- 4. 1. 2025, 22:45
EP. 05. Ray takes the Great Ocean Road along the Antarctic facing coast of Australia – the longest South facing coastline in the world. He starts in Port Philp Bay the entrance to Melbourne Harbour where for the first time he sees a strange marine creature – the weedy sea dragon – a relative of the sea horse. He also swims with a unique species of dolphin – the Burrunan Dolphins.Crossing the Bay he heads off down the longest War Memorial in the world – the Great Ocean Road and meets 93 year old Doug Stirling who remembers the world war 1 veterans building the road.Ray visits the Penguin Colony on Middle Island where guard dogs protect the penguins from foxes and he watches the night time return of the penguins after a day spent at sea fishing.He takes to the seas and discovers the creatures of the deep waters – albatross, balls of krill and a pod of fast moving common dolphins.
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