- 31. 12. 2024, 9:15
POLYNESIA, THE GODDESS OF NATURE. A visit to the Island of Tahiti together with a local called Alphonse who, as well as acquainting us with the famous canoe race Hawaiki Nui Va’a, he also takes us to the central market of Papeete and to visit inland Tahiti - with it green, lush hills and mountains and to show us the gifts of this land and the beauty of the Polynesian sea. We then go to Raiatea, the biggest island of French Polynesia, where on board a catamaran we dive to explore the Polynesian sea beds and sail along the coast to arrive to Taputapuatea, the largest Marae in Polynesia. The Marae are places of worship where the Gods are honored, and they are also important cultural, political and social centers, where they used to prepare for war, elect their leaders and also carry out human sacrifices. Finally we go to Motu Nao Nao to watch the sun go down, a small island, dotted here and there with coconut palms, lapped by the waters of the lagoon and surrounded by a ring of coral reef where the strong waves break over it, creating an amazing atmosphere.
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