Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz
- 30. 12. 2024, 4:50
High Definition, širokoúhlé
Magical Mandolin. When Wicked Witch Wilhelmina (JESSICA DiCICCO) steals the Magical Mandolin ("Play it by day, it makes you dance; but play it at night, it puts you in a trance!"), Dorothy and her friends have to get it back…and fast! Or Wilhelmina will use the Mandolin to put Dorothy in a trance and steal her Ruby Slippers! Dorothy has to rely on her friends and the power of her Ruby Slippers to get it back or Wilhelmina will have her, and all of Oz, dancing to a new tune. (15 min)
Following the defeat of the Wicked Witch of the West, Dorothy Gale has been appointed Princess of Emerald City by Queen Ozma. Faced with obstacles at every turn – from flying monkeys to her arch nemesis, Wilhelmina (the Wicked Witch of the West's niece and protégé) – Dorothy bravely tackles her royal duties with her feet firmly planted in her magical ruby slippers.
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