/ TV program



  • 25. 4. 2024, 8:30

EP. 11. Wildebeest and Zebra - Africa’s most famous drifters. Hundreds of thousands of zebra live together in the Serengeti. Their distinctive eye-catching stripes are as unique as fingerprints and even within the largest of gatherings no two zebra will be found with exactly the same stripes. Turtles that make epic journeys to reproduce. The most abundant sea turtle in the world, Olive Ridleys' have extraordinary nesting habits. These small turtles migrate massive distances between their oceanic feeding grounds and the shores that draw them back to mate, and then to nest. Sooty Tern - Sea birds that don’t come to land for years. Like the turtle, once it has left land for the first time, a young Sooty Tern may not go back for years, spending all its time in the ocean skies until it is time for it to breed. Soaring on outstretched wings, these elegant seabirds feed almost entirely on the fish driven to the surface by the hunters below. Australian Pelicans - Water birds that follow ephemeral rivers. Pelicans – these quirky, comical, big billed birds are usually thought of as spending all their time around coasts and harbors. They are widespread in Australia’s lakes, rivers, billabongs and estuaries – or other waterway with enough food for their fish-loving lifestyle. The whales and whale sharks that roam the great oceans. Some of the greatest migratory animals on earth are those that live in its waters and traverse its great oceans. From baleen whales that travel from the nutrient rich polar waters and the whale sharks whose migrations we barely understand.

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