00:00 01:00


In August 2004 in Bulgaria, archaeologist Georgi Kitov made a spectacular discovery in the valley of the Thracian Kings, a valley where about twenty temples and royal tombs are located. Kitov accessed a still-intact ancient tomb, which housed incredible wealth, dating back to the 4th century B.C., when Thracian culture was at its height. In front of the gigantic mausoleum, archaeologists found a magnificent, life-sized bronze head, one of the period's finest specimens ever found, and possessing an unsettlingly modern style. Who was this king and what does his tomb tell us about Thracian culture? Was he buried according to the Thracian custom of Orphic rites, and what do we know today about these secret rites that promised eternal life? Research into the deceased's identity revealed the tomb belonged to King Seuthes III. With the help of archaeologists and historians, who decipher the king's vestiges, the film pieces together the puzzle of Seuthes III's life. He was a modern king, who was open to Hellenisation, a warrior king, who was opposed to Macedonian authority, and a priest king, who was committed to preserving Thracian cultural rites.

01:00 02:00


10 years ago, Europe almost witnessed the first dying out of a predatory cat since the sabre-toothed tiger when only about a hundred Iberian Lynxes remained in existance. Still today, the Iberian Lynx is one of the most threatened species of predatory cat in the world. The documentary accompanies animal rights activists in their struggle to preserve and resettle the world's last lynxes. The current plan is to move the cats to safety.

02:00 03:00


Narrated by Iain Glen, this film focuses on the fragile existence of the Scottish Wildcats, their status and what conservation efforts are being undertaken to ensure their survival.

03:00 03:30


ZANZIBAR: THE ORIGINAL SPICE ISLAND. The name alone conjures up mysterious and exotic images. The architecture and backstory to this once powerful independent kingdom, is both amazing and horrifying. Outside the city, Zanzibar earns its “Spice Island” nickname due to the huge plantations that grow everything to make your cooking flavorful. Journeys final stop is to visit the highly endangered Red Colobus monkeys. Learn why these human-like primates eat dirt for survival.

03:30 04:00


PHANTOMS. Seg 1 Body Transfer Illusion. The Body Transfer Illusion is the illusion of perceiving another object to be part of your body. This is best exemplified by the rubber hand experiment where in a volunteer is a shown a rubber hand while their real hand is obscured. Both the fake and real hand is subject to the same stimulus and soon the volunteer will perceive the fake hand as theirs. Seg 2 Autokinetic Effect. The Autokinetic Effect is the effect caused by subtle movements in our eyes when looking at dark environments. This causes stationary light sources to be perceived as moving even though they aren’t. Seg 3 Moon Illusion. The Moon Illusion is the illusion where the moon appears to change sizes during different periods in time when especially when it appears closer to the horizon in fact the moon’s size remains constant. This happens because we are able to compare the moon’s size with visual references like trees and buildings when it appears nearer the horizon. Seg 4 Geometric Illusions. Geometric Illusions are illusions that can literally be illustrated on paper. This type of illusions make use of geometric properties of renderings and illustration and make them appear different in terms of points, length and curvature. Seg 5 Stereoscopy. Stereoscopy is the technique where in our eyes are made to perceive two images that make up one whole image. This technique enables us perceive 3 dimensions from 2 flat image sources.

04:00 05:00


Via six masterpieces, the film reveals the beauty of the spirit of Versailles of the 17th and 18th centuries. A unique homage to the people that crafted it, the furniture reveals the personal tastes of its commissioners, and portrays something that has ceased to exist! These unique items of furniture that once belonged to Louis 14th, Louis 15th, Marie-Antoinette and Louis 16th have fascinating stories to tell: the tortoise-shell chest-of-drawers with inlays of brass; an astronomical clock - a veritable miracle of science; the most emblematic example of French furniture art in the world - the King’s Desk; and the exquisite items made for Marie-Antoinette - the queen’s jewellery case and the wheat-sheaf furniture.

05:00 06:00


The international scientific community is called on to take sides and provide solid answers. "Surrounded by Waves" explores the methods and motivations behind the most prominent research in the field and clarifies what we currently know, all with a mind to the social context behind the issue. Through an elegant blend of interviews, archives, experiments and 3D animation, the film clearly assesses the estimated risk linked to cell phones while offering a subtle observation of society's growing distrust of its industries and the unprecedented role of science in the debate.

06:00 07:00


EP. 01. Masters of stealth or speed, using enhanced senses and lethal strategies to hunt, Africa’s killers include the incredibly fast cheetah and lions, which while slower, have raw power and ingenious teamwork on their side. The rivers, meanwhile, hold fearsome crocodiles.

07:00 08:00


The cheetah is a highly specialised animal. It excels at one thing alone, running down high-speed prey faster than any other mammal on earth.But this specialisation comes at a cost. The cheetah as a predatory model seems focussed on one single area of expertise. Outside of pursuing prey, how effective is this animal when compared to the other apex predators of the savannah?Alongside lions, leopards, vultures and hyenas how does the cheetah fit into the efficient cogs of the savannah system? Can it compete, or is it an outsider, cornered by it’s own specialisation?The primary character in the story is a cheetah mother, who goes about her daily life, hunting for her three cubs. Her trials and tribulations highlight the refined hunting system of the cheetah, but they also shed light on her weaknesses, and the lack of robustness in the species itself.

08:00 08:25


S1 EP 03: SEYCHELLES. Outta Town Adventures travels both near and far to discover the best advenures the destinations have to offer. Season 1 visits attractions from California to Rwanda, Switzerland, Iceland, Utah, Zambia, Mexico, The Grand Canyon, Georgia (the Eastern European one) Louisiana, Hawaii, Mauritius and Seychelles. This TV series is dedicated to presenting history, culture and geography in a fun and pisitive way. It encourages people to explore this beautiful world - something that starts with simply getting out of town!

08:25 09:00


S1 EP 04: SWITZERLAND. Outta Town Adventures travels both near and far to discover the best advenures the destinations have to offer. Season 1 visits attractions from California to Rwanda, Switzerland, Iceland, Utah, Zambia, Mexico, The Grand Canyon, Georgia (the Eastern European one) Louisiana, Hawaii, Mauritius and Seychelles. This TV series is dedicated to presenting history, culture and geography in a fun and pisitive way. It encourages people to explore this beautiful world - something that starts with simply getting out of town!

09:00 10:00


360° GEO - Report accompanies David van Gennep a committed animal rights activist and his team of volunteers during on a distinctly moving mission. There is great excitement in the back of the monkey transporter - after a 20-minute drive, 8 chimpanzees impatient to get out of the van, suddenly go silent. For here, there is suddenly no cold concrete floor, and no cage awaiting them, but a vast, natural expanse of trees, grass and blue skies. After years of imprisonment, maltreatment and isolation, they will now have to learn to liaise with conspecifics, build up families and live outdoors. "Monkey whisperer" David van Gennep wipes the tears from his eyes. His lifelong dream to found a paradise for maltreated monkeys in Alicante in Spain, is finally coming true.

10:00 11:00


Autism remains a mystery. People with autism will live with this disorder all their life and our societies are all facing the same question: how to take care of them? France lags behind on this subject. Comparing the experiences of other countries, Italy, Sweden, Germany, and Quebec, we will clarify the French situation and demonstrate that practices exist and allow to improve significantly the autist’s life. Every time it comes to real societal choices that reveal our various ways to approach difference. But there are in any case, no simple answers to this complex problem.

11:00 12:00


ICY ISLAND. 360° GEO - Report attended German supplier Rupert Krapp, on his tours through the rough landscape and picturesque fjords of Spitsbergen.The Arctic autumn is short. As early as the end of September the inhabitants of Spitsbergen prepare themselves for the long dark winter. Those who can leave the island. But a small group of people stays, mostly comprised of students, scientists and logisticians: among them is Rupert Krapp.Since late 1999, he has been living in Longyearbyen, the largest settlement on the main island. From here, he delivers goods to all those requiring supplies at their solitary stations and on their scientific research vessels.

12:00 12:30


EP. 03. In this episode we examine advances in aviation that include flying cars being developed by Slovakian and Japanese companies. Ride share companies are also considering aerial options, with Uber among those working on autonomous urban aircraft that will fly over congested roads to landing points in the centre of cities. As the skies of the future will be teeming with flying vehicles, suitable air traffic management is essential. We look at new systems to connect autonomous aircraft with each other and an overarching traffic control. Finally, we explore a concept airliner of the future. Sustainable and flexible, it incorporates holograms and neural networks to provide a more engaging and relaxing flight.

12:30 13:00


EP. 04. In this episode we travel on a space tourist test flight that flies high above the Earth. It’s just one of the options available for wealthy thrill-seekers looking to defy gravity on a trip above our atmosphere. We also look at the latest spacesuits designed by NASA for extra-vehicular activity, or floating in space. Finally, we get an update on the Artemis project, the plan to send men and women to the moon this decade. Artemis requires cooperation between all the major space agencies to build a huge new space station called Gateway, that will also be the launch pad for a crewed mission to Mars this century.

13:00 14:00


Florence, the cradle of the Renaissance, is today a so-called "museum-city". The small city center is invaded by thousands of tourists every day. But there is one sport tourists usually don't know : the calcio florentino, a violent game with no rules, exclusively for Florentine people. Struggling with the consequences of gentrification, the city is losing its identity and its citizens. But there is still one way in which Florence and the "Fiorentini" can express their own identity - the "Calcio Storico Fiorentino" (Historical Florentine soccer), a game that has been played in Florence for 800 years but only 3 days a year in the month of June! This primitive, tough and dangerous mix of football and boxing is played in one of the world's most famous squares, the Piazza Santa Croce. The players can hit the ball with their hands or feet, and they can stop their adversaries in any way possible. These two rules make the game one of the roughest sports ever played.

14:00 15:00


In Paraguay, the loofah plant is used to make vegetable sponges but nowadays, it can also used to build houses. 360°GEO - Report follows Elsa Zaldivar on her quest to free Paraguay from its housing shortage.Until recently, the loofah plant in Paraguay had fallen into oblivion. But over the past few years, it has experienced a successful comeback - as bath sponge. Today, loofah sponges are sold throughout the world.According to Elsa Zaldivar, loofah is now also being used in the construction of houses. The once densely wooded countryside has today been largely chopped down. Many people do not have access to affordable building materials. The idea of the loofah-cooperative is to compound loofah remains with plastic waste in order to create a a solid building material for house walls.

15:00 16:00


The valleys of Nepal, around the Himalayan Mountains - the highest in the world - are the home of a special group of people callled the Ghurkhas. Because of the discipline and endurance they exhibit in their daily fight for survival, they are employed in the elite battalion of the British Army. For more than 200 years, the Ghurkhas have served the crown. Every year, more than 25,000 people apply for a position as a Ghurkhas, with only a few lucky ones chosen. For the chosen ones, it feels as though they have hit the jackpot. For the others, it is considered to be the worst defeat of their life.

16:00 17:00


A plunge into New Zealand's Ultramarathon preparations, a tradition that comes from a Maori legend. 55 year-old Lilac Fley is an athlete and many times winner of the extreme race. A Maori legend dictates the course of the Ultramarathon. It tells the story of a boy who once lived with his tribe on the New Zealand coast. One day his mother asked him to search for some kumaras, or sweet potatoes, for a meal. Instead of digging for them, he decided to steal some from the neighboring tribe. Till this day, runners follow in his footsteps along the coastline - during New Zealand's most famous marathon.

17:00 18:00


THE NEED FOR SPEED. China runs on two gears as it moves millions of people around every day. A young driver of one of the world’s fastest trains and two seasoned pilots of one of the world’s biggest airlines are seeing the effects modernization and globalization have on their journeys. Meanwhile, in downtown Shanghai a recreational revolution is taking place as the youth choose bikes and skateboards over four wheels.

18:00 18:30


KILWA KISIWANI: SWAHILI KING OF THE INDIAN OCEAN. This ancient ruined city, lost to history, was one of the most powerful in the world during its prime. The architectural sophistication and sheer size will amaze. Then Journeys heads out to the deep ocean for some big game fishing. Will we land the big one or return empty handed?

18:30 19:00


TSAVO: LEGACY OF THE MAN-EATERS. Featured in films and documentaries, the mane-less lions of Tsavo have a fierce reputation – man-eaters. Journeys embarks on a photo hunt for these legendary beasts of the bush. In the process, we witness the raw power of the ghosts in the dark.

19:00 20:00


Andalusia, the Spanish territory has a confluence of cultures which is represented in its architecture! Visigothic, Roman, Byzantine and Arab - the structures in the region display all these influences. Between 8th & 15th century, several dynasties from Arab to Berber conquered Andalusia impacting the way of life of people. The film tells this story through beautiful edifices of Andalusia.

20:00 21:00


Herpetologist Vince Shacks and underwater cameraman Brad Bestelink go on a unique crocodile diving adventure to find out more about these cave systems, and how the reptiles use them. They enter a dark underworld of mystery and danger, and they find themselves doing things that no one has ever attempted before. Apart from swimming with huge crocodiles, they’re the first to noose a wild Nile crocodile underwater, and they’re the first to attach a remote camera to it, to see where it goes.

21:00 22:00


360°GEO - Report accompanies goose barnacle fishermen on a trip to the deadly cliffs. But even there, the goose barnacle population is declining rapidly.Their working district is the "Costa del Morte" - the "Coast of Death", where the oil tanker "Prestige" split apart in 2002. Here, the waves of the Atlantic are often lashed against the rocks by northwest gale force 8 winds.Their working district is the "Costa del Morte" - the "Coast of Death", where the oil tanker "Prestige" split apart in 2002. Here, the waves of the Atlantic are often lashed against the rocks by northwest gale force 8 winds.

22:00 23:00


This film endeavours to show how the invention of cinema was in no way inevitable, and how it may well have been a mere accident. To pinpoint the start, it all began in the heart of Paris, in the depths of darkened room, on 28 March 1798, when Etienne-Gaspard Robertson gave one of his first screenings of his "Fantasmagoria" - making ghosts and spectres dance. But how did we move from perfecting the magic lantern to the cinematography of the Lumiére brothers? The invention was born throughout the 19th century, out of the unpredictable crossing of two parallel research paths - that of philosophical toys and the photography of movement. Originally-named optical devices - such as the kinesigraph, the zoetrope, the praxinoscope and the phenakistoscope, without forgetting the photographic revolver or gun - associated the realm of toys with the realm of thought, reflecting both a fascination for the magical effects produced by animation and speed, and a desire to understand human anatomy, and analyse the phenomenon of vision. All these pre-cinema optical devices literally stemmed from a desire for spectacle and the will to acquire knowledge. Robertson, Reynaud, Plateau, Muybridge and Marey spearheaded the adventure. Thanks to these brilliant inventors, we travel across the 19th century, ending in Paris in 1895 in the Salon Indien du Grand Café, where the first public movie screening took place.

23:00 00:00


Theo van Boven becomes Director of Human Rights for the UN in 1977, where it was impossible to even name a country for gross violations. No bureaucrat, he battles the most repressive regimes of the late 20th century, such as Chile and Argentina and opens the UN door for the first time to "subversive" survivors from across the world. Risking everything, he even takes on the US and the Secretary General.

00:00 01:00


This report follows the process of making Argan oil, beginning with the harvest and ending with the cooperatives working for the international market. Made from the nuts of the Argan tree, which grows almost exclusively in the Essaouira region of Morocco, Argan oil has become one of the latest miracle ingredients of the beauty industry in Europe. Publicity is created around the fact that this oil is made by Berber women. But who are they? How do they live? And how hard is their work? We accompany these women in their daily lives and take part in their traditions.

01:00 02:00


The film follows Nigel and his dogs throughout the summer. Nigel Watkins is a farmer and vice-world champion sheepdog handler. Together with his partner, Janet, he runs his little farm Llanddeusant in the Brecon Beacons National Park in the south of Wales. Farming takes up a fair amount of his time, but his hobbies take up much more of it: he trains Border Collies, a breed of sheepdog.

02:00 03:00


Still today, there are no phones, no Internet and no newspapers in the remote areas of Azerbaijan. The newsman or "Ashig" has always played an important role in this Eastern culture over the centuries. Without them, the inhabitants would be radically cut off from the rest of the world and all its news. Certain distinguished representatives of their guild still travel the country's mountains to the remotest areas, to spread news, stories and the latest gossip. One of these representatives is Nemet, the old and honorable Aschug from Baku, who has been practicing this skill for a very long time. Like all Aschugs, he transmits his information through song!

03:00 03:30


SAFARI 101: TIPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL ADVENTURE. All the essentials for going on, and having a successful safari are covered before our host gets a very special challenge—to find at least half of the “Big Twelve” on one safari drive. Four hours and six (6) very special animals—can he do it using his own rules for a successful safari?

03:30 04:00


ART OF ILLUSION. Seg 1 Animation. Animation is the process and technique that involves creating the illusion of movement from still drawings and inanimate objects. It is achieved by displaying images with slight variations in a rapid and successive manner thus making our eyes perceive the illusion of movement. Seg 2 Aviation Illusions. Aviation illusions are the sensory illusions associated with taking flight. When pilots take flight their vestibular system, the sensory system responsible for balance, is affected by conflicting stimulus from what the pilot sees and feels during flight. Seg 3 Spinning Dancer. The spinning dancer illusion is an illusion that was created by Noboyuki Kayahara. One can either perceive the dancer as spinning clockwise or counter clockwise. This phenomenon is explained by Bistable perception which states that perception can be altered subjectively just by how an object is observed. Seg 4 Mirage. Mirages are a physical optical phenomenon that can be observed when there is a difference in the temperature in the surrounding air of an area. The different temperatures of the air causes light to refract and cause weird distortions when viewed at the correct angle. This can range from weird reflections to distortions and even the appearance of floating objects. Seg 5 Rainbow Formation. Rainbows are formed as a result of sunlight being refracted and reflected by tiny drops of water in the atmosphere. The water droplets act as prism that can split the sun’s white light into the spectrum of visible colors thus creating the effect of a colorful rainbow.

04:00 05:00


What is European Identity? Is it cultural or political? Thibault Bourdon travels 8500 Km on his bicycle crossing multitude of dialects & landscapes, majestic mountains, stunning cliffs across the continent exploring this political & economic cohesion of 750 million people. In the end, the project of the European Union is a beautiful idea but, for Europeans.

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