/ TV program



  • 18. 4. 2024, 16:55

EP. 04. Synopsis: These are Nature’s own Battletanks, and (with the exception of the Indian Elephant), all endemic to the African continent. The African Savannah is the stage for thousands of battles every day. How do elephants, these large, cumbersome creatures survive and even prosper on a diet that even the strictest vegetarian would pass on! Well for one thing, most other animals get out of their way. But lions and hyenas are not always so easily moved – they prey on young, sick and old elephants in particular. This seemingly gentle giant has been revealed to have a darker side in the last few years too. They may survive on just plant life, but that doesn’t mean they don’t like a fight – to the death. Elephants have been observed attacking and killing Rhinos in the last 20 years. It’s a savage clash. Meanwhile, the Rhino, a tough looking customer if ever there was one, is an endangered species. When the great herds go on the search for food, predators go on the hunt for them. If ever there was an animal that seems destined to survive, it’s the Rhino, which has been around for over 6 million years. But it too has an enemy: mankind – the deadliest foe of all. Then there's the hippopotamus. An adult hippo is a huge, aggressive animal, and even the largest crocodiles tend to stay away from it. However, when baby hippos stray from their mothers, then crocodiles, lions and hyenas will have a go if they can get away without being attacked themselves by adults in the baby hippo’s herd. That’s why baby hippos must stay close to Mum

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