- 5. 1. 2025, 12:20
EP. 01. There are many fine examples of evolutionary history in the natural world. Animals adapt through a series of small, random mutations and usually do so in order to compete more effectively for food, water and space. Animals with certain adaptations are more likely to be stronger and therefore produce more young. Crocodiles are certainly of an ancient lineage, they are believed to be 200 million years old, whereas dinosaurs became extinct 64 million years ago. Crocodiles have an incredible ability to adapt and survive in the Race of Life. They have a very slow metabolism, and can go up to a year with no food. They also have a 4 chamber heart that helps them control their temperature, and lungs that allow them to hold their breath underwater for up to 2 hours. Sharks have gone through the process of adaptation and evolutionary experimentation as well. The modern descendants of ancient sharks have incorporated many of the successful traits of the past. They have changed over time, but the changes have not been too extreme, only nature perfecting an originally near perfect design. Whales are an amazing species that have evolved from land dwelling creatures millions of years ago to the marine mammals we know today. Over the course of their evolution whales have developed echolocation, thick layers of blubber, modified lungs, better hearing and larger arteries among other things to ensure their survival and prosperity.
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