/ TV program



  • 18. 1. 2025, 14:50

RHINO DAY. Today’s mission is to track and locate white or black rhino, get within 50 meters on foot and stay in that range for 10 minutes to qualify. The best Rhino photograph of the day will be judged by wildlife photographer, Kimi Stewart. Team Terminator strike early as they spot a lone black rhino bull. They endeavor to get within range but lose sight of it. Team Invincibles encounter 3 white rhino minding their own business and manage to qualify for their task. Team Terminator’s luck changes as they see 5 white rhino and choose to hide behind some small bushes. The rhino continue grazing the grass and walk right up to the team and suddenly detect them. It’s all action as the rhino charge off in different directions and the team have to catch up to fulfill their time requirement. Team Devil and Prada finally locate a rhino bull that bolts out from behind a bush and almost runs over Jesse the American. Emotions run high as Jesse and Karina argue over the safety issues. Team Terminator come across a unique opportunity, declare their 1st rhino photograph as null and void and begin wading through a muddy water pan to photograph 3 white rhino drinking on the opposite bank. Will this clinch the photographic competition at the end of the day? Saami Sabiti declares the current leader at the leader board session.

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