00:00 01:00


360° GEO- Report visits the Nenets, the last true nomads on earth, on their remote Russian peninsula. Every August, on the Russian polar peninsula of Yamal, children of reindeer shepherds await a helicopter that will bring them back to school after the summer holidays. For the main part of the year, 600 nomad children from the indigenous people of the Nenet live and learn separated from their parents. Up until now, their home Yamal was an of Russia that was far from any semblance of civilization- until an enormous gas pool was discovered beneath the tundra. Now, destroyed nature and gigantic industrial plants are a common sight along the nomad's track - but this industrial development is also offering new opportunities to their children.

01:00 02:00


THE WORLD'S SMALLEST OPERA HOUSE. "If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere". That's the vision people from all over the world have of New York. This report takes a look behind the scenes of the world's smallest opera house, in the heart of New York. Tony Amato, the son of an Italian butcher, thought when he came to New York in the 40s that he could make it too by realizing his dream of owning an opera house. The house is 3 stories high and three windows wide. The hall feels no bigger than a living room, however its 107 seats are always sold out. Tony Amato continues to be the center and linchpin of this miniature opera. Tony is barely 5 foot tall, with his sneakers and the small, wiry man seems to be held up by his pant-suspenders. His voice is persuasive, his eyes bright. He conducts, sings, jumps, laughs and grumbles all at once. At 88 years of age, Maestro Tony Amato is in the middle of the season's last production.

02:00 03:30


An investigation into a worldwide ecological disaster that could endanger the whole of humanity. The future of our food resources depends on one small insect - the western honey bee, or Apis mellifera. Indeed, it is the most important agricultural pollinator on our planet given that one third of our food supply depends directly on pollination from bees. This documentary tells the story of a worldwide ecological disaster that has been waiting to happen for several generations. It was filmed over an 18-month period in France, Germany, the U.S., Canada and Scotland and retraces the various leads carried out by research scientists in order to try and understand and to stop the declining numbers of domestic and wild bees. Scientists are not the only professionals to figure at the centre of this drama. Beekeepers are in the front line, and striking contrasts exist among beekeepers' experiences in different countries, in various economic situations. The documentary seeks to understand how the long-enjoyed harmonious relationship between man and bee has now undergone such a radical change. It seeks to find a solution that goes beyond science. A solution that cannot be found without thoroughly re-examining our agricultural practice and our model of society. Can we rise to the challenge? Awards : 2011 : Star of the SCAM (France). 2012 : Jade Kunlun Awards

03:30 04:00


ALTERED VIEWS. Understanding how we think and see by playing games with our brains. This factual entertainment series explores the way we see and interpret the world around us with engaging tests, activities, demonstrations and explanations. In each episode we experience visual and audio illusions, sensory puzzles and brain tricks from the worlds of art, science, nature and psychology and learn why they baffle our senses.

04:00 05:00


On 16 June 1940 in Bordeaux, an almost stranger Under-Secretary of State for War decides to secede and to rebel openly against the policy adopted by the French legal government, which is preparing to ask for an armistice.

05:00 06:00


An immersion in the heart of the biggest West-African prison: Abidjan. Located out of sight at the border of the Banco forest, this prison host 5,000 inmates but has capacity for 1,500. With the inmates’ help, life inside is organized, and a degree of stability exists.

06:00 07:00


10 years ago, Europe almost witnessed the first dying out of a predatory cat since the sabre-toothed tiger when only about a hundred Iberian Lynxes remained in existance. Still today, the Iberian Lynx is one of the most threatened species of predatory cat in the world. The documentary accompanies animal rights activists in their struggle to preserve and resettle the world's last lynxes. The current plan is to move the cats to safety.

07:00 08:00


Despite efforts to protect tigers for the past 4 decades, tigers continue to be hunted down - poached, poisoned and squeezed into small pockets of protected forests.Tigers play a pivotal role in maintaining the health of the forest ecosystem and there is an urgent need to protect the tiger and its habitat.In India and across the world, Tigers have captured our imagination for centuries. We have feared them, respected them and even worshipped them. But during the colonial times tigers were hunted in thousands.At the turn of the century over a 100,000 tigers existed on the planet. Almost 40,000 of these were in India. But today only 3800 tigers survive across the world and 70% of these are in India.Today each and every tiger is important and that’s why we need to find Sultan.This film follows the story of Sultan, the up and coming dominant tiger of Ranthambore Tiger Reserve who vanished suddenly.Father and son wildlife filmmakers, Mike and Gautam, had been following and filming him since he was a cub and are now trying to put the pieces together to solve this mystery.More than 12 tigers have gone missing in Ranthambhore between 2012 and 2017. Young tigers who go missing are usually thought to have been poached or just lost forever. But the story is much more complicated.Tigers are born in parks and forests - a safe, secure place protected by their mother. But once these tigers mature they must find new homes but the question is where will they go? Trackers on ground have proved that tigers leave the protected territory of national parks to walk great distances in search for new territory. Tigers know no borders and young sub adult tigers must walk hundreds of kilometres to find a new home, prey and a new mate. Once they walk out of the protected area of the forest they are in direct contact with human habitation. People and tigers now share a complicated relationship - one of constant fear of the other.This is the story all across the country. Isolated populations of tigers in small fragmented forests surrounded by human beings and villages. The film looks at broader issues of conservation of tigers and their relationship with the people who share their habitat and the different efforts being made towards conservation in India through the story of Sultan.

08:00 09:00


The Bahamas - an archipelago in the western Atlantic that has long been the subject of legends. Over 700 islands and 2,000 coral reefs form this island paradise. Cat Island is one of the few continuously populated islands. In 2011, it was devastated by Hurricane Irene - the population is still coping with the aftermath. Untouched by tourism and tax havens, many people live on the poverty line. There is barely enough money to survive. Unemployment and hopelessness plunge them into lethargy. A few highly motivated women are now collecting ideas to inject hope and economic success into this island.

09:00 10:00


This film endeavours to show how the invention of cinema was in no way inevitable, and how it may well have been a mere accident. To pinpoint the start, it all began in the heart of Paris, in the depths of darkened room, on 28 March 1798, when Etienne-Gaspard Robertson gave one of his first screenings of his "Fantasmagoria" - making ghosts and spectres dance. But how did we move from perfecting the magic lantern to the cinematography of the Lumiére brothers? The invention was born throughout the 19th century, out of the unpredictable crossing of two parallel research paths - that of philosophical toys and the photography of movement. Originally-named optical devices - such as the kinesigraph, the zoetrope, the praxinoscope and the phenakistoscope, without forgetting the photographic revolver or gun - associated the realm of toys with the realm of thought, reflecting both a fascination for the magical effects produced by animation and speed, and a desire to understand human anatomy, and analyse the phenomenon of vision. All these pre-cinema optical devices literally stemmed from a desire for spectacle and the will to acquire knowledge. Robertson, Reynaud, Plateau, Muybridge and Marey spearheaded the adventure. Thanks to these brilliant inventors, we travel across the 19th century, ending in Paris in 1895 in the Salon Indien du Grand Café, where the first public movie screening took place.

10:00 11:00


360°GEO - Report sets foot on the isolated island of St Helena and documents what life is like in the midst of the South Atlantic.Standing solitarily far out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is the British Overseas Territory of St. Helena. Island do not get much more remote than this. It is situated 2,000 kilometers from the African coast and 3,000 kilometers from the South American Coast. You can see why it was chosen as a place of exile for the French emperor Napoleon.It is all but impossible to escape from St. Helena. Even today, the only connection to the outside world is by ship, given that the island has no airport. About 4,000 people or "Saints" as they refer to themselves, brave the solitude and live on the island.

11:00 12:00


EP. 01. Desert creatures endure searing heat and zero rainfall, but speed is their ticket to survival.A Tiger beetle runs at the human equivalent of 500 miles per hour. A caracal jumps six feet to swat a weaverbird out of midair. And the world’s fastest chameleon hunts on the desert floor.Only the hardiest, fastest animals survive. Nothing else stands a chance.

12:00 13:00


For 20 years the Boteti River in northern Botswana has not flowed. What was once an expansive and prolific body of water gradually dried up, leaving zebras, hippos, elephants and crocodiles dependant on the few pools formed from the occasional rains.But now, for the first time in 30 years, rain has fallen in sufficient quantities hundreds of miles to the north in the Angolan highlands, sending a stream of water through the river bed. After years of extreme drought, the river has finally returned in all its glory, transforming the landscape. Filmed in stunning HD, ‘Boteti – The Returning River’ documents this extraordinary transformation and the dramatic changes it brings to the resident animals.During the years of drought, we see how desperate battles for survival play out along the dormant river, watched over by the elephants of the area. One of the few species that adapts well to the situation by carefully conserving what little water is available, the elephant is an expert at digging channels in the mud so water collects in sufficient quantities to drink.Vultures lurk ominously on the dusty banks adjacent to the pools, waiting patiently for dehydration to claim another victim. Crocodiles use caves to escape the heat of the sun and only emerge reluctantly to hunt when huge flocks of quelea birds arrive at the water. The crocs, along with numerous other species, are bound to this area because there is simply nowhere else to go. Beyond the dry river bed, semi-desert extends for hundreds of miles in all directions.With the arrival of the life-giving waters, there is a burst of activity. Fish and dragonflies soon emerge with their attendant predators and frogs appear in their thousands, attracting huge numbers of birds. The deluge also brings instant relief to the hippos by flushing out their fetid pools, while elephants celebrate by swimming and hosing each other down. Jackals and packs of wild dogs appear from nowhere to harass the drinking herds.But the most significant change occurs when the water reaches the parched wasteland of the Makgadigadi Salt Pans. Here, the coming of the flood sees flocks of pelican, flamingo and red-billed teal arrive to set up new breeding colonies.Filmed over a period of two years, this film provides a lasting and unique record of the transformation of an entire environment and contains many examples of previously unrecorded behaviour.

13:00 13:30


In contrast with popular belief, Edison did not invent the light bulb. Many people contributed to the invention. Mind you, the first lamp was invented around 70,000 BC. Once upon a time we had limelight, which was actually quite unsafe, and then there were arc “arc lamps” – shedding light that blinded movie stars up to the point where they had to wear sunglasses. What Edison did was improve the light bulb to become a practical, affordable and safe product. He tested over 5000 filaments to make the bulb last: from bamboo fiber to a hair out of an assistant’s beard. At the same time others were working on light bulbs made with gasses, which we now know as energy efficient lamps. Modern-day lighting innovations are quite startling, a lot of them - we can’t even see with the naked eye… Lasers, for example. For the longest time it was merely a pet-theory of the grand Einstein. Nobody knew what to make of this idea that ‘atoms could release their excess energy as light’ When the laser was invented, people joked that the laser was ‘a solution looking for a problem’. Now it is omnipresent. In the near future: laser-light therapy by flashing the human brain.

13:30 14:00


A man with an ear for music, one of the first to try teaching the deaf how to speak, thought he could build a "harmonic telegraph". He had this idea that several notes could travel through a wire simultaneously, instead of the one Morse code that the telegraph could transmit. He thought this to be possible because he misinterpreted the writings of a researcher writing in German – a language he did not know. – And would later describe his misinterpretation as a "very valuable blunder". The man was Alexander Graham Bell and he invented telephony. The big question is: what happens in that wire? How can voices travel? Bell and his assistant eventually proved that different tones would vary the strength of an electric current in a wire. In fact, it’s the vibrations of the voice that determine the strength of the current. His invention caused a lot of fuss – yet it took years before people comprehended the scale of it: before the widespread use of the phone – whom were you going to call? Eventually, the telephone, or better said, its wiring, leads to the Internet. Nowadays we mostly make our calls ‘wireless’ so the wire Graham Bell used to make voices travel over long distances is no longer needed How does that work? Even wireless calling, some say, is actually a very unnatural way of communicating. Looking at the future, are we heading towards a ‘phoneless’ call?

14:00 15:00


EP. 01. Peppered across Africa are a few iconic locations that are renowned for killing action. Arenas bathed in a history of blood, places where Africa’s icons have hunted successfully for generations. Predators here develop unique and clever ways to hunt. But the circumstances aren’t the driving factor in this story. Sometimes these predators look for the perfect patch of ground to kill, a small area of long grass, or a single path that leads to the perfect ambush. How do they amplify their age-old skills by using the lie of the land? Savuti is big cat country. But only the most resourceful cats make it to the top.The Marsh Pride, Savuti’s resident lions, is faced with their toughest challenge this winter: Buffalo. The complicated mix of boggy marsh, open plains and dense woodland provide extra obstacles in their path to a meal. Over centuries these heavyweights have adapted their hunting strategy to Savuti’s every challenge and the buffalos’ every move. And their secret: The nighttime hunt. When the sun sets, the tables begin to turn and Savuti is at the pride’s mercy. But there’s no shortage of challenges: Saba, the pride matriarch and most experienced hunter, has got to provide for her pride and keep them, and her territory, safe from two young male lions that are trespassing on Marsh Pride territory. It all seems doable until she gets injured after a run-in with hyenas… A lone female leopard is Savuti’s ultimate innovator. Her environment has forced her to change her hunting strategy and her prey, and she’s thriving!We follow three characters through Savuti’s winter, starting with the disappearance of the small game and the arrival of the buffalo. The film looks at how our characters use the environment and features of the landscape to their advantage. We focus on the numerous challenges of Savuti – the things that make it such a hostile place for predators, and also highlight the inter-predatory battles between the Marsh Pride and the Nomads. We look at the challenges the young leopard is faced with while hunting under the lions’ radar and trying to survive in her non-leopard-friendly environment.

15:00 15:30


THE ICE GIANTS. Beyond the asteroid belt lay the ice giants, some can be seen with the naked eye, others only glimpsed once by a passing probe. We are again sending cameras to the edge of the solar system giving us new insights into the evolution of our worlds.

15:30 16:00


FROM THERE TO HERE. Series introduction and the study of Earth from orbit. The sky above is littered with stars and countless galaxies. It is where we come from and where we are destined to return. The first phase of this journey is complete, now commences the second, with robotics, advanced technologies and sheer daring we are now going where before we only dreamt.

16:00 16:25


EP. 01. The Tech Effect is a portal to the future, a look at the forces and inventions that could shape us in the coming century. From e-sports to robotics, home automation to autonomous cars, this series examines the potential for cutting edge technology to improve our lives, while not ignoring the risks. The Tech Effect will appeal to anyone curious about exploring the technological advances that are changing our world. Sophisticated and edgy, each theme-based episode profiles the innovations transforming contemporary life. By identifying the world’s most ingenious discoveries, we can unlock tomorrow, today. This episode investigates the jobs of the future, and why it might not be long before your co-worker is a robot. As industry changes, companies are identifying ways to re-train their workforce so they can be deployed in new roles. With space research becoming an important tool for innovation, we hear from a worker on the International Space Station about the types of experiments he conducts. Finally, we visit the factories of the future, discovering that, as a car has more lines of code than an F35 fighter jet, one of the most important jobs of the future in the automotive industry is software developer.

16:25 16:55


EP. 02. In this episode, we look at the ways robotic engineers are mimicking the natural world. BionicWheelBot and the BionicFlyingFox have been developed to navigate difficult terrain, like their biological counterparts. Robots like the canine-inspired models produced by Boston Dynamic are already being used in hazardous environments to reduce the need for humans to be exposed to risk. We’ll also see how robots are covering new ground in space exploration, with smart autonomous vehicles destined for Mars, given greater capability than ever before. Finally, we visit some of the environments, such as offshore rigs and factories, where robots are being deployed in a range of jobs, including as exoskeletons for human workers, to reduce injuries and enhance endurance.

16:55 18:00


Autism remains a mystery. People with autism will live with this disorder all their life and our societies are all facing the same question: how to take care of them? France lags behind on this subject. Comparing the experiences of other countries, Italy, Sweden, Germany, and Quebec, we will clarify the French situation and demonstrate that practices exist and allow to improve significantly the autist’s life. Every time it comes to real societal choices that reveal our various ways to approach difference. But there are in any case, no simple answers to this complex problem.

18:00 18:25


EP. 05. In this episode we look at some of the ways technology is helping us solve the big environmental problems of our age. From satellites that map sea surface height, to the development of sustainable fuels such as hydrogen, scientists are using their ingenuity to find answers that will enhance our lives in the future. An aircraft that runs just on solar power, a tech company that’s using its mapping expertise to fight floods and a farmer using futuristic technology to protect his tomato plants are among the innovations profiled in this episode.

18:25 19:00


EP. 06. In this episode we visit the home of the future, a place where automation, robotics and connectivity combine to create an easier and more sustainable life for its human inhabitants. From personal robots, to indoor hydroponic gardens, electronics companies are competing to find the most intuitive solutions to automating household chores. This episode also explores advances in technology in the motoring world, such as drones that give drivers advance warning of upcoming hazards, a “robot whisperer” who visits a car factory to study robotic body language and how Lamborghini is conducting carbon fibre tests in space. Finally, we look at how home gaming and drone racing are using innovation to expand entertainment options.

19:00 20:00


ARCHIPELAGO IN ISOLATION. 360° GEO - Report shows the people from St. Pierre and Miquelon, a French overseas collectivity, in their struggle between self-preservation and responsibility against nature.Saint Pierre and Miquelon - directly in front of Newfoundland's coast lays a French archipelago forgotten from the far motherland. For centuries, the codfish brought prosperity to the group of islands, until a French-Canadian agreement prohibited catching it due to overfishing.Today, even the rough beauty of the island nature is threatened - because environmentalists are powerless against the frustration and indifference of the island's inhabitants. The environmental activist and passionate naturalist Roger Etcheberry lives on St. Pierre and Miquelon since childhood.Together with a Parisian botanist he explores the few pristine places on the archipelago and fights for their conservation.

20:00 21:00


360°GEO - Report spends the days in the run up to Easter on a flower farm. We also dive with playful grey seals in the Atlantic Ocean and reveal more than just the secrets of flower-growing.At the tip of the world - Landsend in Cornwall - are the Isles of Scilly. About 2,000 people live on these islands located at the entrance to the English Channel. Some of the locals are fishermen but their main activity is flower farming.The nearby Gulf Stream provides the islands with a year-round mild climate and as a result, millions of flowers are grown along the Atlantic Coast. Churchtown Farm specializes in Narcissi, and so it the pressure is on in the run up to Easter.

21:00 22:00


Sabbatical Entertainment’s exclusive original documentary admires Christian Dior, the famous French fashion designer whose post–World War II creations were wildly popular and whose legacy continues to influence the fashion industry.

22:00 23:00


EP. 02. On the plains of East Africa an epic journey is underway. Millions of wildebeest and thousands of zebras march in an annual, circular migration in search of lush grazing.Two major rivers, the Mara and the Grumeti, intersect their route and force the herds to cross. Crocodiles, the biggest living on earth, wait in these rivers to take advantage of this moving feast. In this ever-changing waterscape successful predators adapt their hunting strategies to suit the shifting environment.On the Grumeti River, DC is the Dominant Croc of a lose gang called the RagTags. When the wildebeest arrive to drink, these Pit Stops, Zone 1, are the crocs’ first challenge. It doesn’t go well for the RagTags. These smaller, inexperienced crocs don’t calculate their launch speed correctly, so opportunities are missed. DC finds a pool where he can work alone. He grabs an impressive male zebra, but the pool’s not deep enough to drown it. The zebra fights hard and DC is forced to let it go.Deep Water, Zone 2, is a zone exclusive to the Mara River. Steep banks and fast-flowing water make it a river that favours the crocodiles. Wildebeest plunge off the cliffs straight into the deep channel. To hunt here is easy: Swim, launch and drown.There’s no free lunch on the Grumeti. DC waits for the next opportunity. He picks up vibrations in the water that tell him the herds have started to cross. Zone 3, The Shallows, is a dangerous zone for crocodiles. Wildebeest gallop across the river and crocodiles can get trampled. DC captures a calf but the RagTags share with him and DC is left with a single mouthful. Frustrated with his small portion, DC drives the gang away. Theft is a viable strategy in the Grumeti. The RagTags follow DC when he tries to hoard his next prize. When DC spots one of the gang members and gives chase, the RagTags move in and steal the carcass.DC finds another opportunity on the Rocks, Zone 4. Wildebeest are forced to walk slowly to avoid tripping and falling. DC causes panic in the ranks and grabs a calf.This time he won’t share. He flicks the calf until the head tears right off the neck. Exhausted from the hunt, DC is forced to rest and recharge. He’s not alone. This pool belongs to a hippopotamus. Luckily the hippo is more curious that confrontational and he leaves DC alone. As the season moves on, the Grumeti River dries up. Only the tail-enders of the herd remain and DC needs one last kill before the herds disappear for good.On the Mara River the water itself is so treacherous that many animals die while crossing. Carcasses pile up on the riverbank, and the crocs here can scavenge long after the wildebeest have left. DC will have to hunt if he wants a stockpile. When the herds unexpectedly drink at the hippo pool, DC sets up for a Pit Stop attack. But suddenly they start to cross and it becomes a Rock Crossing!Wildebeest trample over him but he strikes a big wildebeest bull and holds tight. The hippo pool is not deep enough for a quick death. But DC outlasts the wildebeest in the tug-of-war. The Mara and Grumeti are two very different hunting grounds that require unique skillsets from the crocodiles. In both these trenches the predators responded to the nuances of the landscape and triumphed. At the Pit Stops and Rocks, in Deep and Shallow Water they learned to modify their hunting techniques – and thrived. And next year, when the herds return, these quiet waters will once again transform into Predator Zones.

23:00 00:00


There is more to Japan's natural landscape than just Mount Fuji! Discover the country's numerous mountains and the ethos of the people who live there. From mountains with eight peaks, mountain gods who keep locals in their awe to building snow monsters & embracing modern activities like skiing - this documentary shows the unseen side to Japan!

00:00 01:00


This report climbs aboard the bamboo train, learns about its passengers and portrays life as it currently is in Cambodia. Without this bamboo train, people would not be able to go do their daily tasks such as going to work or to the doctor.Deep in the Cambodian Battambang region, a small bamboo train called "Norry" makes its way through rice fields and jungle passages. It is considered to be one of the most important lifelines into the poor region. But it looks like Norry's time is running out, because of the changes in Cambodia over the last years.More and more fields are being cleaned of land mines, new roads are being built, and many Cambodians are now able to afford a motorbike. The people fear that in a few years' time the bamboo train will stop operating.

01:00 02:00


Andalusia, the Spanish territory has a confluence of cultures which is represented in its architecture! Visigothic, Roman, Byzantine and Arab - the structures in the region display all these influences. Between 8th & 15th century, several dynasties from Arab to Berber conquered Andalusia impacting the way of life of people. The film tells this story through beautiful edifices of Andalusia.

02:00 03:00


17 year old Ester and her dog Mia have big plans: saving lives at Lake Garda. In the north of Italy swimming rescue dogs are on duty at several lakes and the Mediterranean Sea. After traffic accidents, drowning is worldwide the second most common cause of death by accident. But a rescue is always difficult as the rescuer itself can be in danger. Like Mia, the Italian rescue dogs are mostly Newfoundland's- dogs who love the water and with a weight of at least 66 pounds (30 Kilo?), are able to pull people out of the water. For 3 years the dog- owners and their animals are trained to save lives. But the biggest challenge for Ester waits at the end: a jump out of a helicopter.

03:00 04:00


Via six masterpieces, the film reveals the beauty of the spirit of Versailles of the 17th and 18th centuries. A unique homage to the people that crafted it, the furniture reveals the personal tastes of its commissioners, and portrays something that has ceased to exist! These unique items of furniture that once belonged to Louis 14th, Louis 15th, Marie-Antoinette and Louis 16th have fascinating stories to tell: the tortoise-shell chest-of-drawers with inlays of brass; an astronomical clock - a veritable miracle of science; the most emblematic example of French furniture art in the world - the King’s Desk; and the exquisite items made for Marie-Antoinette - the queen’s jewellery case and the wheat-sheaf furniture.

04:00 05:00


The cheetah is a highly specialised animal. It excels at one thing alone, running down high-speed prey faster than any other mammal on earth.But this specialisation comes at a cost. The cheetah as a predatory model seems focussed on one single area of expertise. Outside of pursuing prey, how effective is this animal when compared to the other apex predators of the savannah?Alongside lions, leopards, vultures and hyenas how does the cheetah fit into the efficient cogs of the savannah system? Can it compete, or is it an outsider, cornered by it’s own specialisation?The primary character in the story is a cheetah mother, who goes about her daily life, hunting for her three cubs. Her trials and tribulations highlight the refined hunting system of the cheetah, but they also shed light on her weaknesses, and the lack of robustness in the species itself.

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