/ TV program


El Sistema

  • 28. 4. 2024, 8:41


El Sistema is a network of children’s and youth orchestras, music centres and workshops in Venezuela, in which more than 250,000 children and young people are currently learning to play an instrument. It was set up over thirty years ago by José Antonio Abreu, who was driven by a utopian vision of a better future. El Sistema’s story, which has all the makings of a fairy tale, is the extraordinary account of a vision that has become reality. Several of El Sistema’s young graduates now rank amongst the most coveted young talent in Europe – the most prominent being the conductor Gustavo Dudamel. The documentary ‘El Sistema’ shows how Abreu’s astonishing ideas have led the way out of the vicious circle of poverty and how the power of music has been able to change the lives of hundreds of thousands of young people. The film shows the gripping way El Sistema functions on a daily basis in a typical nucléo: the La Rinconada nucléo is located next to the barrio of the same name. The area around the nucléo is considered one of the poorest and most dangerous areas in Caracas. Up to 300 children find their daily destination here. (101 min)

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