- 10. 1. 2025, 9:10
A JOURNEY TO INFINITY - PART 1 (PATAGONIA). It is in Santiago, Chile that we begin the extraordinary journey into the infinity that, place by place, will take us to South Patagonia, which lies between Chile and Argentina, then on to the tempestuous waters of the “end of the world”. After having visited the capital, we go to Punta Arenas, the southernmost city of the South American country, it is the capital of Chilean Antarctica. It’s port looks out over the Straits of Magellan and as we sail towards the “end of the world” on board an expedition ship we enter Tierra del Fuego where in Ainsworth Bay we meet a fascinating colony of elephant seals. A nature guide together with a biologist help us understand the world of these rather unknown animals, revealing to us their secrets and behaviour patterns. And this is only the first part of a long adventure.
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