00:00 00:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Polar Bear. Nutty Hill is suffering from a stifling heat wave. Searching in vain for a bit of cool air, Grizzy suddenly has a brilliant idea. He'll get into the fridge, where the temperature will be more bearable. One slight detail, the refrigerator shelves are already full of Lemmings. (5 min)

00:05 00:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Spread. Grizzy is frustrated: just as he was about to coat a nice big fresh salmon with chocolate spread and snuggle up in front of the TV, he discovers that the pantry is empty! His frustration transforms into rage when he finds the last jar in the clutches of the Lemmings, who are organizing a sort of "beach party" in the sandbox. (15 min)

00:20 00:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Cellular Bear. Grizzy's nap is interrupted by an annoying vibrating. He sees the forest ranger's cell phone on the couch. It has various functions, including a game to which he instantly becomes addicted. However the Lemmings, who have already detected the phone's music app, need it in order to transform the garage into a discotheque. (5 min)

00:25 00:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Jurassic Bear. Freed by the thawing ice, a mysterious giant egg slides up to the front door of the log cabin. The Lemmings watch the hatching of a large baby dinosaur that immediately mistakes them for his "mommies." Grizzy cannot tolerate a new intruder like this in the cabin, but how does one earn the respect of a gang of Lemmings armed with a T-Rex, even it is only a baby? (5 min)

00:30 00:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Extreme Fitness. In order to seduce the she-bear he's infatuated with, Grizzy decides to take things in hand and slim down with the ranger's bodybuilding equipment. But before starting his exercise routine, he will first have to settle the problem of the Lemmings, who are already using the machines as an amusement park. (10 min)

00:40 00:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Domestic Robots. By chance, Grizzy discovers that the ranger's new robot vacuum cleaner also gives very pleasant back massages. But the Lemmings see the new gadget more as a competition bumper car. No one wants to do the housecleaning, but everyone wants the robot vacuum cleaner! (5 min)

00:45 01:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Mass Control. While searching for the television remote control, Grizzy discovers a gadget that controls various functions in the cabin. Hup! One button and there's light! Hup! Another surveys the house's nooks and crannies. Grizzy will finally be able to rid himself of the Lemmings, without even leaving the couch! But beware of losing control... (15 min)

01:00 01:10

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Mushpot's Treasure. When Mushpot wishes he could roll back the seasons and relive being a Mushler, our friends get him to hang out doing cool Mushler stuff. But this just shows that Mushpot is no longer able to do all those things. Sigh! However, when our friends find a map that points to a treasure he buried when he was a Mushler, Mushpot realises it's just the Mushler experience he needed. (10 min)

01:10 01:25

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Mush-Mush The Predictor. Mush-Mush can't figure out why his sense foot keeps buzzing like crazy... until an earthquake shakes the forest. Mush-Mush is sure he predicted it! Convinced he can now predict the future, Mush-Mush starts making predictions for everyone in Mushton... (15 min)

01:25 01:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Who's Eating Mushton. Everyone in Mushton is finding that their precious wooden things are being munched and destroyed by someone or something. All the evidence points toward Truff's new woodworm pet: Chompski. But Truff refuses to believe Chompski would do such a thing! It's up to Chep, Lilit and Mush-Mush to convince Truff. But first they have to catch Chompski in the act! (15 min)

01:40 01:55

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

The Breathtaking Bolly Show. If Mush-Mush had Bolly’s speed, he’d want everyone to see just how awesomely fast he was. But Bolly is different – he just likes to use his speed helping Mushables. So when Mush-Mush organizes a big stunt for Bolly, he refuses. He just doesn’t like to show off. But Mush-Mush promised everyone a show so a show he will give them – with Mush-Mush performing instead of Bolly! Gulp! (15 min)

01:55 02:05

Bugs Bunny Builders

Sea School. The Looney Builders face underwater challenges as they build a sea school for Moxie Manatee. (10 min)

02:05 02:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

Mail Whale. The Looney Builders try to help Winston Whale by building him a mail truck, but Winston is used to working alone. (20 min)

02:25 02:35

Bugs Bunny Builders

Underwater Star. Moxie Manatee hires The Looney Builders to build an obstacle course for the Sandy Shells Preschool Games, but Lola isn’t listening to her crew. (10 min)

02:35 02:50

Bugs Bunny Builders

Cheddar Days. The Mouse Sisters hire The Looney Builders to build a cheese café featuring a mural by Sylvester who is having a bad day. (15 min)

02:50 03:00


Stop That Ducky! After snagging an ultra-fuel-cell upgrade, Penguin’s Ducky Boat suddenly becomes the fastest vehicle in Gotham. Confident leader Bam must rally the Batwheels to stop the turbo-Ducky! (10 min)

03:00 03:15


Keep Calm and Roll On. After Jestah’s insults get the best of her, a short-tempered Bibi tries to not let the big-wheeled bully's words get to her so she can help Batgirl catch Harley. (15 min)

03:15 03:25


Secret Origin of the Batwheels Pt.1. When Batman, Robin, and Batgirl are all captured, the Batcomputer brings the Bat-Vehicles to life. Now the newly-minted Batwheels must defend the Batcave and face off with the Legion of Zoom… all without Batman’s help! (10 min)

03:25 03:35


Secret Origin of the Batwheels Pt. 2. With Batman, Robin, and Batgirl unreachable, Batcomputer brings Batman’s trusty Batmobile, Bam, to life to help protect the Batcave from a mysterious intruder. (10 min)

03:35 03:55


Secret Origin of the Batwheels Pt. 3. Bam discovers a villainous vehicle squad - the Legion of Zoom - is on the loose and preparing to storm the Batcave. In need of reinforcements, Batcomputer brings the rest of Batman’s Bat-vehicles to life, and the newly minted Batwheels must learn how to work together as a team to protect the Batcave! (20 min)

03:55 04:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Balloon Bear. Grizzy watches a demonstration of balloon modelling on TV. He decides to make a balloon poodle to offer to the she-bear he's enamored with. By observing Grizzy, the Lemmings discover with enthusiasm that you can blow up modelling balloons far more than regular ones, and that they end up exploding in a shower of tattered strips. (5 min)

04:00 04:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Bear Pillow. Grizzy needs a nice nap. He can't find a pillow comfortable enough to his taste until he tests the pillow that the Lemmings use as a high-jump mat. The pillow is so soft that Grizzy falls asleep the second he lays his head on it. (5 min)

04:05 04:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Hooks and Loops Bear. Grizzy is awakened from his nap by the unpleasant, ongoing sound of Velcro strips being ripped off. The Lemmings have covered their bodies in Velcro and are throwing themselves against a doormat, which serves as their target. Grizzy finds peace and quiet by getting rid of the doormat until the Lemmings realize that bear fur is an ideal support for Velcro. (15 min)

04:20 04:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Fast Workout. The she-bear Grizzy is enamored with has lost her favorite flower in an inaccessible spot under a giant boulder. Grizzy tries to lift it: impossible! He decides to start an intensive bodybuilding routine with the ranger's electrostimulation machine, but the Lemmings are already using it on a caribou to step up their rodeo. (5 min)

04:25 04:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Bat-Grizzy. The Lemmings try to catch a bat to play rodeo, disturbing Grizzy as he plays his favorite game on the ranger's mobile. But when the phone is hit and its alarm activated, a submarine sonar sound is emitted. When the bat hears it, it seems to become docile. (5 min)

04:30 04:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Moveable Apps. The Lemmings have a blast testing every app on the ranger's tablet one by one. Grizzy, who is starving, sees that the cupboards are bare. When he realizes that one GPS app can give the itinerary to the nearest chocolate spread store, Grizzy requisitions the tablet. (10 min)

04:40 04:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Wild Modeling. Grizzy and the Lemmings discover the ranger's latest acquisition: a 3D printer that will duplicate anything at all in miniature format. Grizzy wants to redecorate the cabin with figurines bearing his effigy, but first he needs to get rid of the Lemmings. Without getting them mixed up with their perfect resin replicas. (5 min)

04:45 04:50

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

The Bear Next Door. Grizzy and the Lemmings discover a strange gateway to a parallel world. On the other side, there is the same cabin, only it doesn't belong to a ranger. It's a chocolate spread museum, where the curators are... another Grizzy and other Lemmings, all with very different personalities. (5 min)

04:50 05:00

Bugs Bunny Builders: Hard Hat Time

Lunar New Year. The crew celebrates the Lunar New Year and Bugs and Lola go missing during the Lion Dance. (10 min)

05:00 05:05

Mighty Mike

Vampire Attack. The weather is miserable so Mike decides to stay in and catch up on his reading. However the book he's reading on Vampires is scarier than he bargained for. Pretty soon he's jumping out of his seat at every noise and squeak. When the racoons break in to the house try and raid the refrigerator for some rainy day snacks Mike decides to use his newfound knowledge of vampires to scare the pesky thieves right out of the house. (5 min)

05:05 05:10

Mighty Mike

In The Box. Mike has his work cut out for him when Stephan leaves a beautiful gift for his wife on the counter and goes to work for the day. The pesky raccoons decide to help themselves while the turtles fire up a huge game of Ice Hockey in the house and Fluffy also has eyes on the gift. Mike will need to pull out all the stops if he's going to rescue the gift from all the chaos. (5 min)

05:10 05:25

Mighty Mike

That Magnificent Mike. It's Iris's birthday and Mike wants to surprise her with a special party. Balloons, gifts, Piňata, the works! Everything has been perfectly planned but the relentless raccoons decide to crash the party and steal all the candy. The racoons discover the helium tank Mike used to blow up the balloons... taking the battle between Mike and the racoons up into the sky. (15 min)

05:25 05:30

Mighty Mike

Mikeyzushi. While Mike prepares a special sushi dinner to win Iris's heart, the racoons break into the garage intent on creating some mischief. Somehow Freddy accidentally locks himself in the freezer and when Mike goes to the fridge for a piece of fish, Mercury mistakenly thinks it's Freddy who is on Mike's menu. Mercury has to save his brother and Mike needs to save his dinner! (5 min)

05:30 05:40

Mighty Mike

Sneezed To Meet You. Mike has the perfect gift idea for Iris, flowers! The only snag is that Mike discovers he's horribly allergic and the raccoons use Mike's sneezing fits as an opportunity to rob the house. He's going to need all his ingenuity and resolve "and an extra-large box of tissues" to defeat the raccoons and give the flowers to Iris. (10 min)

05:40 05:45

Mighty Mike

Crooner Mike. Mike decides to try to win Iris's affection by singing her a romantic musical number. As Mike has zero musical ability he uses Stephan's old vinyl records, but things don't go as planned because to Mike's horror, Fluffy and Mercury decide to hijack the proceedings and try their hand at being DJs. However, Mike's not going to let them spoil things. The show must go on! (5 min)

05:45 06:00

Mighty Mike

Duchess. Mike's over the moon! He's going to spend the afternoon with the neighbor's dog. Except that it's not Iris, it's Duchess, a pug just like Mike and she instantly falls in love with our hero. Uh oh! The raccoons meanwhile are trying to break into the house and Duchess is trying to help. Mike panics. What if Iris discovers her new rival? (15 min)

06:00 06:10


Mechanic Panic. When Jestah injures herself preparing for an extreme sports competition with the other Zoomers, Bibi helps her overcome her fear of going to the mechanic so she can heal up in time to compete. (10 min)

06:10 06:25


To the Batmobile! When all of the Batwheels (except for Bam) mysteriously disappear, Bam enlists the help of A.D.A.M, the original Batmobile, to help save his friends. Along the way, Bam comes to appreciate the old-school mobile's different crimefighting style as they team up to take on the Legion of Zoom. (15 min)

06:25 06:35

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

All You Can Eat. Mr Bean has forgotten he's supposed to be cooking dinner for his long-suffering girlfriend Irma. He dashes to the supermarket to buy some groceries but why buy food when you can win an entire trolley full in an All You Can Eat Competition? But Mr Bean has some stiff competition - no one can eat one of Mr Magg’s pies quicker than Mr Maggs himself. Mr Bean has to think fast to win. But after all that eating will Bean still be in the mood to cook a romantic meal? (10 min)

06:35 06:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Flat Pack. Mr Bean is in need of a sturdy new bookcase and sets off to visit a furniture warehouse. He finds one that’s perfect but is outraged when he’s told he has to build the bookcase himself! Bean is unfamiliar with flat pack assembly and struggles to construct his new bookcase failing miserably when he discovers he’s one screw short. Mr Bean heads back to the shop only to find it’s closed! (20 min)

06:55 07:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Teleportation's the Way to Go! Grizzy finds two identical vases that are actually communicating vessels in a Native American Indian chest. If he sticks his hand in one, it comes out the other, between them. This should satisfy Grizzy's natural lazy streak, regardless of the distance unless the Lemmings realize the incredible games they could play with the magic vases. (5 min)

07:00 07:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Countdown. Grizzy finds a vintage stopwatch in the garage which lets you wind back the minute that has just passed by and it can even stop time and movement in one's surroundings. This will give him a sure advantage over the Lemmings, provided of course they don't get their hands on it. (10 min)

07:10 07:15

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Lemming Airlines. Grizzy is disturbed in the middle of his TV snack by a strange flow of incongruous objects that have been transformed into hot-air balloons. When he sees the Lemmings onboard these curious zeppelins, Grizzy understands that he will quickly have to confiscate their helium tank and balloons if he wants to relax in front of the TV. (5 min)

07:15 07:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Relax Bear. Grizzy discovers with great delight that the ranger has purchased a brand new multifunction Stressless recliner. But even an armchair designed for well-being - the ultimate in relaxation - can used for other purposes by the Lemmings, who transform it into a fearsome multi-game chair. (15 min)

07:30 07:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Gliding. The Lemmings play kite-surf with a homemade kite. Grizzy notices that the she-bear he's in love with watches the kite perform arabesques in the sky with admiration. He decides to make a kite that is far more sophisticated than the Lemmings kite. (5 min)

07:35 07:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings

The Sound of a Lemming. Grizzy snatches the last jar of chocolate spread out from under the noses of the Lemmings. In exchange, he offers them the toy stuck inside the lid: a mini-flute. When the Lemmings blow into the flute, the shrill notes that come out paralyze anyone whose ears aren't plugged for several seconds. They decide to play a tune for Grizzy in order to recover their share of chocolate spread. (5 min)

07:40 07:50

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear in the Wind. The Lemmings play a new game, floating like flags in the breeze from the fan which is set at maximum. Grizzy, who has decided to watch his favorite TV documentary on salmon fish, quickly rids the living room of this interference. But he didn't anticipate that the Lemmings would continue their game on the roof with the wind pump and TV antenna, and that the interference would reappear... inside the TV! (10 min)

07:50 08:00

Lu & The Bally Bunch - Shorts

Talking About Playing Outside. The bugs talk about playing outside. (10 min)

08:00 08:10

Bugs Bunny Builders II

Outer Space. The Looney Builders build Marvin the Martian and his Martian crew a space station. Marvin soon becomes overwhelmed by his Martian crew’s antics and lack of personal space. (10 min)

08:10 08:20

Bugs Bunny Builders II

The Great Flying Flea. The Looney Builders discover Zippy, an acrobatic flea, living on Sylvester’s back. They build Zippy a flea circus to try and convince him to relocate and relieve Sylvester’s itch. (10 min)

08:20 08:30

Bugs Bunny Builders: Hard Hat Time

Lunar New Year. The crew celebrates the Lunar New Year and Bugs and Lola go missing during the Lion Dance. (10 min)

08:30 08:40

Jessica's Big Little World

Glow Toy. When Jessica can’t get a new toy to work, she learns a new way to appreciate it. (10 min)

08:40 09:00

Jessica's Big Little World

Jessica's Restaurant. Jessica opens a restaurant with her good friend Stanleigh, but will they be able to keep their customers happy? (20 min)

09:00 09:10

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Litterbug. Mr Bean is furious with the untidy state of the streets and all the people who drop litter so he goes on a one-man mission to clean up the town. Armed with several bin bags Mr Bean collects all the rubbish and puts up his own ‘No Littering’ signs - which have absolutely no effect. When the police show no interest in his campaign Bean builds a homemade vacuuming contraption causing chaos and mayhem wherever he goes. (10 min)

09:10 09:25

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Rat Trap. Mr Bean is very scared on a stormy night and even more so when he hears Mrs Wicket screaming from downstairs. Mr Bean investigates and finds the source of the problem...a rat! Mr Bean offers to help Mrs Wicket rid their house of the troublesome rodent. The only problem is the crafty rat is going nowhere fast and is always one step ahead. Mr Bean looks to inspiration from the Pied Piper but fairy stories don’t always have happy endings. (15 min)

09:25 09:35

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Valentine's Bean. Mr Bean decides to do something romantic on Valentine’s Day for his long-suffering girlfriend Irma. But while he is secretly delivering her valentines card Mr Bean finds out he has a love rival for Irma’s attention. Bean steps up his efforts and takes Irma on a ‘date’ to the Valentine’s Fair only to find his love rival is there too! But will the fortune-teller’s prediction be the ticket to a happy ending? (10 min)

09:35 09:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

All You Can Eat. Mr Bean has forgotten he's supposed to be cooking dinner for his long-suffering girlfriend Irma. He dashes to the supermarket to buy some groceries but why buy food when you can win an entire trolley full in an All You Can Eat Competition? But Mr Bean has some stiff competition - no one can eat one of Mr Magg’s pies quicker than Mr Maggs himself. Mr Bean has to think fast to win. But after all that eating will Bean still be in the mood to cook a romantic meal? (20 min)

09:55 10:00

Lucas the Spider

Farewell Sweet Ride. Bodhi processes the loss of her favorite snowboard. (5 min)

10:00 10:05

Lucas the Spider

The Mighty Boop and Fly Wonder. Lucas and Findley assume superhero personas, but Findley gets frustrated with being a sidekick. (5 min)

10:05 10:10

Lucas the Spider

Lucas and Findley get Antsy. The Mighty Boop and Fly Wonder find a lost baby ant. The duo is to the rescue! (5 min)

10:10 10:20

Lucas the Spider

Mock Me Not. Lucas playfully mimics Bodhi. But he may have offended her. (10 min)

10:20 10:30

Moley: Squirm & Manny

Art. Manny wants to play some games, but all Squirm wants to do is paint. Manny decides to take things into his own hands when Squirm refuses to play along. (10 min)

10:30 10:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Snails Forever. Chep wants to return a favour to Mush-Mush, but all Mush-Mush wants is to have a compost pancake on Pancake Day! But when the Food Snail falls for, and takes off after, the Travel Snail, Pancake Day has to be cancelled. Chep sees an opportunity to save the day for his friend! But er, how do you solve a snail falling for another? (10 min)

10:40 11:00

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

A Frog Of A Problem. MM's favourite frog has had its home taken over by a lizard. Mushpot says not to interfere - nature must run its course. But Lilit feels so sorry for the frog she takes it back to Mushton where it causes havoc. Now our friends must lure the frog back to its home where it deals with the lizard itself. (20 min)

11:00 11:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Kung Fu Lemmings. The Lemmings draw inspiration from lessons they find in a (5 min)

11:05 11:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings

A Midsummer Bear's Dream. Grizzy dreams that he's a valiant knight who has just delivered his beloved. As he is about to take her in his arms, he is woken by the din of the Lemmings, who have chosen this particular day to blast music. Grizzy has only one desire: pick up his dream where he left off. But first, he'll have to stop the Lemmings' fiesta. (5 min)

11:10 11:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Manufacturing Secret. Grizzy stands in front of the pantry, desperate. The stock of chocolate spread is completely depleted. He realizes that the Lemmings are making some themselves, following a complicated recipe. If they can make it, then why can’t he? (15 min)

11:25 11:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bling Bling Bear. Inspired by a magazine with a jewelry ad showing a man offering a diamond to a woman, Grizzy imagines himself offering the ranger's engagement ring to his beloved she-bear. But the big diamond set in the ring has disappeared. The Lemmings, who are having a spinning-top contest, are using it as the ultimate top. And they have no intention of giving it up. (5 min)

11:30 11:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Intellectual Bear. When he accidentally sticks a computer microprocessor to his temple, Grizzy is transformed into an exceptionally intelligent being capable of predicting events to come far in advance. With his way above average IQ, not only will he be able to provide himself with the latest high-tech comfort, getting rid of the Lemmings should be a piece of cake. (10 min)

11:40 11:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Voodoo Blanket. The Lemmings prepare a dream afternoon snack with the last jar of chocolate spread in the cupboard. Tough luck, Grizzy is coming! Caught off guard, the Lemmings hide the jar in a teddy bear-pajama case to slip away without arousing suspicion. But Grizzy is captivated by the stuffed bear and makes it his security blanket. (5 min)

11:45 12:00

Thomas & Friends - Shorts XXVI

Let's Race: The Flag Race. Thomas and Friends search high and low all over Sodor for a series of hidden racing flags – and some are higher than our racers ever thought they'd go. (15 min)

12:00 12:10

Bugs Bunny Builders II

Outer Space. The Looney Builders build Marvin the Martian and his Martian crew a space station. Marvin soon becomes overwhelmed by his Martian crew’s antics and lack of personal space. (10 min)

12:10 12:25

Bugs Bunny Builders II

The Great Flying Flea. The Looney Builders discover Zippy, an acrobatic flea, living on Sylvester’s back. They build Zippy a flea circus to try and convince him to relocate and relieve Sylvester’s itch. (15 min)

12:25 12:35

Jessica's Big Little World

Glow Toy. When Jessica can’t get a new toy to work, she learns a new way to appreciate it. (10 min)

12:35 12:55

Jessica's Big Little World

Jessica's Restaurant. Jessica opens a restaurant with her good friend Stanleigh, but will they be able to keep their customers happy? (20 min)

12:55 13:05

The Tom and Jerry Show

Cruisin' for a Bruisin'. Rick and Ginger take Tom and Butch on a cruise ship. Jerry and Tuffy leave to explore the ship's buffet and leave Spike and Tom in the room. They all meet Meathead a vicious ship cat who will stop at nothing to terrorize the four of them. They all band together to defeat Meathead but not before they wreak havoc on the ship. (10 min)

13:05 13:20

The Tom and Jerry Show

Road Trippin'. Rick and Ginger take Tom and Spike on a road trip to Ginger's aunt's house. Spike is terrorized by a dog traveling in a trailer. Tom and Spike get left behind at a pit stop and must travel with the Hannibal the mean trailer dog. They must escape and find their way back to Rick and Ginger. Jerry and Tuffy cause problems when they get caught in Rick and Ginger's suitcase. (15 min)

13:20 13:30

The Tom and Jerry Show

Magic Mirror. Hildie and Beatie bring home a fortune telling magic mirror. When it shows Tom a future he doesn't like he tries everything to avoid it. In fact everything that Tom does seems to avoid his future seems to make it worse. No amount of magic can change Tom's luck. (10 min)

13:30 13:40

The Tom and Jerry Show

Bone Dry. Spike comes to Tom and Jerry for help finding his missing bones. The detectives investigate a community garden and it seems like their number one suspect is an elusive gopher. It turns out that Tyke dug up all of his dad's bones and was saving them as a birthday present for Spike. (10 min)

13:40 13:50

The Tom and Jerry Show III

Phan-Tom of the Oompah. In Catsylvania, the peasant mice oompah band plays onstage at the auditorium. As the bandleader's lovely daughter, Gretta, hits a high note in her rousing song, Tom—in a mask and hood—swings in on a rope and abducts her. Van Mouseling and the peasant band chase him through the rafters and backstage, but Tom escapes with his captive to a subterranean lair. Will the mice manage to free Gretta? (10 min)

13:50 14:00

Moley: Squirm & Manny

The Plant. Squirm and Manny get into a sticky situation when a plant comes to life and tries to eat them! (10 min)

14:00 14:10

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Superhero Bean. A crafty cat burglar is causing alarm and concern throughout the town with a series of daring rooftop robberies. After Mrs Wicket’s house is burgled and Bean has his wallet stolen he decides the only way to deal with this cunning housebreaker is to don a costume and become a superhero (like the ones in his favourite comic book). But Super Bean soon finds he has his hands full helping to rescue cats stuck in trees and old ladies with their spilled shopping. (10 min)

14:10 14:25

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

What a load of Rubbish. Mr Bean is tidying his flat and chucking out a load of old unwanted junk. Unfortunately during the big clear out Teddy accidentally falls into a bin bag which gets put out in the street. Bean is horrified when the rubbish van arrives and he realises that dear old Teddy is now on his way to the landfill. Bean races across town to the dump but how will he ever find his friend amongst all the mountains of junk? (15 min)

14:25 14:35

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

The Robot. Mr Bean fancies a game of golf so he creates his own golf course inside his flat and invites Irma to join him for a round. Their somewhat eccentric game takes them from sitting room to bathroom and through Mrs Wicket’s flat as they battle to be the winner of the First Bean Open Championship. (10 min)

14:35 14:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Ice Cream. Mr Bean wants an ice cream from the ice cream van. But by the time he gets to the front of the queue the ice-cream man has gone to lunch. Bean takes it upon himself to climb through in an open window and into the back of the van from where he starts to help himself. Unfortunately he soon attracts a crowd and is forced to serve a long queue of kids until all the ice cream runs out. When the ice-cream man comes back from lunch and drives away he is unaware that Bean is still hiding in the back of his van en route to the ice cream factory. (20 min)

14:55 15:00

Lucas the Spider

You Rang. Arlo is missing his mother, so Lucas gives him a bell to ring if he needs Lucas’s help – bad idea. (5 min)

15:00 15:10

Lucas the Spider

Do You Speak Dance. “Maizie” keeps ignoring Lucas and Findley, but not only do they learn she has a cousin, they also learn a new skill! (10 min)

15:10 15:15

Lucas the Spider

A New Spider in Town. Lucas befriends a bright purple toy spider, and Findley gets jealous. (5 min)

15:15 15:30

Lucas the Spider

Dollhouse Mates. Lucas and Findley move into the dollhouse together. (15 min)

15:30 15:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Fool The Forest. It's Fool The Forest Day when Mushables pull pranks, and MM has an epic one planned. But they spill Chanterelle's painting dye and instead must replace it by finding a rare Sloof beetle and milking it for its dye in front of everyone. Wait a minute! You can't milk a beetle! They've been pranked! (10 min)

15:40 16:00

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Mushroomates. When ants invade Fung and Miff's tree, our Mushlers offer for them to move in... but the two quickly turn out to be unbearable roommates. So when Fung and Miff break their trampoline, our friends decide it's time for them to go back to their homes. But first they need to get rid of the ants... (20 min)

16:00 16:10

Bugs Bunny Builders II

The Snuffles. The Looney Builders are hired to build an outdoor movie theater in the park. Lola is sick, but she doesn’t want to admit it and miss out on all the fun. (10 min)

16:10 16:30

Bugs Bunny Builders II

Rainy Day. When it starts to rain outside, Porky hopes to show The Looney Builders that they can still have fun inside by building a fort. (20 min)

16:30 16:40

Jessica's Big Little World

Little Twin. When Jessica meets another kid at the park with an identical look as her, the two quickly form an unbreakable bond. (10 min)

16:40 16:55

Jessica's Big Little World

Spike the Hedgehog. When Jessica pet sits Stanleigh’s hedgehog, she has to think on her feet. (15 min)

16:55 17:05

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Shadow of a Doubt. The detectives are desperately trying to help George and Junior find a missing black panther from the city zoo. (10 min)

17:05 17:10

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

It's the Little Things. When Tom drinks a potion given to him by a Gypsy woman and shrinks to the size of an insect, he must beg Jerry Van Mouseling for help in finding a cure. (5 min)

17:10 17:25

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Always Say Never Again. Tom and Jerry are hired by a British super spy to help guard the Queen's precious objects while they are on display in the city. (15 min)

17:25 17:30

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Into the Woods. When an accident leaves Jerry wrapped head to toe in bandages and unable to take his scout troop camping, a guilt-ridden Tom decides to lead the kids into the woods himself. Stuck at home, Jerry can't help but imagine everything that could possibly go wrong. (5 min)

17:30 17:40

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Ball of Fire. The hot dog relish that Crooked Eddie brings to the detectives turns out to be an explosive device that Tom & Jerry must now return to the lab before it inadvertently blows up the entire city. (10 min)

17:40 17:45

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Mice Fair Ladies. Jerry's cousins pay a return visit to the Manor eager to create mayhem for Tom. Things get crazier than ever when the cousins' wives show up as well. (5 min)

17:45 18:00

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Hot Wings. A Lemur belonging to the Duchess's adventurous cousin puts Tom's job as Under-Butler in jeopardy. (15 min)

18:00 18:10


Keep Calm and Roll On. After Jestah’s insults get the best of her, a short-tempered Bibi tries to not let the big-wheeled bully's words get to her so she can help Batgirl catch Harley. (10 min)

18:10 18:25


Secret Origin of the Batwheels Pt.1. When Batman, Robin, and Batgirl are all captured, the Batcomputer brings the Bat-Vehicles to life. Now the newly-minted Batwheels must defend the Batcave and face off with the Legion of Zoom… all without Batman’s help! (15 min)

18:25 18:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Big Top Bear. With a lion-tamer's whip, a sugar bowl and lots of work, the Lemmings have successfully trained a caribou to go through their obstacle course. Grizzy cannot help but admire the performance. He decides to steal their idea, and the caribou, to create his own circus act and impress his lovely she-bear. (10 min)

18:35 18:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Electro Ranger Lemming. Grizzy happens onto the electronic version of the "Ranger Lemming" toy which is capable of reproducing the movements one teaches it, like a smart robot. Grizzy immediately grasps the potential of a robot that could perform chores with rapidity and precision, but the Lemmings would rather teach it to dance. (5 min)

18:40 18:55

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Bear Repellent. The Ranger's cabin is equipped with an ultra-effective pest detector capable of sensing the presence of an intruder, then chasing it out by emitting a wave that instructs the creature's brain to leave at once. Grizzy and the Lemmings are no longer able to stay inside, until they discover that the box's remote-control device allows you to select which type of animal will be spared or targeted by the wave. (15 min)

18:55 19:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Bear Behind the Wheel. Grizzy finds himself unwillingly caught up in a race between two teams of Lemmings. When he understands the stakes, he tries to win but loses. Grizzy has his pride: he wants a rematch. He decides to build his own racing machine to challenge the Lemmings' soapbox. (5 min)

19:00 19:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Rolling Cabin. The Lemmings have placed giant remote-controlled hydraulic jacks under the cabin to transform it into a life-sized rolling ball game. Grizzy, who in inclined to seasickness, tries to put things back in place. The cabin tips over into empty space. (10 min)

19:10 19:15

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Lemmings Plant. The Lemmings have unearthed a crate of competition boomerangs. They rapidly become pros capable of disarming Grizzy at a distance and ejecting him from the cabin with disconcerting ease. To compete with the precision of the Lemming boomerangs, Grizzy decides to learn archery and becomes the Canadian William Tell. (5 min)

19:15 19:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Target Bear. Grizzy is disturbed during his nap by a few uncatchable flies which buzz incessantly around his head. When he realizes that the carnivorous plant upon which the Lemmings are playing rodeo feeds off flying insects, he decides to confiscate it and use it as an anti-fly weapon. (15 min)

19:30 19:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

What a Stinker. Chep is very excited: tonight, a rare and extremely stinky plant is going to bloom! But he already promised Mush-Mush to play their favourite game. When he chooses the flower instead, Mush-Mush is angry and the two friends stop talking. But when Mush-Mush realises that Chep is about to miss the blooming, he decides he won’t let that happen and helps his friend! (10 min)

19:40 20:00

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Compost to Go. When Mush-Mush, Chep and Lilit take their compost meals back to their home-tree to eat, they think they have made a great new discovery – compost to go! They set up a delivery service so everyone can eat at home too. It’s so cool! Except Sushi-Mushi misses hosting everyone at the Food Snail, and everyone starts missing eating together… (20 min)

20:00 20:10

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

The Big Freeze. Mr. Bean wakes up on a freezing cold winter’s morning to discover that the boiler is broken and no sign of the repairman. He tries increasingly ridiculous ways to warm up his tea his toothpaste and himself before venturing out to discover somewhere to hunker down and get warm. (10 min)

20:10 20:25

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

Scrapper Cleans Up. Irma wants a romantic break; Bean doesn’t. It’s too expensive. Irma kidnaps Teddy and refuses to give him back unless Bean promises to take her to Paris. Caught between his inability to pay and his love of Teddy Bean doesn’t know what to do! Until he spots a cat beauty competition in which first prize is a romantic break in Paris – if only he can catch Scrapper … (15 min)

20:25 20:35

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

Coach Trip. Bean wants to avoid lunch with Irma’s Mum at all costs. He persuades Mrs. Wicket to let him join her on a coach trip to a concert – but he has to disguise himself as an old-aged pensioner or he won’t be allowed on the coach. Once on the coach Bean drives everyone mad with his anti-boredom antics. (10 min)

20:35 20:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

Save That Tree. Bean is showing Irma his favourite tree in the park one day when he discovers a tree surgeon getting ready to cut it down. He darts up the tree and won’t come back down. Irma loves this new side of Bean-ey! The tree surgeon is frustrated and tries various ploys to get Bean down. But can Bean make it to the toilet without being discovered and still save that tree? (20 min)

20:55 21:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Bear Sitter. A magic horn lands on the muzzle of a moose, endowing it with grace and the ability to fly. It soars off, leaving a rainbow-colored streak in its wake. When Grizzy sees this strange creature, he dreams of taming it as a gift for his beloved she-bear, while the Lemmings imagine themselves playing rodeo on a bucking unicorn. (5 min)

21:00 21:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Rainbow Moose. A magic horn lands on the muzzle of a moose, endowing it with grace and the ability to fly. Grizzy decided to catch him for impressing she bear while lemmings wants to play on it. (10 min)

21:10 21:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Radar Bear. The Lemmings have turned the cabin topsy-turvy and created an obstacle course to race through in a hamster ball. Grizzy intervenes and ousts both the Lemmings and their ball so that he can relax in peace. Unfortunately for him, he has tossed the Lemmings into a reserve of Zorb Balls, those giant inflatable spheres used to hurtle down slopes. (15 min)

21:25 21:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Zorbing Lemmings. While looking for the TV remote-control device, Grizzy happens onto a box that can localize a bunch of keys thanks to its key ring, which is equipped with a tracker. Grizzy decides to stick the spy device under a jar of chocolate spread, just in case the Lemmings should decide to carry it off. (5 min)

21:30 21:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Air Trafficking. The Lemmings create a customized hang-glider using a supermarket shopping cart for the nacelle and a ventilator as an engine. Their aerobatics fascinate the she-bear that Grizzy is in love with, which gives him the idea of replacing the shopping cart with a double-seat and inviting his beloved for a sky promenade. But confiscating a wing in mid-flight is not within the reach of just any old bear. (5 min)

21:35 21:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

A Lemmings Fairy Tale. In this fairy episode, due to a strike on the head and seeing the fairy story book pictures, the Lemmings believe they are the dwarves from the tale Snow White, and start attacking the cabin with pickaxes. After that Grizzy also believes he is Snow White due to same incidence. (10 min)

21:45 22:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Slam Dunk Lemmings. Grizzy and the Lemmings' favorite chocolate spread brand is organizing a big competition where the prize is a giant jar of spread. To win, one must make ten baskets in a row in a hoop set up on a supermarket parking lot for the occasion. Ready to play? (15 min)

22:00 22:10

Alice & Lewis II

Abracada-Present. In order to get her confiscated skateboard back from the Queen (her aunt), Dinah must give her the “perfect gift.” Easy peasy: it just so happens that Lewis has a gift-making machine! Having said that, in order to manufacture the gift, the girl must use objects that match the Queen’s tastes. And since Dinah is in such a hurry to get her skateboard back, she neglects this fact, making the situation even worse. So much so that the Queen says she’ll keep the skateboard forever! But with Alice and Lewis’ help, Dinah learns more about her aunt, enabling her to come up with a gift the monarch really likes, and retrieve her precious skateboard as a result. (10 min)

22:10 22:25

Alice & Lewis II

Wired. Alice decides to accompany Lewis on his trip to deliver vitamins to the Rainbow. It’s a pretty risky operation, involving climbing a very long wire, but Lewis is fearless thanks to his “balance button.” However, when he drops the button halfway, it’s panic all round! In the end, thanks to Alice, Lewis realizes that in order to accomplish his mission, he doesn’t need to recover his “balance button” after all - he merely needs to restore his self-confidence! (15 min)

22:25 22:40

Alice & Lewis II

The Lost Crown. After skidding out of control, the Queen loses her crown a little too long for comfort: as per the official rules, this deprives her de facto of her royal powers. At least now the tables can be turned: she can step into the shoes of her subjects, for once, and find out what it’s like to be a commoner. Or at least that’s what Alice is planning: unbeknownst to Lewis, she has hidden the precious crown on purpose: this little life lesson will do the Queen the world of good! (15 min)

22:40 22:50

Alice & Lewis II

The Olymp-Easter Games. It’s D-Day for the Olymp-Easter Games, a sports competition organized by the King every year, pitting the Queen and Dinah against each other in a battle to the last! This year, however, to lighten things up a bit, the King has decided to rethink the tournament and instead put the Queen and her niece on the same team, along with Alice and Lewis. Our little friends are going to have to rise above the tensions that reign between their two royal teammates in order to take on their formidable opponents – the Frostaland Penguins! (10 min)

22:50 23:00

Thomas & Friends - Shorts XXV

Too Loud Nia (10 min)

23:00 23:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Blast Off. When Marvin the Martian crash lands in Looneyburg, he’s in a hurry to leave and hires The Looney Builders to build him a spaceship. (10 min)

23:10 23:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

K-9: Space Puppy. Marvin the Martian hires The Looney Builders to build a doghouse on Mars for his puppy, K-9. Daffy soon bonds with K-9 and comes up with a plan to prolong their playtime. (15 min)

23:25 23:35

Bugs Bunny Builders

Cousin Billy. When Daffy’s cool cousin Billy hires The Looney Builders to build her an art studio, Daffy tries to show off to prove how cool he is. (10 min)

23:35 23:50

Bugs Bunny Builders

Bright Light. When Mayor Foghorn Leghorn hires The Looney Builders to build a lighthouse for Looneyburg, Lola’s tablet breaks and she must rely on herself. (15 min)

23:50 00:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Under Control. To make sure that the Lemmings don't snatch his chocolate spread while he's taking his nap, Grizzy turns the fridge into a safe - combination lock and all. The Lemmings try in vain to break into the fridge until they see Grizzy open the door while sleepwalking. Unfortunately, Grizzy wakes up at the crucial moment. The Lemmings do everything possible to make him fall back asleep as quick as possible. (10 min)

00:00 00:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Popcorn Party. The Lemmings have invented a new popcorn game which consists of throwing popcorn and catching it with their mouths. Grizzy notices that his lovely she-bear seems to be drawn by the scent of the grilled corn and decides to invite her over for a snack, just the two of them. But first, he must quickly recover the popcorn from the Lemmings. (5 min)

00:05 00:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Dancing with the Bears. Grizzy wants to learn to dance the mambo to please the she-bear he's in love with, for she truly adores this rhythm. He finds a learning kit at the ranger's home which has a dance carpet with footprints that light up in rhythm. The only problem is that Lemmings want the ghetto-blaster to continue their rave party to an entirely different beat. (15 min)

00:20 00:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Role Change. After receiving a terrible blow over the head, Grizzy is no longer the same: he thinks he's a rodent! He tries to get the gang to adopt him so that he might participate in their fun and games like any other Lemming. But it's not long before his newfound comrades start to find him rather heavy! (5 min)

00:25 00:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Lemming Tonic. Grizzy is exhausted and the couch has never seemed so enticing! He goes to fetch a pillow and a sleeping mask, but the Lemmings have entirely different plans for the couch. They see it as a fabulous trampoline and the ideal spot for an aerobics session. To win the right to have his nap, the weary bear must first contend with the super-energetic Lemmings! (5 min)

00:30 00:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Itch. Grizzy discovers that the frenzied "break dance" the Lemmings are doing is actually due to the fleas they are infested with. When Grizzy catches them too, it's panic all round! Grizzy is determined to eliminate the parasites, down to the very last one. The problem is his little roommates have no desire whatsoever to be treated... (10 min)

00:40 00:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Thirst Quencher. Another heat wave: even the riverbed is dried up. One very thirsty Grizzy discovers that the Lemmings have used the last remaining bottles of water to fill their inflatable pool. He has no intention of letting the Lemmings swim in what might very well be his last chance to quench his thirst. (5 min)

00:45 01:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Spider Lemmings. The Lemmings have caught a little spider. Her sticky, elastic threads are absolutely perfect for bungee jumping. Grizzy, who has no intention of getting caught in the web, decides to crush the insect. The only problem: he discovers that he has arachnophobia, which is seriously going to complicate the task. (15 min)

01:00 01:10

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Work Like a Charm. Chep becomes obsessed with learning all about Mushlore – all the funny little traditions and things that Mushables believe in. Morel is the expert in Mushlore so Chep becomes his apprentice. But the more Chep discovers about Mushlore the more he becomes a true believer… to the point that it becomes quite dangerous! (10 min)

01:10 01:25

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

Star Helpers. Starmush’s back is stuck, and the Mushelder has no choice but to ask for help in Mushton. Because Chep is the one that finds a solution to his back problem, Starmush chooses him to help with his daily activities. But Mush-Mush is jealous, he would have loved being the chosen one… (15 min)

01:25 01:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

The Rollinator. Chep is so good at moss-marbles, no one wants to play him anymore! No one except Sumush who reveals himself to be a tough competitor. To Chep’s disbelief, Sumush keeps on winning. But Lilit and Mush-Mush convince their friend not to give up. Chep decides to play his favourite moss-marble: the Rollinator. The one marble he never risked playing before... (15 min)

01:40 01:55

Mush-Mush And The Mushables

The Art of Friendship. When Chanterelle sees how good Lilit is at painting, she offers to help her dig into her talent. But Lilit’s art lessons conflict with the fun project she has been working on with Mush-Mush and Chep. And when she sees that her friends are having a great time without her, Lilit is seriously annoyed which her paintings start showing… (15 min)

01:55 02:05

Bugs Bunny Builders

Blast Off. When Marvin the Martian crash lands in Looneyburg, he’s in a hurry to leave and hires The Looney Builders to build him a spaceship. (10 min)

02:05 02:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

K-9: Space Puppy. Marvin the Martian hires The Looney Builders to build a doghouse on Mars for his puppy, K-9. Daffy soon bonds with K-9 and comes up with a plan to prolong their playtime. (20 min)

02:25 02:35

Bugs Bunny Builders

Cousin Billy. When Daffy’s cool cousin Billy hires The Looney Builders to build her an art studio, Daffy tries to show off to prove how cool he is. (10 min)

02:35 02:50

Bugs Bunny Builders

Bright Light. When Mayor Foghorn Leghorn hires The Looney Builders to build a lighthouse for Looneyburg, Lola’s tablet breaks and she must rely on herself. (15 min)

02:50 03:00


Up in the Air. After he causes the Batwing to crash, Bam becomes obsessed with making it up to her during a high-stakes aerial mission against Penguin and his giant ducky blimp. (10 min)

03:00 03:15


Buff's BFF. When Buff befriends Mr. Freeze’s snowcrawler Snowy, the other Batwheels bristle at the thought of hanging out with a “bad guy…” so Buff sets out to change their minds. (15 min)

03:15 03:25


Bibi's Do-Over. Everyone is ecstatic when Bibi, Batgirl, and Robin capture Toyman and his Do-Over remote – except for Bibi, who failed to stick the landing on a big jump. Unwilling to accept her failure, Bibi uses Toyman’s Do-Over remote until she perfects her jump! (10 min)

03:25 03:35


Riddle Me This. After struggling to solve a riddle from Riddler's helicopter Quizz, Redbird must learn to speak up and share his ideas with the Batwheels if they hope to figure out the villain's true scheme. (10 min)

03:35 03:50


Scaredy-Bat. When Batman refuses to engage Joker in a race, Prank goads Bam into a rematch. Can Bam learn to not give in to the bully's dares and take the high road? (15 min)

03:50 03:55

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Wild Zapping. Grizzy and the Lemmings clumsily destroy the TV remote control while fighting over who gets to watch their favorite program. While looking for a backup zapper, they happen onto a top secret Canadian Army prototype that enables you to apply the usual controls: "play," "pause" and "fast forward" to living beings. (5 min)

03:55 04:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Warning: Unlimited Lemmings. The Lemmings discover that by changing the speed limit sign on the side of the road, they can accelerate truck traffic and create a huge draft that is just perfect for their extreme kiting game. Grizzy would be more in favor of a "STOP!" or "No Entrance!" sign. A road sign battle begins. (10 min)

04:05 04:15

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Bouncing Bear. While trying to stop the Lemmings from playing their extreme trampoline game, Grizzy slips on the canvas and unwittingly executes an amazing somersault in front of his beloved she-bear. Seeing that she wants more, Grizzy decides to become a champ in the sport. But for that to happen, the Lemmings will need to let him work out. (10 min)

04:15 04:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Masked Racoon. The Lemmings have hitched up a racoon with a sweet tooth to their sled and get a ride by throwing cookies in front of the creature with a sling. To recover the supply of cookies, which were to be his afternoon snack, Grizzy has no qualms about making the Lemmings' sled skid out of control. When the sled hits a superhero's spacecraft, a mysterious costume falls out. (5 min)

04:20 04:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Spinning Lemmings. The Lemmings have unearthed a strange little gadget from amongst the Forest Ranger's belongings: a hand spinner. Grizzy thinks it's a silly game until he accidentally tries out the contraption for himself and becomes instantly addicted. What is the secret of this seemingly banal object that make the heads of its enthusiasts spin as well? (10 min)

04:30 04:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Game Madness. The Lemmings play with poseable figurines of wild Canadian animals. When Grizzy sees that the bear figurine has been put inside a little cage, whereas those of the Lemmings are gathered around a mini-jar of chocolate spread, he decides to join in the party and take control of his own figurine. (5 min)

04:35 04:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Household Avatar. Grizzy discovers a new generation Tamagotchi game on the Ranger's tablet: the camera scans the player and gives him a virtual avatar of himself to take care of. You must feed it, put it to bed, play with it... Grizzy takes his new responsibility as a "parent" very seriously, but the Lemmings decide to complete the virtual Grizzy's education with far more intense activities. (5 min)

04:40 04:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Beastly Genie. Grizzy and the Lemmings find a native American Indian vase with a genie inside that will make anyone's dreams come true, if they only let him out by rubbing the vase. There is nonetheless one little snag: the effects of the genie's magic instantly wear off as soon as he returns to his vase and the lid shuts. (5 min)

04:45 05:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Make Peace Not War. The Lemmings get their hands on a secret weapon that belongs to the Canadian Army: anyone hit with it becomes non-violent. They use the arm to transform Grizzy into a cherub, despite himself. (15 min)

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