00:00 00:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Ancestral Bear. Grizzy and the Lemmings discover an ancient Amerindian table with the power to show you past events. They relive their prehistoric ancestors' first confrontations, and learn that chocolate spread was invented long, long ago. (5 min)

00:05 00:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Hocus Pocus Lemmingus. The Lemmings discover an old book of magic spells with a formula that enables one to take on the appearance of any other creature. The Lemmings have the bright idea of transforming one their kin into a double of the she-bear Grizzy is madly in love with in order to trick him. How could Grizzy refuse to give his jar of chocolate spread to his sweetheart? (15 min)

00:20 00:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Lemming Fortune. When Grizzy propels the Lemmings out of the log cabin perched on the Great Wall of China, the critters land on a small traditional house in a bamboo forest where they discover a box filled with fortune cookies. One Lemming gets super lucky after eating one. Armed with their magic cookies, the Lemmings set out to confront Grizzy. But each cookie represents a power… or a curse! (5 min)

00:25 00:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Tough Medicine. The Lemmings love sesame nougat but Grizzy, who adores this treat too, steals their box. Quite upset, the rodents search for more, in vain. Instead, they discover the art of energy points in an old Chinese medicine book. Determined to recover their sweets regardless of the cost, the Lemmings activate Grizzy's vital points and the bear finds himself completely blocked. Thanks to the book, Grizzy frees himself and learns to master energies in turn. (5 min)

00:30 00:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Domestic Shaolin. After being thrown out of the log cabin by Grizzy, the Lemmings find a dragon statue with a mysterious stone in a temple. Touching the stone makes a fleeting tattoo appear on their bellies, temporarily endowing them with the mastery of Shaolin Kung Fu. The Lemmings return to the cabin and uproot Grizzy with ease! But Grizzy has not said his last word and manages to get hold of the magic stone. (10 min)

00:40 00:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Peaceable Enemies. Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over the tablet. During their scuffle, they knock over an army crate which falls into the middle of the bamboo forest surrounding the cabin. Alerted by the noise, a peace missionary panda comes out of the forest and tries to calm down the worked-up adversaries. But will the limitless strategies of Grizzy and the Lemmings get the better of the panda's patience? (5 min)

00:45 01:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

The Legend Of The Lemmings. The Lemmings create a shadow puppet show where seven papercut lemmings confront a bear over a jar of Yummy chocolate spread. The Lemmings in the audience are super enthusiastic, but Grizzy is outraged by the treatment inflicted upon the bear. He decides to intervene and equips the paper bear with an armor and saber! The Lemmings retort with ninja effigies of themselves and mount an attack to recover the coveted jar of Yummy spread. (15 min)

01:00 01:10

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

Potrait of a Mushable. Sushi-Mushi’s excitement and pride over Chanterelle doing a portrait of him to hang in his restaurant turns to worry. What if his friends don’t like it? But, of course, Chanterelle would never let that happen. (10 min)

01:10 01:25

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

Mushpie in the Sky. Wanting to show the Mushies that they should fly high and follow their dreams, Mushpie starts leaf-gliding for the first time. But soon she is flying way too high! (15 min)

01:25 01:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

Dish of Doom. The Mushlers lead Sushi-Mushi to believe that Pickled Swampost is Mushpot’s favourite dish when he can't stand it. Now they must try to stop Sushi-Mushi from serving this horrible food to Mushpot! (15 min)

01:40 01:55

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

Be Strong, Chep. Chep is the only Mushable who can’t bend a small branch back to catapult himself between two trees. He feels weak and embarrassed. But when strength doesn’t work, Chep realizes that it’s all in the technique! (15 min)

01:55 02:05

Bugs Bunny Builders

Sea School. The Looney Builders face underwater challenges as they build a sea school for Moxie Manatee. (10 min)

02:05 02:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

Mail Whale. The Looney Builders try to help Winston Whale by building him a mail truck, but Winston is used to working alone. (20 min)

02:25 02:35

Bugs Bunny Builders

Underwater Star. Moxie Manatee hires The Looney Builders to build an obstacle course for the Sandy Shells Preschool Games, but Lola isn’t listening to her crew. (10 min)

02:35 02:50

Bugs Bunny Builders

Cheddar Days. The Mouse Sisters hire The Looney Builders to build a cheese café featuring a mural by Sylvester who is having a bad day. (15 min)

02:50 03:00


Ace in the Hole. When a group of alley dogs, aided by a heroic stray, are saved from Catwoman by kind-hearted Buff, he brings them all back to live in the Batcave, unbeknownst to the rest of the Bat-Family. (10 min)

03:00 03:15


Batty Body Swap. After agreeing to swap motherboards and change bodies, the Batwheels have to quickly learn to “drive a mile in each other’s wheels” in time to stop the approaching Legion of Zoom! (15 min)

03:15 03:25


A Jet Out of Water. After refusing to practice with her new underwater mode, Batwing is unable to save Batman from Penguin's sunken ship trap. The Batwheels must help Wing practice her submersible skills before she can save the day. (10 min)

03:25 03:35


Bibi's Bad Day. Bibi has a terrible no-good day after she keeps messing up and lets Joker get away. She doesn’t think he can help Batgirl anymore, but a “bad today” doesn’t mean it’ll be a “bad tomorrow". (10 min)

03:35 03:50


Mechanic Panic. When Jestah injures herself preparing for an extreme sports competition with the other Zoomers, Bibi helps her overcome her fear of going to the mechanic so she can heal up in time to compete. (15 min)

03:50 04:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Dancing with the Bears. Grizzy wants to learn to dance the mambo to please the she-bear he's in love with, for she truly adores this rhythm. He finds a learning kit at the ranger's home which has a dance carpet with footprints that light up in rhythm. The only problem is that Lemmings want the ghetto-blaster to continue their rave party to an entirely different beat. (10 min)

04:00 04:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Role Change. After receiving a terrible blow over the head, Grizzy is no longer the same: he thinks he's a rodent! He tries to get the gang to adopt him so that he might participate in their fun and games like any other Lemming. But it's not long before his newfound comrades start to find him rather heavy! (5 min)

04:05 04:15

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Lemming Tonic. Grizzy is exhausted and the couch has never seemed so enticing! He goes to fetch a pillow and a sleeping mask, but the Lemmings have entirely different plans for the couch. They see it as a fabulous trampoline and the ideal spot for an aerobics session. To win the right to have his nap, the weary bear must first contend with the super-energetic Lemmings! (10 min)

04:15 04:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Itch. Grizzy discovers that the frenzied "break dance" the Lemmings are doing is actually due to the fleas they are infested with. When Grizzy catches them too, it's panic all round! Grizzy is determined to eliminate the parasites, down to the very last one. The problem is his little roommates have no desire whatsoever to be treated... (5 min)

04:20 04:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Thirst Quencher. Another heat wave: even the riverbed is dried up. One very thirsty Grizzy discovers that the Lemmings have used the last remaining bottles of water to fill their inflatable pool. He has no intention of letting the Lemmings swim in what might very well be his last chance to quench his thirst. (10 min)

04:30 04:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Spider Lemmings. The Lemmings have caught a little spider. Her sticky, elastic threads are absolutely perfect for bungee jumping. Grizzy, who has no intention of getting caught in the web, decides to crush the insect. The only problem: he discovers that he has arachnophobia, which is seriously going to complicate the task. (5 min)

04:35 04:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Random Bear. Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over chocolate-spread jar lids, which they use as chips in a competition to win goodies. Indeed, next to the supermarket are two jackpot-style machines with slots the size of the lids. But more importantly, there's a key to be won that makes you eligible for the grand prize... the giant jar of Yummy on display under a glass cover. (5 min)

04:40 04:50

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Lemming Interference. Grizzy has prepared himself a TV dinner to eat in front of his favorite series. But his moment of pleasure is abruptly interrupted by unexplained static. Grizzy rapidly discovers that the true "interference" is the Lemmings, who are using the TV antenna as a diving board for their water games. (10 min)

04:50 05:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings

High Voltage Bear Attack. The Lemmings are having a rave party. When Grizzy throws their ghetto blaster into the river, he sparks a general power outage. Unless he finds an alternative source of energy, and before the Lemmings do, he can kiss his TV night goodbye! (10 min)

05:00 05:05

Mighty Mike

Robotix 3000. Mike's chess game with Iris is rudely interrupted by a loud commotion from the house. Fluffy has found the robotic vacuum and is riding it around the house like a stunt cat. Meanwhile, the racoons use the distraction to try to get their hands on their very own Holy Grail - a huge sausage xxx is saving for dinner. Mike will need every ounce of his smarts to chase the raccoons from the house and save Fluffy from the clutches of the demonic vacuum. (5 min)

05:05 05:10

Mighty Mike

Rancid Raccoons. Mercury is rummaging through the trash bin and digs out a piece of rotten, disgusting Camembert. He wolfs the rancid cheese down, turning his breath into a weapon of mass destruction. Thinking quickly, Freddy uses Mercury's pungent breath to help them rob the Mikklesens. This mortifies Mike, who is having Iris over for dinner. Mike has no choice but to fight fire with fire. A stinky fight breaks out and there can only be one winner! (5 min)

05:10 05:25

Mighty Mike

The Show Must Go On. The turtles have a falling out and Aramis decides she's had enough and stalks off. The other two turtles realize that things aren't the same without their best friend and turn to Mike for help. Mike organizes a search party to find their missing friend. Mercury and Aramis become unlikely allies and Freddy sees a way to exploit this new friendship for his own selfish ends. (15 min)

05:25 05:30

Mighty Mike

Main E-Vent. Things are mysteriously disappearing from the Mikkelsen's house and Mike can't seem to get to the bottom of it. The raccoons have find an ingenious way to sneak in right under Mike's nose without being noticed by using the air vents! By the time Mike catches on, the racoons are mid-heist and they've kidnapped Fluffy in the process. Mike now has to decide whether he saves Fluffy or stops the racoons from making off with their loot. (5 min)

05:30 05:40

Mighty Mike

Mike The Eggspert. It's Easter, and Mike organizes a super special Easter egg hunt for Iris but the raccoons can't resist crashing the party. Mercury gets a hold of the special egg Mike was saving for Iris, thinking that a baby raccoon will hatch from it if he sits on it long enough. But it's no ordinary egg - Mike has slipped an engagement ring inside! Now he's desperate to get it back, and keep it safe in the process. (10 min)

05:40 05:45

Mighty Mike

Wahwahland. Mike decides to invite Iris over to dance so he can show off his moves. Unfortunately, the raccoons sabotage Mike's plans by breaking in and robbing the kitchen. There's going to be only one way to settle things a dance off. But Mike may have underestimated Mercury's dance skills. (5 min)

05:45 06:00

Mighty Mike

It's Been A Slice. The Mikkelsens order a pizza for a post sports game dinner. It's the worst kind of torture for Mike. He can barely resist the delicious smell teasing his nostrils. He must resist! But more importantly he has to keep the salivating raccoons out of the house and as far away from the pizza as possible. Let's only hope Mike, and more importantly the pizza, can survive the ordeal. (15 min)

06:00 06:10


Cave Sweet Cave. After the Joker floods the Batcave, the Batwheels evacuate and relocate to a nearby parking garage. As they adapt to their temporary home, they learn important lessons about family and making the most of what you have. (10 min)

06:10 06:25


Redbird's Bogus Beach Day. Redbird gets excited when he learns that Batman and Robin are taking him and Bam for a drive up the coast! But when the Joker and his van Prank show up unexpectedly and ruin Redbird’s beach day plans, Bam helps him realize that even though things didn’t go exactly as planned, they still had a great day! (15 min)

06:25 06:40

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

The Visitor. Mr. Bean cannot, for the life of him, place the face of the uninvited fat bloke on his doorstep. An old school photograph and school cap just about jog his memory. By this time his new ‘friend’ has put his feet up and is eating Bean out of house and home. This blast from the past proves to be a blasted pain in the neck. (15 min)

06:40 06:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

The Big TV. Irma Gobb comes round to watch TV and Bean finds that liking different programmes to your girlfriend can be very bad for a relationship. After an explosive argument the TV blows up, forcing Mr. Bean to invent his own very ingenious form of home entertainment. (15 min)

06:55 07:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Masked Powers. Annoyed by the Lemmings' new magnetic train, Grizzy propels the whole lot of them far from the cabin. The rodents land in the neighboring hut of a sorcerer and a mysterious mask falls onto one of them, endowing him with the power of telekinesis. The Lemmings are thrilled! They return to the cabin to explore this new magic power. Perched upon pieces of furniture, they fly around the room to finish their life-size flying train game! (10 min)

07:05 07:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Roaring Lemmings. Grizzy chases after the Lemmings, who have loaded a jar of Yummy into their remote-control driven car. Where the bear gets to the gas station, he destroys the vehicle and recovers the chocolate spread. The rodents find little mini-cars and chase Grizzy all the way back to the cabin, where they trip him up and intercept the coveted jar. Helpless, the bear sets out after them, until he runs into a tank truck filled with Yummy. (5 min)

07:10 07:15

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Mini Troubles. To recover the jar of Yummy that Grizzy confiscated from them, the Lemmings decide to infest the bear's coat with fleas. The scheme works and Grizzy starts scratching himself frenetically. Nonetheless, the bear manages to counter their diversion and expulse the rodents. When they land on a sorcerer's hut, the Lemmings take possession of a magic scepter that has the ability to temporarily shrink objects. Now microscopic-sized, the rodents return to the cabin to get their paws on the chocolate spread. (5 min)

07:15 07:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

For Peanuts. Grizzy wakes up starving but the cupboards are empty. While the Lemmings play nearby with an elephant, the bear swipes their peanut reserves. Not at all pleased, the rodents decide to recover their bag of nuts and use the elephant's trunk like a powerful vacuum cleaner to hurl all sorts of objects at Grizzy. In the heat of the battle, the Lemmings discover a pack of fabulous peanut and chili pepper cookies that seem to make the pachyderm ultra-powerful. (15 min)

07:30 07:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Within Snout's Reach. Grizzy is about to start eating the last remaining food in the cabin: cocktail snacks. But the sly Lemmings get there first. A fight breaks out but is quickly cut short by the unexpected visit of a wart hog. The pig devours the crackers and then, using his snout, detects a forgotten old package of candy under the bed, which he also proceeds to gobble down. Everyone realizes that the creature has the ability to find food. Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over who will follow the beast to track down food. (10 min)

07:40 07:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Safari Express. In order to win a trophy filled with Yummy candies, Grizzy and the Lemmings take part in a safari photo competition on an animal reserve. They must capture the portraits of a number of wild animals that live in the park. It requires all their cunning to approach the elephant, wart hog and bat and take photos for the contest. But when it comes to the super-speedy, blue-necked ostrich, it's a different kettle of fish! (5 min)

07:45 08:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

False Children. While Grizzy organizes a picnic alongside the pond, the Lemmings steal his jar of Yummy using water balls to discreetly advance underwater. Despite their equipment, the bear surprises the Lemmings and traps the rodents inside a waterproof ball which he throws far into the distance. An ostrich mistakes the ball for her egg and sits on it, waiting for the egg to hatch. The Lemmings are adopted by this new mother who is prepared to do anything to satisfy her offspring! (15 min)

08:00 08:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Beach Battle. When The Looney Builders enter a sandcastle building contest, Tweety sees the competition and loses confidence in his idea. (10 min)

08:10 08:20

Bugs Bunny Builders

Soup Up. As The Looney Builders help Petunia build a greenhouse, she can’t wait for the veggies to grow and does everything she can to speed up the process. (10 min)

08:20 08:30

Bugs Bunny Builders: Hard Hat Time

Awesome Duck. A music video of Daffy Duck using his dump truck to haul supplies and goof around on the job. (10 min)

08:30 08:40

Jessica's Big Little World

Glow Toy. When Jessica can’t get a new toy to work, she learns a new way to appreciate it. (10 min)

08:40 09:00

Jessica's Big Little World

Jessica's Restaurant. Jessica opens a restaurant with her good friend Stanleigh, but will they be able to keep their customers happy? (20 min)

09:00 09:10

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Royal Bean. When Mr. Bean breaks his favourite Royal mug he discovers there's only one place to buy a replacement: Buckingham Palace, home of the Queen of England. When one of Her Majesty's corgis runs off with his teddy, Bean gives chase through secret tunnels… and gets lost. (10 min)

09:10 09:25

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Young Bean. When did Mr. Bean first meet his teddy bear? Did he really learn to drive his mini at the age of ten? Could he possibly have known his battle-axe of a landlady when she was a sweet and blushing bride? Bean takes us on a journey into the past, answering these questions and giving us an inkling as to what made him the man he is today. (15 min)

09:25 09:35

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

In the pink. Mr. Bean finds himself lumbered with an unwanted pet in the form of a four-legged ball of pink fur with piggy eyes and a penchant for earthworms. Encyclopedias leave him none the wiser as to the identity of the pesky creature but Bean can’t bring himself to just abandon it. The puzzle is eventually solved after a picnic in the park and a raid on the local pet shop. (10 min)

09:35 09:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Dinner for two. Mr. Bean forgets the golden rule: never fall asleep in the bath when you've got a chicken in the oven. So what romantic meal can he quickly rustle-up for his luckless girlfriend, Irma Gobb? The cheese from the mousetrap? The flower from the vase? A meal is eventually provided by an uninvited guest. (20 min)

09:55 10:05

Lucas the Spider

A New Spider in Town. Lucas befriends a bright purple toy spider, and Findley gets jealous. (10 min)

10:05 10:10

Lucas the Spider

Dollhouse Mates. Lucas and Findley move into the dollhouse together. (5 min)

10:10 10:15

Lucas the Spider

Lucas we have a Problem. Lucas tries to help Bodhi fulfill her newfound dream of touching a star. (5 min)

10:15 10:30

Lucas the Spider

Egg-Scuse Me. Lucas finds an egg and decides to take care of it. But he learns that responsibility is hard. (15 min)

10:30 10:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

Dish of Doom. The Mushlers lead Sushi-Mushi to believe that Pickled Swampost is Mushpot’s favourite dish when he can't stand it. Now they must try to stop Sushi-Mushi from serving this horrible food to Mushpot! (10 min)

10:40 11:00

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

Be Strong, Chep. Chep is the only Mushable who can’t bend a small branch back to catapult himself between two trees. He feels weak and embarrassed. But when strength doesn’t work, Chep realizes that it’s all in the technique! (20 min)

11:00 11:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

A Bear In The Sheepfold. Grizzy puts a stop to the Lemmings' furious rodeo game on a sheep. Annoyed, they decide to banish the bear to the bottom of the castle dungeons while he's taking a nap. (5 min)

11:05 11:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Jelly World. While fighting over a jelly cake, Grizzy banishes the Lemmings to the castle dungeons and the rodents discover a passageway leading to a secret elfin room. (5 min)

11:10 11:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Pet Sheep. The Lemmings take Polaroid snapshots of themselves disguised outside the castle along with a sheep who poses with them. (15 min)

11:25 11:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Sheep Joust. Grizzy is pulled out of his dreams by the rambunctious Lemmings who are jousting on sheep. (10 min)

11:35 11:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Foodie Phantoms. Grizzy pursues the Lemmings throughout the castle to recover the jelly cake they stole from him. In an impasse, the bear runs smack into a ghost. (5 min)

11:40 11:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Bookfair. Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over a giant jelly cake. Their chase leads them to the castle library, where the Lemmings accidentally activate the opening of a secret passage. (5 min)

11:45 12:00

Tom and Jerry

What Goes Around Comes Around. Tom is up to his usual nonsense, but two can play at this game as they take their chase into the neighbourhood. Leave it to Jerry to turn the tables on Tom! (15 min)

12:00 12:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Honey Bunny. Queen Beatrice hires The Looney Builders to build a workshop in her beehive where there is one rule the crew has trouble following. (10 min)

12:10 12:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

Goofballs. The Beaver Brothers hire The Looney Builders to build them a log cabin, but soon sidetrack the job by goofing around too much. (15 min)

12:25 12:35

Jessica's Big Little World

Glow Toy. When Jessica can’t get a new toy to work, she learns a new way to appreciate it. (10 min)

12:35 12:55

Jessica's Big Little World

Jessica's Restaurant. Jessica opens a restaurant with her good friend Stanleigh, but will they be able to keep their customers happy? (20 min)

12:55 13:00

The Tom and Jerry Show V

Downsizing. The gang are determined to make Rick and Ginger change their mind about downsizing and moving to the big city by making it impossible to sell the house. (5 min)

13:00 13:10

The Tom and Jerry Show V

Lord Spike. A lineage check determines that Spike is descended from British aristocracy. (10 min)

13:10 13:20

The Tom and Jerry Show V

Disappearing Tom. Tom is tricked into believing he is invisible. (10 min)

13:20 13:30

The Tom and Jerry Show V

Officer Tyke. Tyke undergoes a personality change after watching to many cop shows on TV. (10 min)

13:30 13:35

The Tom and Jerry Show V

Tuxedo Junction. Quacker's cousin, and penguin named Tux, makes life miserable for Tom and Jerry when he insists on trying to devour the fish in Rick's new aquarium. (5 min)

13:35 13:40

The Tom and Jerry Show III

Hula Whoops. Tom and Jerry take a case for Toodles' cousin in Hawaii, hoping to sneak in some rest and relaxation, but it's no vacation. The cousin's missing pineapple plant is only the starting place of the investigation as Tom and Jerry track down the culprit in this tropical environment. (5 min)

13:40 14:00

The Tom and Jerry Show III

A Game of Bones. After Tyke digs up, Hammy, Spike's lucky bone, Spike reburies it right away because it's bad luck to remove it. Soon afterward, Tom gets a set of toy dog bones that do tricks, and he teases Spike and Tyke with them. When the whirly-bone buries itself and unearths Hammy for a second time, Spike recruits the other animals to help prevent the bad luck he expects. (20 min)

14:00 14:10

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Home Movie. Mr Bean is unimpressed with a horror movie he sees at the cinema and reckons he can do much better. Bean sets out to create his very own home movie masterpiece –featuring Mrs Wicket Irma and Teddy! The screening in the garden is a huge success but will Mrs Wicket be pleased with her makeover and starring role? (10 min)

14:10 14:25

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Fish Sitting. Mr Bean has to look after Mrs Wicket’s pet goldfish while she is away. With a ravenous Scrapper sniffing around Bean ends up becoming more bodyguard than babysitter. But when he manages to lose his fishy friend Mr Bean takes a nightmare journey down the sewer and back to his neighbour’s house via the park. Can Mr Bean get the pesky pet back in the bowl before Mrs Wicket returns home? (15 min)

14:25 14:35

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

The Cruise. Mr Bean wins two tickets for an exotic cruise and naturally he takes Teddy along for the trip of a lifetime. Once aboard the huge ocean liner Mr Bean soon settles into a life of luxury but while showing off to a new friend Bean becomes ‘man overboard’ and stranded on a dessert island. The hungrier he gets the wilder he becomes and desperate to find a way off the island. (10 min)

14:35 14:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Coconut Shy. Mr Bean goes to his favourite china shop to buy a new cup for Teddy but when he opens his wallet he doesn’t have enough money to pay for it. When he sees a poster for the local funfair where the stalls have cash prizes Bean is determined to win himself some money on the Coconut Shy. But after many unsuccessful attempts he realises it’s a fix and lets everyone know about it. Naturally this doesn’t go down well with the stallholder who wants revenge and a chase around the funfair ensues. (20 min)

14:55 15:00

Lucas the Spider

I Want My Baby Acorn Back. Arlo gifts his Baby Acorn to Bodhi. But soon, he wants it back! (5 min)

15:00 15:05

Lucas the Spider

The Giggles. Arlo misunderstands a lesson about laughing at others. (5 min)

15:05 15:15

Lucas the Spider

Puppy Love. Avocado's friends take her on her daily walkies. (10 min)

15:15 15:30

Lucas the Spider

House Grand Prix. Lucas and Findley race around House to determine who is the fastest out of their element. (15 min)

15:30 15:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

The Lakemoss Monster. The Mushlers want Amanita to join in telling monster stories. But Amanita doesn’t believe in monsters. So they take her on a monster hunt and find more than they imagined. (10 min)

15:40 16:00

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

The Answer is Starmush. It seems like Starmush is the only one who can answer Mush-Mush's difficult questions. But Starmush lives so far away in the Dark Forest! Mush-Mush hatches a plan to get Starmush to move to Mushton, so he can get answers right here at home. (20 min)

16:00 16:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Batty Kathy. As The Looney Builders build Kathy Bat an upside-down radio station, Porky has concerns but doesn’t speak up. (10 min)

16:10 16:30

Bugs Bunny Builders

Honey Bunny. Queen Beatrice hires The Looney Builders to build a workshop in her beehive where there is one rule the crew has trouble following. (20 min)

16:30 16:40

Jessica's Big Little World

Little Twin. When Jessica meets another kid at the park with an identical look as her, the two quickly form an unbreakable bond. (10 min)

16:40 16:55

Jessica's Big Little World

Spike the Hedgehog. When Jessica pet sits Stanleigh’s hedgehog, she has to think on her feet. (15 min)

16:55 17:00

The Tom and Jerry Show III

Hyde and Shriek. A fast-talking sales cat named Dr. Jake L. appears to Tom from a trap door in the floor, selling "Ache-Eee Bones" tonic. However, when the doctor sees Jerry and Tuffy, he instantly turns into the slobbering Mr. Hyde-Cat and chases them, but then changes back to the doctor. Tom wants to buy the tonic but soon finds out what's happening with the visiting cat and tries to get rid of him. (5 min)

17:00 17:10

The Tom and Jerry Show III

Perfume Party. Hoping to woo Toodles, Tom decides to make some homemade perfume for her. He throws in many unusual ingredients and gets a surprisingly pleasant outcome, getting the attention he craved. However, soon Tom and Jerry must come up with a plan when the heavenly scent turns bad. (10 min)

17:10 17:25

The Tom and Jerry Show III

The Royal Treatment. When Jerry overhears that a brand-new butler will arrive at the household later that day, the crafty mouse whips together a butler's outfit and knocks on the door, pretending to be the new arrival—to get unbridled access to the pantry. How long will Jerry's disguise work, and what happens when the real butler arrives? (15 min)

17:25 17:30

The Tom and Jerry Show III

Lightning Bug Blues. Kept awake by Tom watching TV, Jerry goes outside and encounters some lightning bugs. The smallest one can't keep up, so Jerry steals Tom's energy drink for the little guy. It helps, but soon the super-charged bug causes unexpected issues for Tom and Jerry. (5 min)

17:30 17:35

The Tom and Jerry Show III

The Beast from the Bayou. When Tom goes through reverse evolution and is transformed into a swamp monster, he uses it to his advantage, scaring creatures that frightened him earlier. Soon he sees Van Mouseling in the woods and can't resist chasing him all over. (5 min)

17:35 17:45

The Tom and Jerry Show III

All Cat Jazz. Tom blows on a trumpet to dislodge Jerry from his hiding place, which leads to Frankie the rat convincing Tom he's a great trumpeter. Frankie plays manager, Jerry joins in as percussionist, and they audition neighborhood animals for a third member of their jazz trio. Unfortunately, when Spike is chosen on the upright double bass, rivalries spark up and nerves threaten the trio's success. (10 min)

17:45 18:00

The Tom and Jerry Show III

Alley Oops! Butch gets muscled out of his alley by a bullying runt of an alley cat and Tom, Jerry and Spike team up to help Butch win back his territory (and keep him out of theirs). (15 min)

18:00 18:10


Wheel Side Story. After being zapped by Penguin's Songinator ray, the Batwheels find themselves only able to communicate through song! They'll need to learn to harmonize as a team to defeat the musical prankster. (10 min)

18:10 18:25


Bam's Clawful Mistake. Bam brings Catwoman's Catmobile, Kitty, to life so the Batwheels can have even teams for their game of "Bat-Ball," but the Kitty "Kitty" is too wild to be contained, despite Bam's best attempts to convince her to play along. (15 min)

18:25 18:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Lemming Blues. Grizzy is impressed by the TV show of a magician who transforms a partridge into a bouquet of flowers. To get rid of the Lemmings once and for all, for they exasperate him with their incessant games, Grizzy tries the magic trick on them. And apparently... it works! (10 min)

18:35 18:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Snow Lemmings. It's hot out and when Grizzy sees an ice cream commercial on TV, he has a sudden craving. Unfortunately, the Lemmings made it to the deep-freeze in the garage before him and emptied it out to make themselves a sled run in the backyard with strawberry-vanilla ice cream. For Grizzy, there's no question that the stock they possessively watch over in an icebox winds up as powder snow! (5 min)

18:40 18:55

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Augmented Bear. The Lemmings have discovered a truly wild new game: an augmented reality program on the ranger's digital tablet. They move around the cabin watching the tablet screen, which displays obstacles as if they were really there. Grizzy confiscates this toy and becomes a fan of the salmon fishing game. (15 min)

18:55 19:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Lemmings Under Pressure. The only edible food item left in the ranger's cabin is a gorgeous salmon... which is stuck inside a block of ice at the back of the freezer compartment. Starving, Grizzy decides to melt the ice with the blow-dryer. Only the Lemmings are already using it for their latest rocket game in the piping system. (5 min)

19:00 19:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Lemmings in Space. The Lemmings have unearthed a box filled with birthday (10 min)

19:10 19:15

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Sniffer Sniffler Raccoon. Grizzy's last jar of chocolate spread was pinched by the Lemmings, who are savoring it in secret. To localize the Lemmings hiding place, Grizzy trains a raccoon, whose sense of smell equals that of a truffle hound to detect the scent of chocolate spread. (5 min)

19:15 19:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Transformational Bear. Wedged in his sofa to relieve his aching back, Grizzy balks at getting up. He designs clever strategies to do everything from a distance, including confiscating the Lemming's radio-controlled toy robot-transformer which he will use as a butler. (15 min)

19:30 19:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

The Lakemoss Monster. The Mushlers want Amanita to join in telling monster stories. But Amanita doesn’t believe in monsters. So they take her on a monster hunt and find more than they imagined. (10 min)

19:40 20:00

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

The Answer is Starmush. It seems like Starmush is the only one who can answer Mush-Mush's difficult questions. But Starmush lives so far away in the Dark Forest! Mush-Mush hatches a plan to get Starmush to move to Mushton, so he can get answers right here at home. (20 min)

20:00 20:10

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

A New Friend. Mr Bean is initially charmed when a seemingly cute seagull turns up on his windowsill. Bean feeds the gull and invites the bird inside. But it’s not long before the seagull in the flat turns out to be a cuckoo in the nest taking over Bean’s home – eating all his food controlling the TV and sleeping in his bed. Bean starts to regret taking on a new best friend in place of good old reliable Teddy. (10 min)

20:10 20:25

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

The Lift. Mr Bean sees a new toy car in the window of the local department store Havlotts and decides he must have it. But on the way to the toy department Mr Bean gets stuck in the lift. He tries his best to entertain his fellow passengers but they aren’t very appreciative. How can Mr Bean resolve the situation and get the toy he so desperately wants? (15 min)

20:25 20:40

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Dig This. Mr Bean attempts to build a shady gazebo in the back garden on a scorching hot day. But as he digs into the ground he unearths a huge unexploded bomb. Trying to make Mrs Wicket aware of the danger and save Scrapper and Teddy from being blown to smithereens takes courage nerve and a Bean styled homemade bomb disposal kit. (15 min)

20:40 20:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Bean Hypnotised. Mr Bean goes to the theatre to see a performance by a celebrated hypnotist Dr Daze. Bean is super keen to come up on stage and be part of the show. But after being hypnotized Bean unknowingly leaves the theatre not realizing that he is still under the influence and certain trigger sounds have him doing silly things at unexpected and embarrassing moments. (15 min)

20:55 21:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Halloween Bear. Grizzy discovers the leftovers of a Halloween party in the ranger's cabin, which was entirely redecorated for the occasion, with stupefaction. But if the curious ambiance perturbs Grizzy, the Lemmings are in seventh heaven and have a whale of a time jumping up and down inside a cooking pot full of marshmallows. Grizzy wants to get rid of it until he accidentally swallows a marshmallow and discovers the best flavor of his life. (10 min)

21:05 21:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Clean Bear. Grizzy wants to give the she-bear he's in love with a plastic ring which he finds really swell. But since the object was found in the trash, he needs to wash it first. And the Lemmings are using the sole bar of soap in the house as a bobsleigh. (5 min)

21:10 21:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Wandering Spirits. Grizzy finds a strange American Indian figurine with the power to switch the spirits of two living beings and finds himself imprisoned in the body of a caribou. He immediately tries to activate the reverse procedure, but the Lemmings steal the figurine in order to turn into a partridge and fly away. (15 min)

21:25 21:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall. While salmon fishing on the riverbank, Grizzy hauls in an unusual catch: an old hand mirror straight out of a fairytale. Instead of showing the reflection of the person who holds it, the mirror shows an idealized vision of his surroundings. Whether it be Grizzy or the Lemmings, everyone sees the world of his dreams, and no one wants to share it. (5 min)

21:30 21:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Grizzy The Wizard. In a casing that fell from a circus caravan, the Lemmings find a magic stick that can enchant objects and make them come alive. Grizzy is sure that a stick like that would save him a lot of work, the only problem is how to get it from the Lemmings, who have become sorcerer's apprentices? (5 min)

21:35 21:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Moonwalk Bear. Whilst trying to stop the Lemmings from playing with a crate of firework rockets, Grizzy is literally carried away with them when the largest specimen shoots off. When the entire crate of fireworks explodes with a boom, they are hurled out of the atmosphere and all the way to the moon. (10 min)

21:45 22:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Camping in the Wild. With their endless battles over the ranger's cabin which they do not want to share, Grizzy and the Lemmings end up blowing the cabin up. Amidst the debris, they discover a strange pack: an army tent with all the necessary equipment to recreate a home in nature. It's the chance to discover the joys of camping in the wild. (15 min)

22:00 22:10

Alice & Lewis

Memory Loss. Following a slip up, Alice accidentally erases all of Lewis’ memories about her. Now, the rabbit not only doesn't recognize her, he’s convinced he’s never even laid eyes on her before! Eager to get her bestie back, Alice sets about trying to make him relive various experiences they shared in the past. Unfortunately, this only gets him riled up and stressed!... Okay, the only way she’s going to be able to pull this off is by proving her friendship to him, undeniably! (10 min)

22:10 22:25

Alice & Lewis

The Mole and the Mirror. It’s a disaster! Narcissio, the Queen’s facetious little mirror has made her royal mole vanish! Alice and Lewis promise the monarch they’ll solve the problem by giving the mirror what it wants: the power to SHINE! She gives them until teatime to accomplish this. If they fail, both the mirror and Lewis will be shut up in a shoebox forever! (15 min)

22:25 22:40

Alice & Lewis

Vote for Alice! Alice is tired of losing every competitive situation she’s engaged in so far, today, so she decides to run as a candidate for the Wonderland elections, against Lewis: the winner will be the Clock’s custodian. The two candidates set about campaigning, to win votes from the Wonderlanders. And, when the time comes to go to the ballots, Alice actually wins, against all odds! But lacking experience, she gets in a total muddle with the clock’s workings! Mmm, could she have run against her best friend in the election for the wrong reason? Food for thought… (15 min)

22:40 22:50

Alice & Lewis

Tonight’s the Night! There’s one thing that scares Alice more than anything: being made a fool of at the school fair! Meanwhile, in Wonderland, tonight is the Great Ball and the Queen insists Alice dance with Charlie. A word of caution, however: NO mistake is allowed in the Ball dance, and there’s no getting out of it either! To make matters worse, Charlie fully doesn’t have a sense of rhythm! Lewis, the dancer extraordinaire, steps in to help them get the moves down pat. Because if they mess up, Alice will be subjected to pure torture from the Mocking Hedges! (10 min)

22:50 23:00

Thomas & Friends - Shorts XXV

Diesel's Rules (10 min)

23:00 23:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Blast Off. When Marvin the Martian crash lands in Looneyburg, he’s in a hurry to leave and hires The Looney Builders to build him a spaceship. (10 min)

23:10 23:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

K-9: Space Puppy. Marvin the Martian hires The Looney Builders to build a doghouse on Mars for his puppy, K-9. Daffy soon bonds with K-9 and comes up with a plan to prolong their playtime. (15 min)

23:25 23:35

Bugs Bunny Builders

Cousin Billy. When Daffy’s cool cousin Billy hires The Looney Builders to build her an art studio, Daffy tries to show off to prove how cool he is. (10 min)

23:35 23:50

Bugs Bunny Builders

Bright Light. When Mayor Foghorn Leghorn hires The Looney Builders to build a lighthouse for Looneyburg, Lola’s tablet breaks and she must rely on herself. (15 min)

23:50 00:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Dragons & Bears. As Grizzy relaxes in the massage chair, a cloud drifts in front of the sun, immediately stopping the electricity supply in the log cabin. The voltage drops continue, even though the sky seems clear now. Grizzy looks out the window and a dragon appears on the horizon! Once over his initial fright, the bear realizes that it's only a kite flown by the Lemmings – using the electricity from the cabin they have rerouted! (10 min)

00:00 00:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Bamboo Warfare. Grizzy dismantles the toboggan built by the Lemmings in the log cabin and reemploys the bamboo sticks to build a jacuzzi. When the Lemmings discover the bear's piece of work, they imagine a giant waterpark dominated by an immense waterslide. Anticipating the Lemmings' desire, Grizzy tries to barricade himself inside but the rodents manage to eject him from the cabin. The bear comes back, protected by a super bamboo armor… (5 min)

00:05 00:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Bear In The Clouds. The Lemmings organize a drone race throughout the cabin. Grizzy, who was on the verge of falling asleep, interrupts the competition but must contend with the rodents' reprisals. Thrown out of the cabin, the bear falls onto a temple dedicated to the Monkey King. He appropriates the statue's powers, operating a magic cloud by remote control. Grizzy settles in on the cloud and wins the race before the Lemmings. But a cloud that flies that fast can only arouse lust… (15 min)

00:20 00:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Umbrella Tactics. To trick Grizzy's vigilance and steal the TV, the Lemmings, disguised as traditional Chinese dancers, perform a number that leaves the bear flabbergasted. The rodents take advantage of their diversion to carry off the TV set on their airborne craft made of Chinese umbrellas. But before they can escape with their bounty, Grizzy recovers the screen. Ever as determined, the Lemmings come back after upgrading their vessel. (5 min)

00:25 00:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Neither Yin, Nor Yang. Annoyed by a noisy high-speed chase between the Lemmings and a raccoon, Grizzy abruptly stops the game. The players fall into empty space and land in a clearing. The impact of their crash-landing cracks a black and white tile representing Yin and Yang and a strange light pours over the raccoon. Depending on his mood, the color of his fur changes, and his excitement or calm become contagious to all those around him! (5 min)

00:30 00:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Mechatronics Bear. On the way back from a fishing outing, Grizzy unwittingly brings back an electrode that controls a robot. Once activated, the gadget puts itself in the service of the bear, satisfying his each and every need. The envious Lemmings plot to take possession of this new metallic ally. They manage to evict the bear, who does not intend to take this lying down… especially when he discovers a pair of robotic arms hidden in a module that fell out of the robot! (10 min)

00:40 00:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Tai Chi Lemmings. After a game that ends abruptly, the Lemmings fall onto the roof of a temple where they discover drawings of Tai Chi movements. When carried out, the exercises generate a ball of energy! The Lemmings test out the sequence of movements on… Grizzy, until he is evicted from the cabin and falls onto the temple in turn. His fall unveils a new sequence of movements on a fresco that could create an even stronger energy flow! (5 min)

00:45 01:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Fireworks Cabin. At nightfall, just as Grizzy starts to doze off, a racket comes from outside the cabin: the Lemmings are sliding along the Great Wall in a crate, propelled by firework rockets. Cleverly avoiding the bear's strategies to stop them, the Lemmings accidentally set off a mechanism in a tower. A secret room filled with cannons and catapults opens, just waiting to be used by the powder monkey apprentices… (15 min)

01:00 01:10

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

The Lakemoss Monster. The Mushlers want Amanita to join in telling monster stories. But Amanita doesn’t believe in monsters. So they take her on a monster hunt and find more than they imagined. (10 min)

01:10 01:25

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

The Answer is Starmush. It seems like Starmush is the only one who can answer Mush-Mush's difficult questions. But Starmush lives so far away in the Dark Forest! Mush-Mush hatches a plan to get Starmush to move to Mushton, so he can get answers right here at home. (15 min)

01:25 01:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

Good and Weevil. Chep is over-joyed when his weevil friend, Chase, returns to Mushton. But Chase seems to have changed, he's way harder to handle now. And he wants something from Chep! But what? (15 min)

01:40 01:55

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

A Fine Vine. Lilit remembers loving balancing on a slack-vine when she was a Mushlet. But actually, she never really learnt how, so she keeps falling off and getting really frustrated. It’s up to Morel to step up and finally teach Lilit how to slack-vine like a pro. (15 min)

01:55 02:05

Bugs Bunny Builders

Blast Off. When Marvin the Martian crash lands in Looneyburg, he’s in a hurry to leave and hires The Looney Builders to build him a spaceship. (10 min)

02:05 02:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

K-9: Space Puppy. Marvin the Martian hires The Looney Builders to build a doghouse on Mars for his puppy, K-9. Daffy soon bonds with K-9 and comes up with a plan to prolong their playtime. (20 min)

02:25 02:35

Bugs Bunny Builders

Cousin Billy. When Daffy’s cool cousin Billy hires The Looney Builders to build her an art studio, Daffy tries to show off to prove how cool he is. (10 min)

02:35 02:50

Bugs Bunny Builders

Bright Light. When Mayor Foghorn Leghorn hires The Looney Builders to build a lighthouse for Looneyburg, Lola’s tablet breaks and she must rely on herself. (15 min)

02:50 03:00


To the Batmobile! When all of the Batwheels (except for Bam) mysteriously disappear, Bam enlists the help of A.D.A.M, the original Batmobile, to help save his friends. Along the way, Bam comes to appreciate the old-school mobile's different crimefighting style as they team up to take on the Legion of Zoom. (10 min)

03:00 03:15


Improvise My Ride. When Buff's trusty winch is knocked out of action by Poison Ivy, he must learn to improvise and come up with creative solutions on the fly. (15 min)

03:15 03:25


Dynamic Du-Oh-No. When Snowy and Jestah team up to execute a mysterious plan involving rare freeze-berries, Batwing and Buff pair up to take on the dastardly duo, but Batwing decides to carry out the mission herself, putting both her and Buff at risk. (10 min)

03:25 03:35


Sidekicked to the Curb. When Bam is sent to take on Prank, Redbird is forced to hang back because The Joker’s van is too dangerous! When Bam discovers that Redbird secretly tagged along, he’s upset… until Redbird bails him out of a tight spot. (10 min)

03:35 03:50


Bam's Upgrade. Feeling neglected after being passed over on missions, Bam asks MOE to install experimental upgrades to curry Batman's favor. But, when Bam's new powers are stronger than he can control, Batman – and the mission – are suddenly in danger! (15 min)

03:50 03:55

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Scents. When he realizes that his beloved she-bear adores the smell of flowers, Grizzy decides to offer her the geraniums that decorate the window ledges of the ranger's cabin. Can he bring them to her without the Lemmings, who are skating out by the caribou dung pit and trash bins, ruining his desired effect? (5 min)

03:55 04:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Luck. Decidedly, this is not Grizzy's day: after making a fool of himself in front of the she-bear he's in love with, he is ousted from the log cabin by the Lemmings, who are in top form. Grizzy lands in a field of clover where he notices that one of them - which has four leaves - seems to bring him good luck. Could his chance be changing? (10 min)

04:05 04:15

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Magnetic Bear. Grizzy can?t believe his eyes when he sees objects moving all by themselves. When he realizes it?s the Lemmings who are playing around with a particularly powerful magnet, he has a stroke of genius. He will design a telekinesis trick to impress his beloved she-bear. (10 min)

04:15 04:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Charm. Further to a misunderstanding, Grizzy is persuaded that the she-bear he's in love with has been turned into a frog. Whilst he looks through the ranger's books of fairytales, searching for a means to return his beloved to her original form, the Lemmings try to recover the frog, with whom they have so much fun playing rodeo games. (5 min)

04:20 04:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear's Best Friend. Grizzy discovers a baby raccoon not far from the log cabin. When he sees its big moist eyes, Grizzy melts and adopts the creature. When the Lemmings drag the baby into their dangerous games, the overprotective Grizzy steps in, provoking even more perilous situations! (10 min)

04:30 04:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Super Grizzy Bros. By pure chance, Grizzy discovers the pleasures of video games on the ranger's console. The Lemmings want to try their hand at the joystick but Grizzy refuses to interrupt his Kart racing game. They try everything, including temptation, to get him away from the console but there's nothing doing, Grizzy is addicted. (5 min)

04:35 04:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Fake Brothers. Grizzy builds a look-alike robot to keep the Lemmings away while he prepares a popcorn party for his beloved she-bear. But his double?s artificial intelligence truly leaves to be desired. If only it were as clever as the original... (5 min)

04:40 04:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Mind in a Whirl. When she is accidentally hit over the head, the she-bear Grizzy?s in love thinks she?s a Lemming. Grizzy thinks that another little well-placed bang over the head will knock her ideas back into place. The only problem is that the Lemmings, who are delighted to have a new playmate, have no intention of letting him proceed with his plan. (5 min)

04:45 05:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings

A Sizeable Problem. When a meteorite falls not far from the log cabin, strange berries start to grow. One of their properties is that they make anyone who eats them grow to disproportionate sizes. (15 min)

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