- 4. 1. 2025, 13:05
DUNCANBY LODGE SEASON KICKOFF. For 15 years the Big Coast Crew has remained completely committed to expedition boating, showcasing West Coast adventure and telling the tales of this final frontier. From iconic Chinook salmon to Grizzlies, Spirit Bear and Orcas, incredible wildlife roams this land and keeps watch over one of the last great coastal ecosystems on Earth. Each season, Big Coast runs the BC Inside Passage from Alaska and Prince Rupert Southbound through Great Bear Rainforest and Vancouver Island. It’s an epic journey of 1,500 kilometres through pristine coastal waterways and wilderness. And each season, with marine weather, wildlife and fish migrations, is a little bit different. In the spirit of coastal conservation, Big Coast practices catch-and-release Tyee Chinook Salmon (over 30lbs) angling and only taking what you need. Going strong for 15 years, Big Coast features 13 new half hour episodes every year! A 300-mile boat trip from Vancouver to Duncanby Lodge in Rivers Inlet for Percy Walkus Hatchery Chinook Fundraiser!
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