Mr Bean: The Animated Series III
- 20. 1. 2025, 17:10
High Definition, širokoúhlé
Jumping Bean. Mr. Bean wants to learn skateboarding but hurts himself on his first try. Meanwhile Miss Wince is showing off her new mobility scooter at Mrs. Wicket’s. Bean is entranced. He could do wicked ‘ollies’ with that! He absconds with a souped-up scooter and heads straight to the skate park ready to challenge Bruiser Senior and Junior … (15 min)
Mr Bean returns for a third series of his animated adventures. Featuring in 26 brand new episodes. This series follows Mr Bean, his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean's daily life. Mr Bean becomes obsessed with computer gaming, prevents Mrs. Wicket from selling her house, builds his own caravan, rescues a football from a haunted house and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. All voiced by Rowan Atkinson.
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