- 21. 1. 2025, 15:10
High Definition, širokoúhlé
Holidays on Ice, Part 2. After the rest of the Batwheels are incapacitated and Gotham’s beloved holiday mascot, Ike Cicle, is captured by Mr. Freeze, Batwing realizes that going solo isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Now it’s up to her to rescue her friends, and work with them to save Christmas in Gotham. (10 min)
Batwheels, a preschool animated action-adventure comedy series starring the most heroic and iconic vehicles from the DC universe. They are a team of incredible crimefighters who have banded together to oppose evil, combat crime and clean up the streets of Gotham City. They are...okay, they're NOT Batman and Robin. They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside Batman, Robin, Batgirl and a host of DC Super Heroes. Having just been created by the Batcomputer, our heroes are essentially kids with little to no life experience. Led by Bam (The Batmobile), the Batwheels - Bibi (The Batgirl Cycle), Red (The Redbird), Jett (The Batwing) and Buff (The Bat Truck) - must navigate the growing pains of being a newly formed super team as well as the growing pains that come with just being a kid.
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