- 1. 1. 2025, 9:10
SOUTH SEA GIFTS. On board a catamaran, we discover several islands in the Society Island archipelago, in Polynesia. Of the Island of Raiatea, hilly and volcanic, we explore the Faaroa River, the only river that you can sail down in Polynesia that is bordered by lush vegetation and fruit trees. A narrow natural passage separate the Island of Raiatea from the Island of Tahaa, both are surrounded by the same coral reef. It is on the Island of Tahaa that Brian and his wife show us their vanilla plantation and the way that it is cultivated as well as their banana, papaya, mango and rambuthan plantations. Remaining on Tahaa we go to discover the very special process of pearl cultivation of the famous Polynesian Black Pearl both on land and under the sea. A real miracle of these South Sea Islands.
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