/ TV program


Sibelius – Symphony No. 5

  • 10. 1. 2025, 21:00

In 2013, the Finnish conductor Hannu Lintu was appointed principal conductor of the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra. Lintu studied piano and cello at the Sibelius Academy and the Turku conservatorium in Sweden’s southeast. He started conducting at the Sibelius Academy. His many concerts with the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra in 2012 made him the obvious replacement for Sakari Oramo, who, after many years as conductor and concert master, terminated his contract in 2012. The orchestra specializes in the performance of Finnish music, but also performs the great masterpieces of Gustav Mahler and Béla Bartók. The Finnish composer Jean Sibelius is the orchestra’s favourite, as well as the conductor. In cooperation with Finland’s national public broadcasting company Yle, all seven Sibelius symphonies are recorded and broadcast. After a brief spoken introduction about the piece, the orchestra performs the complete symphony. Sibelius celebrated his 50th birthday in 1915 with the premier of his Symphony No. 5. When he heard the piece, he was not happy with it, so he put it aside. After reworking the symphony, he published the work again in 1919. Because of this, the symphony consists of three rather than the usual four parts. A striking feature of the piece are the horn signals at the start of each movement. These are at the root of all that’s to follow in the movement. (64 min)

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