00:00 01:00


S1 EP 02: PLAS TEG. The county of Flintshire in Wales is said to be a land filled with ghosts and haunts. Plas Teg is said to be one of the "most haunted" houses in the area. With over 400 years of history, this place is sure to be the home of many an entity.

01:00 01:30


ALBANY/SARATOGA SPRINGS. We’re headed upstate to Albany and Saratoga Springs. We’ll take the Albany capital tour and see five former NY governors who would become US Presidents. Then, we’ll board the USS Slater and see how America defended its fleet against German U-boats in WWII. We’ll sample the mineral water in Saratoga Springs, and bet the farm at their famous thoroughbred raceway. Then, we’ll learn how important the Battle of Saratoga was for America’s future at Saratoga battlefield.

01:30 02:00


BUFFALO/NIAGARA. We’re exploring the other side New York state in Buffalo and Niagara. We’ll take the oath of office like Teddy, at the Roosevelt inauguration site in Buffalo. Then, we’ll take a tour of the Frank Lloyd Wright Martin house and learn about America’s most celebrated architect. We get soaked on the Maid of the Mist at breathtaking Niagara Falls, and defend the walls at Fort Niagara.

02:00 03:00


According to an Indian law, on the death of a policeman his title is transmitted to his eldest son. He is officially considered a police officer, even if he is still a minor. Thus it happens that 4-year-old children work in khaki uniforms, doing simple tasks such as preparing coffee and filing files. Thus a salary is guaranteed to families who have lost their head of household. The children earn the same salary as their father. At 18 they do not need to pass a competition to be admitted to the police, but can be integrated into the service immediately. Under conditions that they have finished school and are at least 1.68 meters tall.

03:00 03:30


Mankind has been flying for over a century. As early as the 1500s Leonardo da Vinci tried to build a flying machine. Drawing inspiration from birds he gave it wings. Unfortunately, his ‘Ornithopter’ didn’t work, and indeed, the airplanes of today do not have flapping wings! We also tried it with balloons. Huge 245-metre long airships that needed the guts of between 80,000 to 200,000 cows! But, it was the kite that became the forerunner of the flying machine. A kite made by the now famous Wright brothers. The two brothers were bicycle repairmen, which convinced them that a flying machine could be highly unstable and yet controllable, such as with bicycles. They built their kites as strong as their bicycle frames and used bicycle parts to test their workings. The early Wright planes could manage no more than 65 km/h. Nowadays, a commercial plane can top 800 km/h. What is it that make our current planes fly 12 times faster? Well, one British Royal Air pilot, Frank Whittle, remembered his school experiments with the ‘Aeolipile’, a piece of ancient Greek engineering. This pilot argued that we could fly faster – if we’d fly higher - because there is less air resistance at high altitudes. The future of aviation has lead to Airbus’s A380, the largest passenger plane in the world as well as the scramjet built by NASA. So what will be the next quirky discovery for flight?

03:30 04:00


Cooling is more than a luxury. Nowadays it is a necessity. Without refrigerated shipping and stocking, fresh food wouldn’t reach our supermarket so easily. Can you imagine living without it? Before the invention of the refrigerator, icehouses were used to provide cool storage for most of the year. To cool our food and beverages, blocks of ice were simply cut out of frozen lakes and shipped to far and beyond. The so-called ‘ice-industry’ came to its end when, in the late 1900s, our waters became too polluted to serve as a cool preserving agent. Air-conditioning, on the other hand, was actually invented to control the humidity that was ruining the paper of printing offices, rather than the technology being used to cool you off. The quirky part is, you can’t create cold; you can only ‘move’ temperature form one place to another. The first one to find a technology that cooled the inside of a box - the forefather of the refrigerator - was a medical doctor. In fact, he thought he was building a machine to cure malaria. And yet it took over a century after that, before people started using refrigerators, because refrigerators were thought to be dangerous. And they had a point! For a few decades, the refrigerator was something of a killer machine (literally) as they omitted toxic gases that poisoned people… Even Einstein got worried and developed a cooling-machine. And when refrigerators stopped killing people, scientists discovered that refrigerants were harming the environment. All sorts of chemicals have passed through our refrigerator coils, to be discarded… but perhaps we have a new solution: cooling with the vibrations of sound. That does sound cool.

04:00 05:00


Explore how animals developed over time and generations their own medicine and health care strategies. How have these been passed onto early humans ? Questioning traditional boundaries between human and animal, we will travel from Central African Republic, to Tanzania, from the US to France with the leading experts in animal behaviour. Today\'s science revisits the birth of animal intelligence and culture.

05:00 06:00


Autism remains a mystery. People with autism will live with this disorder all their life and our societies are all facing the same question: how to take care of them? France lags behind on this subject. Comparing the experiences of other countries, Italy, Sweden, Germany, and Quebec, we will clarify the French situation and demonstrate that practices exist and allow to improve significantly the autist’s life. Every time it comes to real societal choices that reveal our various ways to approach difference. But there are in any case, no simple answers to this complex problem.

06:00 06:30


PERU UROS THE FLOATING ISLANDS OF LAKE TITICACA. Show me where you live is a documentary series that aims to answer the following question: How can human beings claim ownership to a space so that they can live safely within it, function as a society, and above all be in harmony with the environment around them? As we discover cultures and emblematic populations, we follow Philippe Simay who is at the heart of Inhabiting the World and represents its identity and originality. Philippe takes us on an epic adventure around the Human Habitat and sets the tone for the journey. As a humanist and philosopher, Philippe is a tireless surveyor of the city, and an explorer of living spaces. Determined to travel around the world, Philippe unveils how the populations that he encounters claim the space they occupy, shapes it and adjust to it. In this series of 20 films, of 26 minutes each, the habitat will be a major showcase revealing our capacity to adapt ourselves at a time where we need to find solutions in order to address immense changes.

06:30 07:00


TOKYO. Show me where you live is a documentary series that aims to answer the following question: How can human beings claim ownership to a space so that they can live safely within it, function as a society, and above all be in harmony with the environment around them? As we discover cultures and emblematic populations, we follow Philippe Simay who is at the heart of Inhabiting the World and represents its identity and originality. Philippe takes us on an epic adventure around the Human Habitat and sets the tone for the journey. As a humanist and philosopher, Philippe is a tireless surveyor of the city, and an explorer of living spaces. Determined to travel around the world, Philippe unveils how the populations that he encounters claim the space they occupy, shapes it and adjust to it. In this series of 20 films, of 26 minutes each, the habitat will be a major showcase revealing our capacity to adapt ourselves at a time where we need to find solutions in order to address immense changes.

07:00 08:00


EP. 03. Hippos are terrifying animals in their own right, but they also have enough meat on them to be tempting prey. A pride of 16 lions surround one, but its jaws can crush a skull with one bite – who will triumph?

08:00 09:00


Humans have built various legends surrounding the dolphin. These likeable creatures have inspired and enthralled us through the ages and have seemingly secured their place beside us as one of the most intelligent mammals on the planet. But how do we measure this intelligence? And how smart are dolphins really? If intelligence is defined by the ability to reason, plan, solve problems and learn from experience, how does the dolphin weigh up? ‘Dolphins - Beauty Before Brains?’ (1 x 52’ HD), takes us on a scientific journey into the complex world of the dolphin and investigates the controversy surrounding Professor Paul Manger’s recent assertion that dolphins are not quite as smart as we’d previously thought – “dumber than a goldfish” were the words he used. According to his studies, dolphins appear to have brains that lack complexity at neuronal level, which compromises their information-processing abilities. By examining a series of experiments testing the “theory of mind” in dolphins and exploring unique and engaging habits like self-awareness, creative responses and self-entertainment such as wave-riding, this film illustrates exactly where dolphin IQ scores on the charts. We also look at unique behaviour patterns, pod dynamics, communication skills and hunting strategies that play out in mass feeding events such as the Sardine Run on the South African coastline. The dolphins’ Sardine Run behaviour is one of the most amazing spectacles of intelligence and co-operation in the natural world. We then travel to Mozambique to meet Angie Gullan, the “Dolphin Whisperer”. She has monitored and interacted with four local pods for the past ten years and facilitates dolphin “swims” that are said to have physiological healing effects on human beings. According to her observations, dolphins rank at the top when it comes to emotional intelligence. So is Professor Manger correct in his assessment of dolphins and how does his study compare with the facts? Could dolphin intelligence, or lack thereof, be something that varies from one individual to the next?

09:00 09:30


ALASKA BOUND FROM PRINCE RUPERT. Running the Portland Canal from Prince Rupert to Alaska...and fishing Alaskan Halibut!

09:30 10:00


PRINCE RUPERT TO HARTLEY BAY. Trolling for Chinook Salmon in Prince Rupert then making big run Southbound to Hartley Bay through Grenville Channel!

10:00 11:00


EP. 03. Peppered across Africa are a few iconic locations that are renowned for killing action. Arenas bathed in a history of blood, places where Africa’s icons have hunted successfully for generations. Predators here develop unique and clever ways to hunt. But the circumstances aren’t the driving factor in this story. Sometimes these predators look for the perfect patch of ground to kill, a small area of long grass, or a single path that leads to the perfect ambush. How do they amplify their age-old skills by using the lie of the land? The fastest mammal on the planet, Cheetah’s don’t only use speed to kill. They use look out points to scan for weak prey and a baby fawn as lure to get its mother to come closer. Africa’s heavy weight the Lion is twice the weight and half the speed of the Cheetah. They need cover to hunt down their prey, so they stake out ambush points in Gullies, Marshland and Forest, lying in wait for their prey the wildebeest. We follow three characters through the Ndutu rainy season, starting with the arrival of the annual wildebeest migration, through to the wildebeest calves growing up and continuing their journey to the north-west. The film looks at how our characters use the environment and features of the landscape to their advantage. Reflecting on how they have learnt this from previous generations and will pass onto the next.

11:00 12:00


EP. 01. Masters of stealth or speed, using enhanced senses and lethal strategies to hunt, Africa’s killers include the incredibly fast cheetah and lions, which while slower, have raw power and ingenious teamwork on their side. The rivers, meanwhile, hold fearsome crocodiles.

12:00 13:00


BEACHBOYS ON PATROL. For many people Hawaii is paradise on earth. The Archipelago is a veritable jewel in need of special protection. 360° GEO Report closely follows Hawaii's Nature Conservation patrol. The police of the Departments of Land and Natural Resources carry out their duty on all the islands of Hawaii. The officers of the DLNR wander through the Islands on a daily basis, patrolling from the mountain peaks to the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

13:00 14:00


CITIES UNDER SIEGE. Our cities are being attacked, overrun and overwhelmed with pests and invasive species bent on decimating our homes and threatening our well being. What happens if these urban invaders continue to expand their territory and occupy our safe haven? Is it just a matter of time before an emerging deadly disease carried by one of those urban invaders creates havoc in our big cities?

14:00 14:30


EP. 05. Snow is a fascinating world of crystals that animals, plants, and humans have had to adapt to, in order to benefit from its best and survive its worst attributes. Some communities live with Tornadoes by building homes with survival features and rather than get out of their paths, they rely on warning systems and classifications. And behind all great weather events is Wind, find out how and why it can change from a gentle breeze into a devastating gale force and where does it go? Nature’s force can be mystical and puzzling and the Sunshower has been the subject of myths and legends and superstitions, but it does have a scientific explanation.

14:30 15:00


EP. 06. What is La Nina and how is it being monitored? Find out the effects and the reach that this system is influencing. How did Indian Summer get its name and what is the science behind the phenomenon? Winter is the season that has the biggest effect on the planet, animal behaviour and often brings out the worst that nature can bring. Nature’s Halo is a magical sight with a scientific explanation. The story of and lessons from Hurricane Katrina give us a great understanding of the ferocity and speed that nature can unleash

15:00 16:00


The Bahamas - an archipelago in the western Atlantic that has long been the subject of legends. Over 700 islands and 2,000 coral reefs form this island paradise. Cat Island is one of the few continuously populated islands. In 2011, it was devastated by Hurricane Irene - the population is still coping with the aftermath. Untouched by tourism and tax havens, many people live on the poverty line. There is barely enough money to survive. Unemployment and hopelessness plunge them into lethargy. A few highly motivated women are now collecting ideas to inject hope and economic success into this island.

16:00 17:00


360° Geo - Report accompanies 2 young legionnaires during their training as jungle fighters. It is humid in the rainforest around Regina, the outpost of the French military in the South American jungle. It's not for nothing that the country is called "Guayana", "Land of water". The foreign legionnaires, who have gathered here for training to become jungle combatants, experience the meaning of this name daily. The squad is international, the training hard: transport of the wounded through the rain forest, guerilla attacks, river crossings, survival training, the self-supply of food, and time and time again, drill! The men of the 3rd infantry regiment quite often operate for days in the jungle, tracking down illegal immigrants or gold seekers.

17:00 17:30


PHANTOMS. Seg 1 Body Transfer Illusion. The Body Transfer Illusion is the illusion of perceiving another object to be part of your body. This is best exemplified by the rubber hand experiment where in a volunteer is a shown a rubber hand while their real hand is obscured. Both the fake and real hand is subject to the same stimulus and soon the volunteer will perceive the fake hand as theirs. Seg 2 Autokinetic Effect. The Autokinetic Effect is the effect caused by subtle movements in our eyes when looking at dark environments. This causes stationary light sources to be perceived as moving even though they aren’t. Seg 3 Moon Illusion. The Moon Illusion is the illusion where the moon appears to change sizes during different periods in time when especially when it appears closer to the horizon in fact the moon’s size remains constant. This happens because we are able to compare the moon’s size with visual references like trees and buildings when it appears nearer the horizon. Seg 4 Geometric Illusions. Geometric Illusions are illusions that can literally be illustrated on paper. This type of illusions make use of geometric properties of renderings and illustration and make them appear different in terms of points, length and curvature. Seg 5 Stereoscopy. Stereoscopy is the technique where in our eyes are made to perceive two images that make up one whole image. This technique enables us perceive 3 dimensions from 2 flat image sources.

17:30 18:00


ART OF ILLUSION. Seg 1 Animation. Animation is the process and technique that involves creating the illusion of movement from still drawings and inanimate objects. It is achieved by displaying images with slight variations in a rapid and successive manner thus making our eyes perceive the illusion of movement. Seg 2 Aviation Illusions. Aviation illusions are the sensory illusions associated with taking flight. When pilots take flight their vestibular system, the sensory system responsible for balance, is affected by conflicting stimulus from what the pilot sees and feels during flight. Seg 3 Spinning Dancer. The spinning dancer illusion is an illusion that was created by Noboyuki Kayahara. One can either perceive the dancer as spinning clockwise or counter clockwise. This phenomenon is explained by Bistable perception which states that perception can be altered subjectively just by how an object is observed. Seg 4 Mirage. Mirages are a physical optical phenomenon that can be observed when there is a difference in the temperature in the surrounding air of an area. The different temperatures of the air causes light to refract and cause weird distortions when viewed at the correct angle. This can range from weird reflections to distortions and even the appearance of floating objects. Seg 5 Rainbow Formation. Rainbows are formed as a result of sunlight being refracted and reflected by tiny drops of water in the atmosphere. The water droplets act as prism that can split the sun’s white light into the spectrum of visible colors thus creating the effect of a colorful rainbow.

18:00 18:30


S1 EP 05: PALM SPRINGS - JOSHUA TREE. Outta Town Adventures travels both near and far to discover the best advenures the destinations have to offer. Season 1 visits attractions from California to Rwanda, Switzerland, Iceland, Utah, Zambia, Mexico, The Grand Canyon, Georgia (the Eastern European one) Louisiana, Hawaii, Mauritius and Seychelles. This TV series is dedicated to presenting history, culture and geography in a fun and pisitive way. It encourages people to explore this beautiful world - something that starts with simply getting out of town!

18:30 19:00


S1 EP 06: RWANDA. Outta Town Adventures travels both near and far to discover the best advenures the destinations have to offer. Season 1 visits attractions from California to Rwanda, Switzerland, Iceland, Utah, Zambia, Mexico, The Grand Canyon, Georgia (the Eastern European one) Louisiana, Hawaii, Mauritius and Seychelles. This TV series is dedicated to presenting history, culture and geography in a fun and pisitive way. It encourages people to explore this beautiful world - something that starts with simply getting out of town!

19:00 19:30


NAIROBI: THE ENCHANTED CITY. Nairobi is the capital of Kenya and one of the most fascinating cities in Africa. On our visit we’ll see the colonial architecture of a bygone era and the ultra-modern side of town as well. We’ll learn the truth behind the “Out of Africa” story and our host gets eye-to-eye with some endangered giraffes.

19:30 20:00


TARANGIRE: LAND OF THE ELEPHANT. This is definitely the land of the elephant. Large herds of pachyderms roam this marshy park putting on a show for whoever wants to watch. But that’s not the only big boys of this park—buffalo, lion and a host of hoofed game make this a wonder to behold.

20:00 20:30


COSMETICS. What are the health costs of beauty? In this episode, we examine products like lipstick, foundation, eyeliner and mascara. Aspiring actress Gracie Robbin is concerned about the health risks she takes in order to be beautiful. She visits with celebrated broadcaster, journalist and author Gill Deacon. Gill believes that years of using conventional makeup may have led to her breast cancer. She describes the toxic effects of the chemicals found in conventional makeup and offers organic alternatives. Scientist, academic and “fraud buster” Dr. Joe Schwarcz explains the science behind the ingredients and insists that conventional beauty products are perfectly safe for Gracie to use. Gracie tells us about a health scare in her own family and draws her own conclusions about what’s best for her.

20:30 21:00


BODY CARE PRODUCTS. In episode 2 we explore the more “nourishing” side of personal products, examining moisturizers, cleansers and toothpaste. Lawyer Holly Rasky worries that her favourite products are going to make her sick. Author and EcoHolic activist Adria Vasil takes her on a pharmacy tour and explains how Canada’s lax regulations allow manufacturers to include potentially toxic chemicals in our most intimate products, chemicals that are banned in the rest of the world. Reluctant to give up her favourite toothpaste, Holly speaks with former health minister Darren Praznik who assures her that the government does everything it can to protect her and that industry has strong incentives to keep her safe. Health Canada chimes in with facts and figures to show they are Canadians best defense against dangerous products.

21:00 22:00


This was the « other » Second World War – the one in the Pacific, confronting the Japanese Imperial Army to the Americans. Although not as famous as the war that raged in Europe, this conflict was just as ferocious and central to our collective memory.

22:00 22:30


EP. 05. In this episode we look at some of the ways technology is helping us solve the big environmental problems of our age. From satellites that map sea surface height, to the development of sustainable fuels such as hydrogen, scientists are using their ingenuity to find answers that will enhance our lives in the future. An aircraft that runs just on solar power, a tech company that’s using its mapping expertise to fight floods and a farmer using futuristic technology to protect his tomato plants are among the innovations profiled in this episode.

22:30 23:00


EP. 06. In this episode we visit the home of the future, a place where automation, robotics and connectivity combine to create an easier and more sustainable life for its human inhabitants. From personal robots, to indoor hydroponic gardens, electronics companies are competing to find the most intuitive solutions to automating household chores. This episode also explores advances in technology in the motoring world, such as drones that give drivers advance warning of upcoming hazards, a “robot whisperer” who visits a car factory to study robotic body language and how Lamborghini is conducting carbon fibre tests in space. Finally, we look at how home gaming and drone racing are using innovation to expand entertainment options.

23:00 00:00


There is a goldmine atmosphere in the Azores: in the crystal-clear water live 21 species of whales and dolphins. Their instinct for play and their empathy for humans make them a fantastic source of capital. Several whale-watching companies have been founded in recent years – and swimming with dolphins has become one of the most sought-after tourist attractions. But there are also critical voices, such as the biologist Maria de Cruz, who is attempting to find out how much stress it causes the marine mammals.

00:00 01:00


S1 EP 03: THE BLOCK. The team investigate a disused factory in Burton-Upon-Trent. Reports of paranormal happenings are common and the team are ready for anything.

01:00 01:30


BELFAST. We’re shipping off to Belfast, Northern Ireland on today’s episode. First, we’ll gawk at the world’s biggest Titanic museum. Then, we’ll learn about the province’s complicated history at the Ulster Museum. Finally, we get thrown in the slammer at the very creepy, Crumlin Road Jail.

01:30 02:00


DUBLIN. We travel to the end of the rainbow in Dublin, Ireland. We’ll gawk at the Book of Kells, a holy book displayed at Trinity College. We visited the hallowed halls of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and touched famed Irishman, Daniel O’Connell’s crypt at Glasnevin Cemetery. Finally, we learn the complicated history of Irish independence at Kilmainham jail.

02:00 02:30


BRAZIL. Bill Ball breaks the rules and stereo types of travel shows as he ventures beyond the highlights. What do you do after you’ve lead groups to over 140 countries and all 7 continents? Welcome to Bill’s bucket list on steroids... Travel Quest. This new, fast-paced series chases Bill around the globe as he seeks out anything but the mundane and ordinary—coming face-to-face with the largest crocodiles in the world, snorkeling with thousands of jellyfish, walking on the rim of an exploding volcano, feeding a group of sharks without a cage, bicycling across the Serengeti... this is not your typical travel show!

02:30 03:00


ANTARCTICA. Bill Ball breaks the rules and stereo types of travel shows as he ventures beyond the highlights. What do you do after you’ve lead groups to over 140 countries and all 7 continents? Welcome to Bill’s bucket list on steroids... Travel Quest. This new, fast-paced series chases Bill around the globe as he seeks out anything but the mundane and ordinary—coming face-to-face with the largest crocodiles in the world, snorkeling with thousands of jellyfish, walking on the rim of an exploding volcano, feeding a group of sharks without a cage, bicycling across the Serengeti... this is not your typical travel show!

03:00 03:30


In contrast with popular belief, Edison did not invent the light bulb. Many people contributed to the invention. Mind you, the first lamp was invented around 70,000 BC. Once upon a time we had limelight, which was actually quite unsafe, and then there were arc “arc lamps” – shedding light that blinded movie stars up to the point where they had to wear sunglasses. What Edison did was improve the light bulb to become a practical, affordable and safe product. He tested over 5000 filaments to make the bulb last: from bamboo fiber to a hair out of an assistant’s beard. At the same time others were working on light bulbs made with gasses, which we now know as energy efficient lamps. Modern-day lighting innovations are quite startling, a lot of them - we can’t even see with the naked eye… Lasers, for example. For the longest time it was merely a pet-theory of the grand Einstein. Nobody knew what to make of this idea that ‘atoms could release their excess energy as light’ When the laser was invented, people joked that the laser was ‘a solution looking for a problem’. Now it is omnipresent. In the near future: laser-light therapy by flashing the human brain.

03:30 04:00


A man with an ear for music, one of the first to try teaching the deaf how to speak, thought he could build a "harmonic telegraph". He had this idea that several notes could travel through a wire simultaneously, instead of the one Morse code that the telegraph could transmit. He thought this to be possible because he misinterpreted the writings of a researcher writing in German – a language he did not know. – And would later describe his misinterpretation as a "very valuable blunder". The man was Alexander Graham Bell and he invented telephony. The big question is: what happens in that wire? How can voices travel? Bell and his assistant eventually proved that different tones would vary the strength of an electric current in a wire. In fact, it’s the vibrations of the voice that determine the strength of the current. His invention caused a lot of fuss – yet it took years before people comprehended the scale of it: before the widespread use of the phone – whom were you going to call? Eventually, the telephone, or better said, its wiring, leads to the Internet. Nowadays we mostly make our calls ‘wireless’ so the wire Graham Bell used to make voices travel over long distances is no longer needed How does that work? Even wireless calling, some say, is actually a very unnatural way of communicating. Looking at the future, are we heading towards a ‘phoneless’ call?

04:00 05:00


This report accompanies a polar cargo ship through the Arctic Sea and provides a rare insight into the interior of the Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker float. Along the north coast of Russia, a land of climatic extremes, lies one of the most difficult to navigate straits in the world. The Northern Sea route is a 6,000 kilometer shipping lane through the Polar Sea.

Kultura a televize