00:50 01:45


In the heart of the Pacific, in New Caledonia, the Kanaks have been fighting for their independence for over 40 years, and they use nickel as a weapon to achieve their end. The subsoil of the island is filled with this ore essential for global growth. To finance their future state, the Kanaks open mines, build factories, to have a part on the materials market. Is this nation of 100,000 people at risk of losing far more precious by gambling with raw material and to shift from political dependence to a financial one?

01:45 02:40


At the tip of Africa two oceans collide, creating one of the most productive eco-systems on the planet. Here, one of the largest shoals of fish known to man form the basis of two food chains that split and extend for 100’s of miles. After the sardines part at Cape Agulhas, each shoal passes it’s own critical point. On the west coast of Africa, this is Malgas Island, a traditionally energetic hub of life dominated by the presence of the supreme sardine hunter, the Cape gannet. On the opposing coast, the shoals pass Bird Island, the eastern equivalent of Malgas. Circumstances on the two bird colonies are very different; on the west we see dwindling numbers of sardine, whilst on the east, Bird Island is the inverse. While the Malgas Gannets battle to raise chicks amid skirmishes by Kelp gulls and hungry seals, the Bird island gannets move to intercept huge volumes of sardines. What transpires is one of the greatest marine feeding events on the planet, and in these two parallel scenarios, we see how one environment is mutating under pressure, while the other experiences a bumper season. Will the gannets of Malgas island adapt to their changing world? Can the disappearing sardine stock survive, and in turn support the wide array of marine predators that rely heavily on it. The breath-taking landscape, action and predation sequences are strengthened by solid natural history behaviour with an environmental comment.

02:40 04:10


An investigation into a worldwide ecological disaster that could endanger the whole of humanity. The future of our food resources depends on one small insect - the western honey bee, or Apis mellifera. Indeed, it is the most important agricultural pollinator on our planet given that one third of our food supply depends directly on pollination from bees. This documentary tells the story of a worldwide ecological disaster that has been waiting to happen for several generations. It was filmed over an 18-month period in France, Germany, the U.S., Canada and Scotland and retraces the various leads carried out by research scientists in order to try and understand and to stop the declining numbers of domestic and wild bees. Scientists are not the only professionals to figure at the centre of this drama. Beekeepers are in the front line, and striking contrasts exist among beekeepers' experiences in different countries, in various economic situations. The documentary seeks to understand how the long-enjoyed harmonious relationship between man and bee has now undergone such a radical change. It seeks to find a solution that goes beyond science. A solution that cannot be found without thoroughly re-examining our agricultural practice and our model of society. Can we rise to the challenge? Awards : 2011 : Star of the SCAM (France). 2012 : Jade Kunlun Awards

04:10 05:05


In Paraguay, the loofah plant is used to make vegetable sponges but nowadays, it can also used to build houses. 360°GEO - Report follows Elsa Zaldivar on her quest to free Paraguay from its housing shortage.Until recently, the loofah plant in Paraguay had fallen into oblivion. But over the past few years, it has experienced a successful comeback - as bath sponge. Today, loofah sponges are sold throughout the world.According to Elsa Zaldivar, loofah is now also being used in the construction of houses. The once densely wooded countryside has today been largely chopped down. Many people do not have access to affordable building materials. The idea of the loofah-cooperative is to compound loofah remains with plastic waste in order to create a a solid building material for house walls.

05:05 06:00


For centuries, in Japan, mollusc fishing has been a women business. 360° Geo - Report takes a plunge into the closed world of a group of "Ama".For centuries, diving for seafood in Japan has been 'ladies work' and is done by "Ama", or "women of the sea". They carry on collecting the precious seafood from the sea bottom until well into old age, braving the depths by the sheer virtue of their breath. Their skin is tanned by the elements, their voice roughened, deep and loud.For centuries, 9 women from the Japanese peninsula of Shima have shared their fate on a boat and grown together to become a close-knit sea-faring family. Kazu Yamamoto, at nearly 80 years of age, is the oldest in the group, a 5th-generation 'Ama'. She has by no means thought about giving up her work yet: "In the sea I can feel and move my body better than a shore. Once in the water all pain disappears, also suddenly my back doesn't hurt anymore", Kazu Yamamoto explains.

06:00 06:55


Mid-July, during the Antarctic winter when night-time temperatures sink to -20oC, marks the beginning of the Centolla season on Tierra del Fuego. Spider crabs can grow up to a half meter long and may only be caught during a few months. It's peak season for crab fishermen on Cape Horn. Taking their boats out to sea, they will hoist the popular delicacy out of the icy water.

06:55 07:30


DOWNUNDER. A young French couple, Clémentine Bacri and Adrien Normier set off on a one year long journey around the planet on board a light aircraft dedicated to science and education. Their goal: offer aerial support to public research laboratories, an unique opportunity to discover scientific activities and use them to teach science at school. In research areas, the crew has implemented observation and modeling techniques that are key elements for research.

07:30 08:00


DE L’ASIE Á L’EUROPE. A young French couple, Clémentine Bacri and Adrien Normier set off on a one year long journey around the planet on board a light aircraft dedicated to science and education. Their goal: offer aerial support to public research laboratories, an unique opportunity to discover scientific activities and use them to teach science at school. In research areas, the crew has implemented observation and modeling techniques that are key elements for research.

08:00 08:55


EP. 08. Travelling by boat bears a priceless sense of Freedom and offers endless new vistas to all passengers. Across waterways around the world Boats are an essential tool of daily life whether they carry goods, serve as utilities or services in remote areas.

08:55 09:25


EP. 08. The colossal elephant. The lush tropical forests of Asia hold within them some of nature's mightiest creatures.Each of these silent footsteps carries with it the immense weight of the world's largest land mammal. The intimidating birds with soaring grace and aerial prowess, birds dominate our skies. To remain the undisputed pioneers of the air most bird species are feather light and relatively small. The barrel-like Hippo Lumbering across land, the enormity of the barrel like hippo is without question. Other grass eaters are frail by comparison. The towering giraffe standing taller than any other living animal in their towering majesty is the proud and elegant giraffe. The gigantic whale the Mighty whale graces our oceans with a size and strength unrivalled on land. Three times longer than the tallest giraffe and weighing more than a dozen hippos’ the beautiful humpback whale is most famed for its mystical and haunting song. Which is the biggest of them all?

09:25 09:50


EP. 09. Camouflaged cats. Some animals will never be inconspicuous, others blend so perfectly with their surroundings that they can move through them without detection. For many of the cats of Africa, camouflage is key to survival. From the spots of the cheetah, the rosettes of the leopard and the stripes and dots of the serval, these cats have evolved to merge with their habitat. Hidden lizards. Feeding on these harvester ants, is a beautifully adapted predator, the regal horned lizard. Merging perfectly with their surroundings these small reptiles live in the rocky, gravelly, desert like habitats of Arizona where they make a living almost exclusively on ants. Cryptic snakes. In the leaf litter of Australia’s woodlands and scrub hides one of its most cryptic and dangerous snakes – the death adder. The camouflaging patterns of snakes are mesmerizing – from the pearly multicolored sheen of the carpet python to the mottled bands of the death adder, snakes can be hidden right before our eyes. Shimmering cuttlefish . Many animals can hide and many can disguise themselves to some degree, but few can rival the camouflaging capabilities of the magnificent cuttlefish. Cuttlefish can not only change color, they can also change their shape as well as their texture as they morph through seamless variations of themselves.…. and concealed chameleons. Making camouflage an art form are the verdant sauntering highly distinctive chameleons that make their homes in rain forests, grasses, trees and bushes. There are well over 100 species of chameleon around today, ranging from the tiny pygmy chameleon to the prehistoric looking horned chameleon, most are found in Africa and Madagascar. Birds. In the frozen climbs of the northern hemisphere winter, ptarmigans blend against their snowy surroundings. Invisible spiders - Crab Spider. There is one tiny creature that has evolved a camouflage that is so perfect in its simplicity it is often overlooked by the casual human observer. Adapted to their hunting terrain the crab spiders that are found on bark and leaves are darker in coloration than those found on flowers which is the master of disguise?

09:50 10:45


There is more to Japan's natural landscape than just Mount Fuji! Discover the country's numerous mountains and the ethos of the people who live there. From mountains with eight peaks, mountain gods who keep locals in their awe to building snow monsters & embracing modern activities like skiing - this documentary shows the unseen side to Japan!

10:45 11:35


Still today, there are no phones, no Internet and no newspapers in the remote areas of Azerbaijan. The newsman or "Ashig" has always played an important role in this Eastern culture over the centuries. Without them, the inhabitants would be radically cut off from the rest of the world and all its news. Certain distinguished representatives of their guild still travel the country's mountains to the remotest areas, to spread news, stories and the latest gossip. One of these representatives is Nemet, the old and honorable Aschug from Baku, who has been practicing this skill for a very long time. Like all Aschugs, he transmits his information through song!

11:35 12:30


This report climbs aboard the bamboo train, learns about its passengers and portrays life as it currently is in Cambodia. Without this bamboo train, people would not be able to go do their daily tasks such as going to work or to the doctor.Deep in the Cambodian Battambang region, a small bamboo train called "Norry" makes its way through rice fields and jungle passages. It is considered to be one of the most important lifelines into the poor region. But it looks like Norry's time is running out, because of the changes in Cambodia over the last years.More and more fields are being cleaned of land mines, new roads are being built, and many Cambodians are now able to afford a motorbike. The people fear that in a few years' time the bamboo train will stop operating.

12:30 13:25


A plunge into New Zealand's Ultramarathon preparations, a tradition that comes from a Maori legend. 55 year-old Lilac Fley is an athlete and many times winner of the extreme race. A Maori legend dictates the course of the Ultramarathon. It tells the story of a boy who once lived with his tribe on the New Zealand coast. One day his mother asked him to search for some kumaras, or sweet potatoes, for a meal. Instead of digging for them, he decided to steal some from the neighboring tribe. Till this day, runners follow in his footsteps along the coastline - during New Zealand's most famous marathon.

13:25 14:25


An immersion in the heart of the biggest West-African prison: Abidjan. Located out of sight at the border of the Banco forest, this prison host 5,000 inmates but has capacity for 1,500. With the inmates’ help, life inside is organized, and a degree of stability exists.

14:25 15:25


The Indian NGO Akshaya Patra runs 17 industrial kitchens in eight Indian states, and feeds 120 million students. These are children whose parents cannot afford a warm meal for their offspring. In the city of Hubli-Dharwad alone, 180,000 children are catered for every day : chefs and assistants prepare 250.000 naans, 4 tons of rice and 6 tons of vegetables within only a few hours with a multitude of pots simmering all night long. A myriad of drivers then shuttle the food to the schools - an extraordinary logistic and organizational achievement.

15:25 16:20


In August 2004 in Bulgaria, archaeologist Georgi Kitov made a spectacular discovery in the valley of the Thracian Kings, a valley where about twenty temples and royal tombs are located. Kitov accessed a still-intact ancient tomb, which housed incredible wealth, dating back to the 4th century B.C., when Thracian culture was at its height. In front of the gigantic mausoleum, archaeologists found a magnificent, life-sized bronze head, one of the period's finest specimens ever found, and possessing an unsettlingly modern style. Who was this king and what does his tomb tell us about Thracian culture? Was he buried according to the Thracian custom of Orphic rites, and what do we know today about these secret rites that promised eternal life? Research into the deceased's identity revealed the tomb belonged to King Seuthes III. With the help of archaeologists and historians, who decipher the king's vestiges, the film pieces together the puzzle of Seuthes III's life. He was a modern king, who was open to Hellenisation, a warrior king, who was opposed to Macedonian authority, and a priest king, who was committed to preserving Thracian cultural rites.

16:20 16:50


EP. 01. Journey inside Dust Storms to see how they are formed and the hazards and effects they cause. A glimpse into the science of Clouds and how they fit into the weather cycle of the planet. The power of Lightening is more than visual, it is noise, electricity and it even helps plants to grow. Did you know that Rain droplets have different shapes and temperatures, it’s maybe more interesting than you think?

16:50 17:25


EP. 02. Heatwaves have caused cities to literally meltdown and systems to fail, how are we working with nature’s heat? When two Cyclones collide, we get the Fujiwhara Effect, how is this possible and how does it manifest? Floods occur around the world and the world is learning how to cope, combat and prevent damage and share lessons. How do you classify a Blizzard, and let’s look at some of the worst blizzards that have occurred on earth. Do you really know how to measure Rainfall and how to identify violent rain from a shower or appreciate when we have had enough or too much?

17:25 17:55


THE BRIAN-EYE PROCESS. Understanding how we think and see by playing games with our brains. This factual entertainment series explores the way we see and interpret the world around us with engaging tests, activities, demonstrations and explanations. In each episode we experience visual and audio illusions, sensory puzzles and brain tricks from the worlds of art, science, nature and psychology and learn why they baffle our senses.

17:55 18:25


THE MOONS OF OLYMPUS. These are the the Moon's of the gas giants. Each a unique and mysterious world of its own. Some have oceans of water, geysers of Sulphur or atmospheres of plastic. Some are just now being seen at the outer rim of our solar system, all are worthy of much more scrutiny.

18:25 19:10


EP.1. Rosemary catches up with the conservancy’s rarest large carnivore, a coalition of 3 male cheetahs. The Pungwe pack get waist deep into their hunting as they pursue a wildebeest into a water pan. Denning season has begun. The pack are on the hunt for impala. Rosemary deals with a shocking snare removal. The splinters take on another herd of wildebeest.

19:10 19:45


COLOR. Seg 1 Chromatic Adaptation. Chromatic adaptation is the ability of humans to adjust to changes in brightness to keep up with the appearance of colors. this is the reason why we are able to perceive colors properly even though lighting in real environments change constantly. Seg 2 Color-changing animals. Color changing in animals are developed adaptations which the animals use for various applications such as signaling their species or as a way to hide from predators. Animals that can change color have specialized cells called chromatophores that can alter pigmentation and light reflecting properties. Seg 3 How do we see the color pink. We are able to see pink because our brains are able to perceive variations in light and color. Although pink as a wavelength does not exist in the light spectrum, it is our brains that processes light in a such a way that we are able to perceive combinations of colors thus giving us a way to see colors like pink. Seg 4 Blue wings, blue feathers. Blue rarely exists in nature. But due to evolution, structural features in the wings and feathers of some animals allow light to bend in ways that make it possible to reflect the color blue. Seg 5 Snow camouflage. Snow camouflage, is a type of camouflage that certain creatures use to hide during winter. It is typically characterised by differing shades of grays and whites.

19:45 20:15


PROBLEMS. Seg 1 Monty Hall problem. The Monty Hall Problem poses a counter-instinctive dilemma of picking a choice with a higher probability of winning. It has been calculated that switching from a player’s initial choice to the last option possible, after eliminating all empty choices, instead of sticking with the initial choice gives a bigger chance of winning. Seg 2 The Birthday Problem. The Birthday Problem presents a situation that addresses brains’ unintuitive response to exponents. We try to figure out why it’s possible for only 23 people to have a 50% chance of sharing a birthday when there are 365 unique birthdays. The dilemma usually comes in when we gloss over the fact that even small groups can form several pairings, and we actually compute the probability of sharing a birthday by subtracting the chances of not sharing a birthday by multiplying individual probabilities with each other. The answers can be quite surprising when the math to be done is not instinctive for people. Seg 3 Gambler’s ruin. Gambler’s Ruin closes in on how a gambler with the smaller amount will always be the loser in the long run in a game of 50-50 chance with an indefinite number of rounds playing. Gambler’s Ruin also debunks the ‘luck’ factor by emphasizing that each round played has its separate probability from previous rounds, thus maintaining chances of winning at 50%. Seg 4 The Infinite Hotel Paradox. The Infinite Hotel Paradox shows how infinity, for all its vastness, cannot be fully grasped, especially when it goes beyond the confines of the countable infinity. The paradoxical part comes in when the union of two sets with infinite elements will still be infinity; adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing infinity with infinity is still infinity. Seg 5 The Locker Riddle. The Locker Riddle stimulates how good and fast a person is at factorization. In the problem, the key is identifying which numbers from 1-100 are perfect squares, but the solution lies in the number of factors those particular numbers have. Perfect squares have odd numbered factors because one factor will be multiplied by itself and it only counts as one in the riddle’s context, leaving those locker numbers open in an alternating open-close pattern.

20:15 20:40


EP. 01. The Tech Effect is a portal to the future, a look at the forces and inventions that could shape us in the coming century. From e-sports to robotics, home automation to autonomous cars, this series examines the potential for cutting edge technology to improve our lives, while not ignoring the risks. The Tech Effect will appeal to anyone curious about exploring the technological advances that are changing our world. Sophisticated and edgy, each theme-based episode profiles the innovations transforming contemporary life. By identifying the world’s most ingenious discoveries, we can unlock tomorrow, today. This episode investigates the jobs of the future, and why it might not be long before your co-worker is a robot. As industry changes, companies are identifying ways to re-train their workforce so they can be deployed in new roles. With space research becoming an important tool for innovation, we hear from a worker on the International Space Station about the types of experiments he conducts. Finally, we visit the factories of the future, discovering that, as a car has more lines of code than an F35 fighter jet, one of the most important jobs of the future in the automotive industry is software developer.

20:40 21:05


EP. 02. In this episode, we look at the ways robotic engineers are mimicking the natural world. BionicWheelBot and the BionicFlyingFox have been developed to navigate difficult terrain, like their biological counterparts. Robots like the canine-inspired models produced by Boston Dynamic are already being used in hazardous environments to reduce the need for humans to be exposed to risk. We’ll also see how robots are covering new ground in space exploration, with smart autonomous vehicles destined for Mars, given greater capability than ever before. Finally, we visit some of the environments, such as offshore rigs and factories, where robots are being deployed in a range of jobs, including as exoskeletons for human workers, to reduce injuries and enhance endurance.

21:05 21:35


Street Football is a worldwide phenomenon that can be played by anyone, no matter their age, their gender or where they come from. It can be played anywhere, no need for a stadium, white lines, green grasses or even shoes ! In each episode of these series we take you to an emerging country where Football has become a way of helping children and bringing hope by life changing their habits. Discover the attaching portraits of these children that might one day become some of the greatest players in the world just like before them C. Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar and so many others.

21:35 22:05


Street Football is a worldwide phenomenon that can be played by anyone, no matter their age, their gender or where they come from. It can be played anywhere, no need for a stadium, white lines, green grasses or even shoes ! In each episode of these series we take you to an emerging country where Football has become a way of helping children and bringing hope by life changing their habits. Discover the attaching portraits of these children that might one day become some of the greatest players in the world just like before them C. Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar and so many others.

22:05 23:00


During many years, scientists and institutions fought to avoid the extinction of the Bucardo, a rare Pyrenean mountain goat. In 2003, Spanish and French scientists managed to clone the last bucardo. It was the first time in history that an extinct animal came back to life. They took a historic step in science, the first de-extinction in the world, the first real “Jurassic Park” and a new door was opened to hope.

23:00 23:45


Despite efforts to protect tigers for the past 4 decades, tigers continue to be hunted down - poached, poisoned and squeezed into small pockets of protected forests.Tigers play a pivotal role in maintaining the health of the forest ecosystem and there is an urgent need to protect the tiger and its habitat.In India and across the world, Tigers have captured our imagination for centuries. We have feared them, respected them and even worshipped them. But during the colonial times tigers were hunted in thousands.At the turn of the century over a 100,000 tigers existed on the planet. Almost 40,000 of these were in India. But today only 3800 tigers survive across the world and 70% of these are in India.Today each and every tiger is important and that’s why we need to find Sultan.This film follows the story of Sultan, the up and coming dominant tiger of Ranthambore Tiger Reserve who vanished suddenly.Father and son wildlife filmmakers, Mike and Gautam, had been following and filming him since he was a cub and are now trying to put the pieces together to solve this mystery.More than 12 tigers have gone missing in Ranthambhore between 2012 and 2017. Young tigers who go missing are usually thought to have been poached or just lost forever. But the story is much more complicated.Tigers are born in parks and forests - a safe, secure place protected by their mother. But once these tigers mature they must find new homes but the question is where will they go? Trackers on ground have proved that tigers leave the protected territory of national parks to walk great distances in search for new territory. Tigers know no borders and young sub adult tigers must walk hundreds of kilometres to find a new home, prey and a new mate. Once they walk out of the protected area of the forest they are in direct contact with human habitation. People and tigers now share a complicated relationship - one of constant fear of the other.This is the story all across the country. Isolated populations of tigers in small fragmented forests surrounded by human beings and villages. The film looks at broader issues of conservation of tigers and their relationship with the people who share their habitat and the different efforts being made towards conservation in India through the story of Sultan.

23:45 00:40


360° GEO - Report portrays a changing wine region that is torn between the ancient traditions of its soviet heritage and modern market requirements.In the Soviet era, Georgia was said to be the wine cellar of the USSR.Even after the collapse of the huge empire, wine remained one of the country's most important export goods. But since Russia has imposed an embargo, exports have declined dramatically.Georgia is now in search of new sales markets at a time when winegrowing in its Caucasus region is in full swing. Small winegrowers, cooperatives and winegrowing estates based on the Western model vie with each other for quantity and quality.

00:40 01:05


FROM THERE TO HERE. Series introduction and the study of Earth from orbit. The sky above is littered with stars and countless galaxies. It is where we come from and where we are destined to return. The first phase of this journey is complete, now commences the second, with robotics, advanced technologies and sheer daring we are now going where before we only dreamt.

01:05 01:30


RETURN TO THE MOON. The Moon, our closest celestial companion. Our indispensible dance partner through the cosmos. Lighting our night sky and gently tugging at our shores. Few have walked on her surface, though her allure remains strong, once again we are glancing her way with renewed interest and with a view to return very soon.

01:30 02:25


17 year old Ester and her dog Mia have big plans: saving lives at Lake Garda. In the north of Italy swimming rescue dogs are on duty at several lakes and the Mediterranean Sea. After traffic accidents, drowning is worldwide the second most common cause of death by accident. But a rescue is always difficult as the rescuer itself can be in danger. Like Mia, the Italian rescue dogs are mostly Newfoundland's- dogs who love the water and with a weight of at least 66 pounds (30 Kilo?), are able to pull people out of the water. For 3 years the dog- owners and their animals are trained to save lives. But the biggest challenge for Ester waits at the end: a jump out of a helicopter.

02:25 03:20


On the North-Western tip of Greenland, fathers give their boys small dog sledges as soon as they can walk. The toy is meant to teach them hunting, a survival skill for Polar Inuits. Increasingly fewer boys, however, want to become hunters. 12-year-old Qaaqqukannguaq is an exception. During the spring holidays, he is going to accompany his father on a hunting trip for the first time. For several days, they will cross the ice desert on dog sledges, covering the 70 km from Savissivik, their tiny community, to Cape York.

03:20 04:15


Does the Yeti really exist? For the first time in over a century, the sometimes far-fetched Yeti legends and personal accounts have become the subject of state-of-the-art scientific studies. Several teams throughout the world, in Denmark, England, the US and Russia are carrying out a merciless competition to be the first to publish the revolutionary results – proof that another hominid, with very ancient roots, shares our existence. Our film sets out to meet the teams involved in this strange race across the world, and features laboratories, hair analysis, footprints and DNA as well as the search for samples in Indonesia and in Canadian nature reserves. A fascinating and thorough film, featuring, amongst others, French Collége de France paleoanthropologist Pascal Picq.

04:15 05:05


High up in the mountains of north-eastern Madagascar lives one of the world’s most critically endangered primates. There are less than a thousand Silky Sifakas alive today and this area of remote rainforest, known as Marojejy–Anjanaharibe-Sud, is their only home.In the past, the rugged terrain here kept the Silkies relatively safe but things are now changing at an alarming pace. This magical place is under serious threat from illegal logging operations as international demand for highly sought-after rosewood and ebony increases. Unscrupulous logging gangs are encroaching on the Silkies’ last remaining habitat.‘Trouble in Lemur Land’ follows two men, an American primatologist and a Malagasy conservationist, on their quest to protect this rare species, at the same time providing a rare glimpse into the life of this extraordinarily beautiful and graceful animal.The film centres around the arrival of two babies in the group – a glimmer of hope in an otherwise desperate situation. Lemur reproduction rates are slow and Silkies only mate one day in the year, so it is a very special moment when primatologist Erik Patel sees the newborns for the first time. He has a permanent camp on the outskirts of their last remaining territory and we are given a rare glimpse into this intimate, close-knit group as the babies develop in the sanctuary of the forest canopy.Meanwhile, taking advantage of long-term political instability, the loggers are steadily extracting Madagascar’s rosewood for export to China. Although they are well armed and highly motivated, conservationist Desire Rabary is not afraid to confront them, regardless of the risks. He heads up a network of local people who play a vital role in the survival of the forest and its lemurs. Over the past five years, he has worked hard to actively expose the loggers’ illegal trail of destruction but, as this film reveals, the heart of the problem starts on his own doorstep.This 50-minute HD film brings the forest to life, with stunning images of many of its other species, including the striking helmet vanga bird, white-fronted brown lemur, red-bellied lemur, green tree frogs, panther chameleons and the elusive fossa. This treasure trove of endemic Madagascan wildlife is a timely reminder of what we stand to lose if the environmental issues so critical to their survival are not urgently addressed.

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