- 1. 1. 2025, 15:00
EP. 07. Radar accurate eyes survey the land, slotted feathers adjust flight paths as falcons attack, pelicans soar, kestrels hover, owls silently fly, parrots flock, vultures swarm and eagles swoop. Which is the true Master of the Sky? PEREGRINE FALCON Master of all they survey, the dynamic raptors are magnificent birds of prey. Revered for over 2000 years as a symbol of speed and power the peregrine falcon was a favorite with Egyptian and Chinese falconers. BUDGIE When these petite brightly colored budgies take to the air above the arid lands of Australia they color the skies green and yellow. WEDGE TAILED EAGLE Some animals inspire awe and respect by their presence alone. The wedge tailed eagle, the largest bird of prey in Australia, is one such animal. PELICAN These graceful formation flying birds that soar on thermals high above ground are some of the largest and most engaging of all the water birds. SEABIRDS Of the eight and a half thousand species of birds in the world, just under 300 of them are seabirds. Ranging from those that are migratory and dispersive to those that are rarely seen away from their breeding colonies the long-winged birds that live a life of sea and air are truly free. BARN OWL Guardian of the forest, keeper of wisdom and soul behind all seeing eyes, Barn Owls evoke an eerie respect from all who encounter them. VULTURE Constantly scanning the open plains of Africa are the highly tuned eyes of the famous birds that clean up these savannas. NANKEEN KESTREL Over the open landscapes of Australia flies its smallest falcon – the long tailed, long winged, inquisitive Nankeen Kestrel.
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