Baby Shark's Big Movie
- 4. 1. 2025, 20:30
When Baby Shark and his family move to Chomp City, the big city of sharks, he's forced to leave behind the world he knows and loves - including his best friend, William. Can their finship survive the distance? While Baby struggles to adjust to his new life, there is a more sinister trouble brewing. An evil popstarfish named Stariana is on the rise, using ancient musical magic to spread her hyper-repetitive song across the whole wide water. She won't stop until there's no other music left except hers... and only one thing can stop her: the catchiest fish in the sea. Unbeknownst to Baby Shark, that's him! With disharmony spreading, it's up to Baby Shark to bring balance back to the ocean-- and save his best friend in the process. Strengthened by the bond of his and William's finship, Baby fights music with music, defeating Stariana in the most epic of venues, and restoring musical harmony to the world.
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