/ TV program


Alice & Lewis

  • 30. 4. 2024, 22:40

High Definition, širokoúhlé

Too Full For School. Alice has to learn a bunch of math for a school test. She pays a visit to Lewis, hoping he might be able to help her. But his method is so efficient that Alice learns EVERYTHING! Wow – couldn’t ask for more! However, when she goes back to the real world, she makes a fool of herself during the test: all the knowledge she has is Wonderland knowledge, which has nothing to do with that of the real world. Oops – she’d better get back and see Lewis fast so they can find a solution to this tricky equation! (10 min)

Six-year-old Alice has a magical key that leads her to Wonderland. In this “other realm”, she’s met an endearing rabbit, Lewis, and the two have become fast friends – best friends to be exact! Alice loves going to Wonderland and teaming up with Lewis and her other friends, even if it means contending with the whimsical, hot-headed Queen. Each episode entails a visit to Wonderland, where Alice experiences a wacky adventure with Lewis, confronting the crazy, eccentric rules and conventions that reign supreme in this parallel Kingdom. Alice’s adventures always begin in the “real world” where she is faced with a particular situation. Her far-fetched experiences in Wonderland lead her to a positive outcome or gain insight which helps her to resolve this dilemma and thus, at the end of each episode, she returns happily to the real world.

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