Hide & Seek Day” in the kingdom – a game that has all the subjects quaking with fear. And for good reason: whoever remains unfound will vanish forever! Of course, Alice is unaware of this rule and hides so well that she doesn’t get spotted. She subsequently starts becoming more and more transparent, finally turning invisible! Her friends MUST find a way to make her visible again! (10 min)

22:10 22:30

Alice & Lewis

Cutie-Twee Safari. Alice loves adventures in the wilderness. So imagine her joy at having the opportunity to accompany her friends on a trip to look for CutieTwees – the magic little critters that embellish Wonderland with their various colors! It’s also a chance for Alice and Lewis to see how the Twins go about taming these wild creatures. But a word of warning: one must be careful at all times while out in the wild, especially when you’re dealing with critters with extraordinary powers! (20 min)

22:30 22:40

Alice & Lewis

Ahahaha! Feeling in a jokey mood, Alice catches up with Lewis while he’s paying a visit to the Book-Wizard. Unfortunately, the latter doesn’t appreciate the little girl’s jokes! And when the Queen turns up on the scene, he tells the two friends to leave. But in her hasty departure, Alice accidentally takes a piece of paper with a treasure map drawn on it! Unable to resist, she heads off to hunt for said treasure… which turns out to be the Book-Wizard’s joke book which he had purposefully buried to make sure the Queen would never come across it. Oops! (10 min)

22:40 22:50

Alice & Lewis

Too Full For School. Alice has to learn a bunch of math for a school test. She pays a visit to Lewis, hoping he might be able to help her. But his method is so efficient that Alice learns EVERYTHING! Wow – couldn’t ask for more! However, when she goes back to the real world, she makes a fool of herself during the test: all the knowledge she has is Wonderland knowledge, which has nothing to do with that of the real world. Oops – she’d better get back and see Lewis fast so they can find a solution to this tricky equation! (10 min)

22:50 23:00

Lu & The Bally Bunch - Shorts

Talking About Family. The bugs talk about their families. (10 min)

23:00 23:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Sea School. The Looney Builders face underwater challenges as they build a sea school for Moxie Manatee. (10 min)

23:10 23:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

Mail Whale. The Looney Builders try to help Winston Whale by building him a mail truck, but Winston is used to working alone. (15 min)

23:25 23:35

Bugs Bunny Builders

Underwater Star. Moxie Manatee hires The Looney Builders to build an obstacle course for the Sandy Shells Preschool Games, but Lola isn’t listening to her crew. (10 min)

23:35 23:50

Bugs Bunny Builders

Cheddar Days. The Mouse Sisters hire The Looney Builders to build a cheese café featuring a mural by Sylvester who is having a bad day. (15 min)

23:50 00:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Never Judge a Bear by Its Cover. The Lemmings lay their hands on a full crate of chocolate spread, which they hide somewhere behind Grizzy's back. And since the Lemmings are both prudent and cunning, it's impossible to surprise them when they pay a visit to their secret hoard. Until the day Grizzy discovers a magic ring that enables him to take on the appearance of a Lemming. (10 min)

00:00 00:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Bear Glasses. Grizzy is persuaded that he's discovered the ultimate gadget for good living: a pair of connected glasses for watching TV in panoramic view, with all sorts of indicators, namely an intrusion warning signal. There is only one real drawback: the speedometer function which the Lemmings adore. (5 min)

00:05 00:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Bear Under Close Protection. The Lemmings clamor for their turn to play with the ranger's mobile phone, but Grizzy isn't in the sharing mood. And he's very talented at flattening anything that comes near, without looking up from his game. The Lemmings invent an implacable protection system which should enable them to recover the mobile in complete safety. (15 min)

00:20 00:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Zero Visibility. Grizzy is captivated by a mime artist on TV who makes viewers believe in the presence of an invisible wall. To get rid of the Lemmings, who have sights on his jar of Yummy, Grizzy hides the jar and pretends he has an invisible one. When the Lemmings see through the trick, they decide to trap Grizzy with a grand illusion number. (5 min)

00:25 00:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Intensive Care. The Lemmings shiver with cold, sneeze and are glassy-eyed: they have a big fat cold! They look so pitiful that Grizzy doesn't have the heart to throw them into the void, even if they are extremely annoying when they try to snuggle up to him to keep warm. He decides to heal them: the quicker they get better, the quicker Grizzy will be able to get rid of them pitilessly. (5 min)

00:30 00:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Lemming Gum. The Lemmings find a pack of icy mints that literally chill your breath. One blast from anyone who eats them freezes everything in sight. Grizzy does not particularly care for this frosty ambiance and tries to take their candy away. (10 min)

00:40 00:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Lemming Juice. Grizzy can't believe it: he has just swallowed a spoonful of his favorite food, chocolate spread, and he hates it! How could that be possible? And yet, when he swiped the jar from the Lemmings, they seemed to be enjoying it immensely. A quick investigation reveals that the Lemmings added a dash of lemon juice to the jar to give the spread a sharper taste. And they intend to jazz up the rest of the stock as well! (5 min)

00:45 01:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Zen Bear. Grizzy discovers the fondness of his beloved she-bear for meditation. To seduce her, he sets out to prove to her that he too can attain the Zen attitude. This demands practice, of course, but it especially demands lots of willpower and concentration to get rid of the rowdy Lemmings without losing one's temper. (15 min)

01:00 01:10

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

The Snake Dance. When Mush-Mush and Chep lose Lilit's flying disc down a snake tunnel, he is confident he can get it back. All animals love Chep and no-one knows more about snakes than he does. But this snake is not to be messed with! When they finally sneak into the snake tunnel, they learn why the snake has been acting so strangely... (10 min)

01:10 01:25

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Grasshopper Chep. All the Mushables have fun zooming down a long mudslide except Chep, who just can't get up the courage to do it. But when Fung and Miff tease him for being scared, he promises that he will do something that no Mushable has ever done before... ride a grasshopper! Chep is in for the ride of his life! (15 min)

01:25 01:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

My Muddy Buddy. When Lilit creates a "friends tree" mapping out who everyone is best friends with in Mushton, she realizes Muddler has no friends at all. Unable to accept this, Lilit slips away to try and befriend him. But Muddler's perception of friendship is somewhat unique, meaning Lilit now needs the help of her two best friends, Mush-Mush and Chep, to escape from Muddler's clutches. (15 min)

01:40 01:55

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Mushlers To The Rescue. Having rescued a Mushlet, Mush-Mush, Chep and Lilit becomes heroes in Mushton, and they're loving it! So Mushlers create a rescue team... but, alas, no one needs saving! How can you be a hero when there is nothing to be heroic about?! Then when some Mushlets become adrift on the river, Team Mush-Mush, with Morel's help, have to save the day again. (15 min)

01:55 02:05

Bugs Bunny Builders

Sea School. The Looney Builders face underwater challenges as they build a sea school for Moxie Manatee. (10 min)

02:05 02:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

Mail Whale. The Looney Builders try to help Winston Whale by building him a mail truck, but Winston is used to working alone. (20 min)

02:25 02:35

Bugs Bunny Builders

Underwater Star. Moxie Manatee hires The Looney Builders to build an obstacle course for the Sandy Shells Preschool Games, but Lola isn’t listening to her crew. (10 min)

02:35 02:50

Bugs Bunny Builders

Cheddar Days. The Mouse Sisters hire The Looney Builders to build a cheese café featuring a mural by Sylvester who is having a bad day. (15 min)

02:50 03:00


To the Batmobile! When all of the Batwheels (except for Bam) mysteriously disappear, Bam enlists the help of A.D.A.M, the original Batmobile, to help save his friends. Along the way, Bam comes to appreciate the old-school mobile's different crimefighting style as they team up to take on the Legion of Zoom. (10 min)

03:00 03:15


Improvise My Ride. When Buff's trusty winch is knocked out of action by Poison Ivy, he must learn to improvise and come up with creative solutions on the fly. (15 min)

03:15 03:25


Dynamic Du-Oh-No. When Snowy and Jestah team up to execute a mysterious plan involving rare freeze-berries, Batwing and Buff pair up to take on the dastardly duo, but Batwing decides to carry out the mission herself, putting both her and Buff at risk. (10 min)

03:25 03:35


Sidekicked to the Curb. When Bam is sent to take on Prank, Redbird is forced to hang back because The Joker’s van is too dangerous! When Bam discovers that Redbird secretly tagged along, he’s upset… until Redbird bails him out of a tight spot. (10 min)

03:35 03:50


Bam's Upgrade. Feeling neglected after being passed over on missions, Bam asks MOE to install experimental upgrades to curry Batman's favor. But, when Bam's new powers are stronger than he can control, Batman – and the mission – are suddenly in danger! (15 min)

03:50 03:55

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Theft Reactions. Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over the last spoonful of Yummy. Their brawl is interrupted when they happen upon a full crate of chocolate spread in the garage. The rodents snatch the crate and take off on a drone. The bear catches up with them, mounted on the back of a giant bat, but the cargo falls onto the roof of a sacred Mayan temple that's boobytrapped! When they recover the Yummy, Grizzy and the Lemmings are pursued by a stone giant! (5 min)

03:55 04:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

High Tension Fireflies. Night has fallen and the solar panels do not generate enough electricity to charge Grizzy's TV. He sees the Lemmings playing with fireflies that could make his panels work, and tries to distract the Lemmings and capture the fireflies. (10 min)

04:05 04:15

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Skull of Discord. After stealing Grizzy's jar of Yummy chocolate spread, the Lemmings propel the bear far from the log cabin. Grizzy lands in a temple where he finds a crystal skull which gives you the power to cause chaos. (10 min)

04:15 04:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Polar Bear. Nutty Hill is suffering from a stifling heat wave. Searching in vain for a bit of cool air, Grizzy suddenly has a brilliant idea. He'll get into the fridge, where the temperature will be more bearable. One slight detail, the refrigerator shelves are already full of Lemmings. (5 min)

04:20 04:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Spread. Grizzy is frustrated: just as he was about to coat a nice big fresh salmon with chocolate spread and snuggle up in front of the TV, he discovers that the pantry is empty! His frustration transforms into rage when he finds the last jar in the clutches of the Lemmings, who are organizing a sort of "beach party" in the sandbox. (10 min)

04:30 04:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Cellular Bear. Grizzy's nap is interrupted by an annoying vibrating. He sees the forest ranger's cell phone on the couch. It has various functions, including a game to which he instantly becomes addicted. However the Lemmings, who have already detected the phone's music app, need it in order to transform the garage into a discotheque. (5 min)

04:35 04:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Jurassic Bear. Freed by the thawing ice, a mysterious giant egg slides up to the front door of the log cabin. The Lemmings watch the hatching of a large baby dinosaur that immediately mistakes them for his "mommies." Grizzy cannot tolerate a new intruder like this in the cabin, but how does one earn the respect of a gang of Lemmings armed with a T-Rex, even it is only a baby? (5 min)

04:40 04:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Extreme Fitness. In order to seduce the she-bear he's infatuated with, Grizzy decides to take things in hand and slim down with the ranger's bodybuilding equipment. But before starting his exercise routine, he will first have to settle the problem of the Lemmings, who are already using the machines as an amusement park. (5 min)

04:45 05:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Domestic Robots. By chance, Grizzy discovers that the ranger's new robot vacuum cleaner also gives very pleasant back massages. But the Lemmings see the new gadget more as a competition bumper car. No one wants to do the housecleaning, but everyone wants the robot vacuum cleaner! (15 min)

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