- 11. 1. 2025, 14:50
ELEPHANT DAY. Today’s mission is to track and locate a bull elephant with tusks longer than 50 cm, get within 50 meters on foot and stay in that range for 10 minutes to qualify. The best elephant picture of the day will be judged by wildlife photographer, Kimi Stewart. Team terminator’s approach on a huge bull elephant suddenly takes a different turn as the wind direction changes. Adrenaline begins to flow as the elephant mock charges and breaks a tree to show his strength. Team Invincibles hold their ground as an elephant draws closer to investigate their presence. A long standoff takes place as the huge beast towers over Mun (Indian contestant). The silence is broken as the elephant chooses to mock charge before crashing through the bush. Team Devil and Prada deal with their own drama as their elephant encounter gets too close for comfort. Kimi Stewart, the photographic judge chooses the best photograph of the day and the presenter, Sami Sabiti declares the leader of the day at the leader board session.
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