/ TV program



  • 7. 4. 2024, 1:45

PHENOMENAL. Seg 1 Iridescence. Iridescence is the phenomenon where surfaces reflect a multitude of colors at once and could change color perspectives upon shifting the angle of viewing. Iridescence is caused by interference, where light gets reflected or cancelled out by the structures of the surfaces. Seg 2 Chemiluminescence. Chemiluminescence is the phenomenon of producing light energy through chemical reactions. The byproduct of a chemiluminescent reaction, instead of heat energy, is a photon or a light particle. Only selected compounds are capable of producing chemiluminescence, usually highly oxidized compounds when reacting with another compound. Seg 3 Bioluminescence. Bioluminescence is a form of chemiluminescence, only that this occurs in living things. Special compounds collectively called as luciferin oxidizes upon catalysis by enzymes called luciferase, producing oxyluciferin. Upon decay, oxyluciferin releases photons or light particles. Bioluminescence serve different functions for each organism, but all for survival purposes. Seg 4 Gemstone Coloration. A gemstone acquires its color through elements that are essential to its structure or through impurities, or elements that replace some of the metallic ions in the structure that will affect which colors in the visible spectrum gets absorbed or reflected. Seg 5 Mechanical Plant Defenses. Mechanical plant defenses demonstrate how survival instincts are incorporated into plant morphologies and physiologies by growing or producing various defensive features such as thorns, spines, and prickles to the less obvious ones like trichomes and raphides and less aggressive forms of defense like thigmonasty.

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