- 8. 1. 2025, 9:40
THE LAND OF WARMTH AND COLORS (BRAZIL). In Brazil we go to explore Porto de Galinhas, home to several of the most beautiful beaches along the North-eastern coast. In Maracaipe, where the waters of the river of the same name come together with water from the sea, creating an almost moon-like environment and where, the Hippocampus project, studies the life of sea-horses. For the second part we visit the fourth largest city in Brazil, Recife that has inherited an architectonic patrimony so beautiful that it is called "The Brazilian Venice". Then we continue to Olinda, declared in 1982 UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is one of the most well conserved colonial cities in all of Brazil, and which holds one of the most fascinating carnivals in the world. Here we meet the painter Sergio Vilanova who shows us his paintings and also his friend Silvio Bothelo work-shops where he makes the typical papier-mâché figures for the carnival.
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