00:00 00:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Balloon Bear. Grizzy watches a demonstration of balloon modelling on TV. He decides to make a balloon poodle to offer to the she-bear he's enamored with. By observing Grizzy, the Lemmings discover with enthusiasm that you can blow up modelling balloons far more than regular ones, and that they end up exploding in a shower of tattered strips. (5 min)

00:05 00:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Bear Pillow. Grizzy needs a nice nap. He can't find a pillow comfortable enough to his taste until he tests the pillow that the Lemmings use as a high-jump mat. The pillow is so soft that Grizzy falls asleep the second he lays his head on it. (15 min)

00:20 00:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Hooks and Loops Bear. Grizzy is awakened from his nap by the unpleasant, ongoing sound of Velcro strips being ripped off. The Lemmings have covered their bodies in Velcro and are throwing themselves against a doormat, which serves as their target. Grizzy finds peace and quiet by getting rid of the doormat until the Lemmings realize that bear fur is an ideal support for Velcro. (5 min)

00:25 00:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Fast Workout. The she-bear Grizzy is enamored with has lost her favorite flower in an inaccessible spot under a giant boulder. Grizzy tries to lift it: impossible! He decides to start an intensive bodybuilding routine with the ranger's electrostimulation machine, but the Lemmings are already using it on a caribou to step up their rodeo. (5 min)

00:30 00:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Bat-Grizzy. The Lemmings try to catch a bat to play rodeo, disturbing Grizzy as he plays his favorite game on the ranger's mobile. But when the phone is hit and its alarm activated, a submarine sonar sound is emitted. When the bat hears it, it seems to become docile. (10 min)

00:40 00:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Moveable Apps. The Lemmings have a blast testing every app on the ranger's tablet one by one. Grizzy, who is starving, sees that the cupboards are bare. When he realizes that one GPS app can give the itinerary to the nearest chocolate spread store, Grizzy requisitions the tablet. (5 min)

00:45 01:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Wild Modeling. Grizzy and the Lemmings discover the ranger's latest acquisition: a 3D printer that will duplicate anything at all in miniature format. Grizzy wants to redecorate the cabin with figurines bearing his effigy, but first he needs to get rid of the Lemmings. Without getting them mixed up with their perfect resin replicas. (15 min)

01:00 01:10

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

Dish of Doom. The Mushlers lead Sushi-Mushi to believe that Pickled Swampost is Mushpot’s favourite dish when he can't stand it. Now they must try to stop Sushi-Mushi from serving this horrible food to Mushpot! (10 min)

01:10 01:25

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

Be Strong, Chep. Chep is the only Mushable who can’t bend a small branch back to catapult himself between two trees. He feels weak and embarrassed. But when strength doesn’t work, Chep realizes that it’s all in the technique! (15 min)

01:25 01:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

The Lakemoss Monster. The Mushlers want Amanita to join in telling monster stories. But Amanita doesn’t believe in monsters. So they take her on a monster hunt and find more than they imagined. (15 min)

01:40 01:50

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

The Answer is Starmush. It seems like Starmush is the only one who can answer Mush-Mush's difficult questions. But Starmush lives so far away in the Dark Forest! Mush-Mush hatches a plan to get Starmush to move to Mushton, so he can get answers right here at home. (10 min)

01:50 02:00

Bugs Bunny Builders: Hard Hat Time

Buckle Up. A music video of Lola Bunny using her bulldozer to move things as she oversees various looney builds. (10 min)

02:00 02:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Goofballs. The Beaver Brothers hire The Looney Builders to build them a log cabin, but soon sidetrack the job by goofing around too much. (10 min)

02:10 02:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

Skate Park. The Looney Builders build a skate park for the kids, but it soon interferes with Hoots Talon and his friends’ activities. (15 min)

02:25 02:35

Bugs Bunny Builders

Mini Golf. The Looney Builders redesign the final hole of ACME Acres Mini Golf Course, and Porky is determined to get it just right for the kids. (10 min)

02:35 02:55

Bugs Bunny Builders

Castle Hassle. Prince Lionel of England hires The Looney Builders to build him a party room for his birthday, then proceeds to boss the crew around. (20 min)

02:55 03:05


To the Batmobile! When all of the Batwheels (except for Bam) mysteriously disappear, Bam enlists the help of A.D.A.M, the original Batmobile, to help save his friends. Along the way, Bam comes to appreciate the old-school mobile's different crimefighting style as they team up to take on the Legion of Zoom. (10 min)

03:05 03:20


Improvise My Ride. When Buff's trusty winch is knocked out of action by Poison Ivy, he must learn to improvise and come up with creative solutions on the fly. (15 min)

03:20 03:30


Dynamic Du-Oh-No. When Snowy and Jestah team up to execute a mysterious plan involving rare freeze-berries, Batwing and Buff pair up to take on the dastardly duo, but Batwing decides to carry out the mission herself, putting both her and Buff at risk. (10 min)

03:30 03:40


Sidekicked to the Curb. When Bam is sent to take on Prank, Redbird is forced to hang back because The Joker’s van is too dangerous! When Bam discovers that Redbird secretly tagged along, he’s upset… until Redbird bails him out of a tight spot. (10 min)

03:40 03:50


Bam's Upgrade. Feeling neglected after being passed over on missions, Bam asks MOE to install experimental upgrades to curry Batman's favor. But, when Bam's new powers are stronger than he can control, Batman – and the mission – are suddenly in danger! (10 min)

03:50 03:55

Tom and Jerry

Count On Merli. Tom & Jerry zip along Singapore’s vibrant riverside and make a new friend – Merli! Will Merli succeed in being the maestro of peace between the two? (5 min)

03:55 04:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Thermal Lemmings. By chance, Grizzy and the Lemmings discover a container filled with metal survival food flasks. Primarily filled with vegetables, they do not find favor with the bear, who is more interested in the hi-tech equipment at the rear of the container. Behind his back, the Lemmings find a flask of Yummy and skedaddle with it. But how will they escape Grizzy equipped with his sophisticated gear? (10 min)

04:05 04:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Substitute Egg. In a trunk, Grizzy and the Lemmings discover a big chocolate egg with a surprise inside. They are licking their lips. As they fight, they accidentally send the coveted egg flying amidst a group of penguins where a couple of winged creatures adopt it. They sit on the egg as if it were their offspring. Not intimidated, Grizzy and the Lemmings decide to get their hands on it, but the entire bird colony intervenes. (5 min)

04:10 04:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Lemmings Constellation. The Lemmings open a nightclub with blasting music and a disco ball in an igloo they have built not far from the cabin. The noise prevents Grizzy from sleeping. The bear confiscates the disco ball and propels the Lemmings far into the distance. They land in an ice cave where they discover a console that lights up the stars in the sky and controls the northern lights. The canopy of heaven starts blinking. The Lemmings transform the ice field into an open-air discotheque! (10 min)

04:20 04:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Spinning Lemmings. The Lemmings come up with a ride worthy of a county fair in the living room. Awakened, Grizzy throws their juice extractor out the window and the rodents land in the neighboring science station where they accidentally wake up… a mammoth! A friendship is born between them. The Lemmings drag the mastodon into their game, and he transforms the entire cabin into a Ferris Wheel. Grizzy, who was trying to doze in peace, wakes up in a panic. (10 min)

04:30 04:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Polar Super Star. Before an audience of penguins and walruses, two teams of Lemmings perform acrobatic high jumps, competing for the winning prize. When Grizzy accidentally jumps in, he quickly gets caught up in the game and the clapometer goes wild! Intoxicated by his victory, the bear is by no means a modest winner! But the Lemmings want their moment of glory in the limelight as well! (5 min)

04:35 04:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

My Friend The Penguin. While Grizzy fishes, a penguin comes over and sees that the bear's bucket is empty. He decides to help him and catches piles of fish. Impressed, the bear brings the penguin back to the cabin, where a friendship rapidly strikes up. This pleasant and friendly new companion quickly arouses the Lemmings' curiosity. They lure the penguin away on the sly and replace him with another one who's not nearly as clever. Grizzy will quickly see through the trickery. (5 min)

04:40 04:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Thermal Shock! Just as Grizzy settles into the couch by the fireside, the Lemmings come charging into the living room on their new mount, the vacuum cleaner. Irritated, the bear throws the mechanical charger into the fireplace, which blows up. Freezing air sweeps into the cabin. Seeking a source of heat, Grizzy decides to move into the science station greenhouse where the temperature is controlled by a drone. But the bear is unaware of what he carries in his luggage: the Lemmings! (5 min)

04:45 05:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Primitive Activities. The Lemmings have a new playmate: a walrus! The rodents ride the creature throughout the cabin, then make him slide down the roof before starting all over again. Grizzy steps in and propels the creature to the back of a mysterious ice cave. In the center is a dolmen with a bone sitting on it. Whoever touches the bone becomes docile and prehistoric in appearance. The Lemmings dream up a scheme where Grizzy would submit to their will. (15 min)

05:00 05:05

Mighty Mike

Animal Magnetism. Mike decides to try to impress Iris by pretending to be a superhero. With the help of a huge fridge magnet, Mike intends to attract more than a few metal objects. The raccoons almost lose their mind when they lay their eyes on the magnet.. Imagine the possibilities. They steal it from Mike and have only one thing in mind, moving the fridge with the power of the magnet. Mike's going to have to use all of his imagination to defeat the raccoons. (5 min)

05:05 05:10

Mighty Mike

Hypnosis. Mike wakes up in the bathtub, huh? The house has been turned upside down and the other animals are being weird. They're acting like zombies and carrying food out of the house. Our pug discovers that the raccoons have hypnotised Fluffy, the turtles, and Iris, and are using them to transport the contents of the Mikkelsens fridge to their lair. Our hero will need to confront Iris to save her from the raccoon's dastardly scheme... and refill the Mikkelson's fridge! (5 min)

05:10 05:25

Mighty Mike

Mike Impounded. The raccoons finally get the better of Mike while he tries to retrieve an object in their lair. They lock him in a cage and Freddy rushes off to rob the Mikkelsens while Mike's imprisoned. Mike needs to get free and fast. Can Mike outsmart Mercury, find a way out of the raccoons and stop Freddy from ransacking the house? (15 min)

05:25 05:30

Mighty Mike

Lights, Camera... Inaction! Mike is inspired by a movie he sees on TV and decides to direct his own film. He enlists the help of Iris, Fluffy and the turtles. but just as he's about to begin his epic masterpiece the raccoons interrupt and derail his production. Now Mike is embroiled in a real action film with a jaw dropping finale. Can he beat the bad guys and save Fluffy like a real movie star? (5 min)

05:30 05:40

Mighty Mike

Freddy's Blues. Mercury's clumsiness leads to his brother Freddy being locked in the safe in their den. Now Mercury has to break into the Mikkelsens to steal something to get him out. Stealing with his brother was difficult enough, but doing it all myself himself is even harder. Without his brother, Mercury is totally unpredictable and Mike will have to up his game to take on this new type of enemy. (10 min)

05:40 05:45

Mighty Mike

Dognapped. The raccoons resort to kidnapping Iris in order to create a diversion so Freddy can rob the Mikkelsens house. Back in the lair, Mercury is left in charge of watching Iris who turns out to be more than a match for the bumbling raccoon. Mike isn't going to let Freddy get away with his robbery either. (5 min)

05:45 06:00

Mighty Mike

Fluffy The Fugitive. Mike rescues Fluffy from the raccoon's lair but he doesn't notice that the kitty has pocketed one the racoon's favourite toys. Fluffy and the turtles are in love with their new musical toy! The indignant raccoons turn up at the Mikkelsens looking for a way to get it back. How dare someone steal their stuff! But they didn't count on how hard Fluffy and the turtles will fight to keep their new favourite toy out of the racoon's hands. (15 min)

06:00 06:10


Stop That Ducky! After snagging an ultra-fuel-cell upgrade, Penguin’s Ducky Boat suddenly becomes the fastest vehicle in Gotham. Confident leader Bam must rally the Batwheels to stop the turbo-Ducky! (10 min)

06:10 06:25


Keep Calm and Roll On. After Jestah’s insults get the best of her, a short-tempered Bibi tries to not let the big-wheeled bully's words get to her so she can help Batgirl catch Harley. (15 min)

06:25 06:40

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Dead Cat. Whilst trying to redecorate the hall, Bean is obstructed at every turn by his landlady’s vile one-eyed cat. Bean pops it in the dustbin to keep it out of the way for a while. Just his luck that it’s rubbish collection day. (15 min)

06:40 06:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Supertrolley. Nipping to the shops for a few provisions becomes a nightmare when a mile-long shopping list from his landlady and a clapped out trolley with a wonky wheel conspire to ruin his day. Subscribing to the theory that bigger is better, he constructs his own shopping trolley incorporating a petrol mower, pram wheels and an extra pair of hydraulic hands. (15 min)

06:55 07:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

A Lemmings Fairy Tale. In this fairy episode, due to a strike on the head and seeing the fairy story book pictures, the Lemmings believe they are the dwarves from the tale Snow White, and start attacking the cabin with pickaxes. After that Grizzy also believes he is Snow White due to same incidence. (10 min)

07:05 07:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Slam Dunk Lemmings. Grizzy and the Lemmings' favorite chocolate spread brand is organizing a big competition where the prize is a giant jar of spread. To win, one must make ten baskets in a row in a hoop set up on a supermarket parking lot for the occasion. Ready to play? (5 min)

07:10 07:15

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Uncouth Bear. After being frozen for millions of years, a saber-toothed bear bursts into the cabin looking for food. (5 min)

07:15 07:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Passing Through Walls. The Lemmings discover a top-secret Canadian Army prototype that allows you to pass through solid surfaces for a window of several seconds. (15 min)

07:30 07:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Eagle Spirit. The Lemmings have found an Amerindian eagle amulet that endows he who wears it with the powers of a bird of prey. Grizzy would like to impress his beloved she-bear by soaring majestically through the sky. But to confiscate the magic totem from the Lemmings, who are now as sharp as eagles, Grizzy will have to use the cunning... of a puma. (5 min)

07:35 07:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Rock'N'Lemming. The Lemmings are having a blast with the ranger's electric guitar and the cabin walls tremble with their experimental rock. Just as Grizzy is about to destroy the instrument, he realizes it can make harmonious sounds too. Will this be enough to seduce the she-bear he's in love with? (10 min)

07:45 08:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Hulking Lemmings. To finally be on an equal footing with Grizzy's imposing build and throw their own weight around in the cabin, the Lemmings decide to wear a blow-up sumotori costume. (15 min)

08:00 08:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Race Track Race. The Looney Builders race against the clock to build Cecil Turtle a new racetrack. Daffy gets caught up in his own desire to race and changes part of the build. (10 min)

08:10 08:20

Bugs Bunny Builders

Ice Creamed. It’s Taz’s birthday, so The Looney Builders build him a huge ice cream sundae. Porky worries about making a mistake and delays the build causing the ice cream to start to melt. (10 min)

08:20 08:30

Bugs Bunny Builders: Hard Hat Time

Boogie Button. Bugs tries to play music for the crew on their lunch break, but his “boogie button” is busted. (10 min)

08:30 08:40

Jessica's Big Little World

Bedtime Routine. Jessica wants to be a big kid and get ready for bed all on her own, but she can’t remember everything in her routine. (10 min)

08:40 09:00

Jessica's Big Little World

Small Uncle's Big Bath. When Jessica discovers her favorite toy is dirty she volunteers to give him a bath. (20 min)

09:00 09:10

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

The Big Freeze. Mr. Bean wakes up on a freezing cold winter’s morning to discover that the boiler is broken and no sign of the repairman. He tries increasingly ridiculous ways to warm up his tea his toothpaste and himself before venturing out to discover somewhere to hunker down and get warm. (10 min)

09:10 09:25

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

Scrapper Cleans Up. Irma wants a romantic break; Bean doesn’t. It’s too expensive. Irma kidnaps Teddy and refuses to give him back unless Bean promises to take her to Paris. Caught between his inability to pay and his love of Teddy Bean doesn’t know what to do! Until he spots a cat beauty competition in which first prize is a romantic break in Paris – if only he can catch Scrapper … (15 min)

09:25 09:35

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

Coach Trip. Bean wants to avoid lunch with Irma’s Mum at all costs. He persuades Mrs. Wicket to let him join her on a coach trip to a concert – but he has to disguise himself as an old-aged pensioner or he won’t be allowed on the coach. Once on the coach Bean drives everyone mad with his anti-boredom antics. (10 min)

09:35 09:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series III

Save That Tree. Bean is showing Irma his favourite tree in the park one day when he discovers a tree surgeon getting ready to cut it down. He darts up the tree and won’t come back down. Irma loves this new side of Bean-ey! The tree surgeon is frustrated and tries various ploys to get Bean down. But can Bean make it to the toilet without being discovered and still save that tree? (20 min)

09:55 10:00

Lucas the Spider

Bloom Patrol. Lucas and his friends are excited to see a flower bloom. (5 min)

10:00 10:05

Lucas the Spider

Behind the Door. Lucas finds a door at the base of Arlo’s tree – Who does it belong to? (5 min)

10:05 10:15

Lucas the Spider

Findley the Brave. When Lucas is locked in a cuckoo clock, Findley must be brave enough to help! (10 min)

10:15 10:30

Lucas the Spider

Fixing Up The Tree. In autumn, leaves start falling from Arlo's tree. Lucas tries to repair it. (15 min)

10:30 10:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

Be Strong, Chep. Chep is the only Mushable who can’t bend a small branch back to catapult himself between two trees. He feels weak and embarrassed. But when strength doesn’t work, Chep realizes that it’s all in the technique! (10 min)

10:40 11:00

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

The Lakemoss Monster. The Mushlers want Amanita to join in telling monster stories. But Amanita doesn’t believe in monsters. So they take her on a monster hunt and find more than they imagined. (20 min)

11:00 11:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Neither Yin, Nor Yang. Annoyed by a noisy high-speed chase between the Lemmings and a raccoon, Grizzy abruptly stops the game. The players fall into empty space and land in a clearing. The impact of their crash-landing cracks a black and white tile representing Yin and Yang and a strange light pours over the raccoon. Depending on his mood, the color of his fur changes, and his excitement or calm become contagious to all those around him! (5 min)

11:05 11:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Mechatronics Bear. On the way back from a fishing outing, Grizzy unwittingly brings back an electrode that controls a robot. Once activated, the gadget puts itself in the service of the bear, satisfying his each and every need. The envious Lemmings plot to take possession of this new metallic ally. They manage to evict the bear, who does not intend to take this lying down… especially when he discovers a pair of robotic arms hidden in a module that fell out of the robot! (5 min)

11:10 11:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Tai Chi Lemmings. After a game that ends abruptly, the Lemmings fall onto the roof of a temple where they discover drawings of Tai Chi movements. When carried out, the exercises generate a ball of energy! The Lemmings test out the sequence of movements on… Grizzy, until he is evicted from the cabin and falls onto the temple in turn. His fall unveils a new sequence of movements on a fresco that could create an even stronger energy flow! (15 min)

11:25 11:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Fireworks Cabin. At nightfall, just as Grizzy starts to doze off, a racket comes from outside the cabin: the Lemmings are sliding along the Great Wall in a crate, propelled by firework rockets. Cleverly avoiding the bear's strategies to stop them, the Lemmings accidentally set off a mechanism in a tower. A secret room filled with cannons and catapults opens, just waiting to be used by the powder monkey apprentices… (5 min)

11:30 11:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Diving In The Wild. Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over the last jar of Yummy chocolate spread in the cabin and it ends up sinking in the lagoon. The bear makes a diving suit from various home facilities, while the Lemmings share a diving tank to put a wrench in their adversary's flippers! But the local wildlife comes to meet them… (10 min)

11:40 11:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Parasailing Fishing. Grizzy gets a nice big bite on the end of his fishing line. While he concentrates hard to strike his catch, the Lemmings divert the fish to tow them on a kite. Grizzy tries to sabotage their improvised kitesurfing game to recover what's rightfully his, until a shark's fin appears on the horizon! (5 min)

11:45 12:00

Thomas & Friends - Shorts XXVI

All Aboard: Take a Beat. Nia and Bruno love helping their friends – but now their delivery schedule is overstuffed, the tracks are blocked, and the two of them are stressed out! Bruno helps Nia realize that sometimes it's important to schedule a little time for just doing nothing. (15 min)

12:00 12:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Soup Up. As The Looney Builders help Petunia build a greenhouse, she can’t wait for the veggies to grow and does everything she can to speed up the process. (10 min)

12:10 12:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

Squirreled Away. The Looney Builders build Tibs Squirrel a closet in his tree, but it won’t fit all of Tibs’ stuff and he doesn’t want to get rid of anything. (15 min)

12:25 12:35

Jessica's Big Little World

Bedtime Routine. Jessica wants to be a big kid and get ready for bed all on her own, but she can’t remember everything in her routine. (10 min)

12:35 12:45

Jessica's Big Little World

Small Uncle's Big Bath. When Jessica discovers her favorite toy is dirty she volunteers to give him a bath. (10 min)

12:45 12:55

Lu & The Bally Bunch - Shorts

Talking About Solutions For All. The bugs talk about finding solutions that work for all. (10 min)

12:55 13:00

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Junkyard Pup. When Tyke is accidentally carried off to the local dump, Spike is forced to enlist the help of Jerry and Tom to get his boy back before Ace and Rocco – the junkyard guard dogs – turn him into a formidable junkyard pup. (5 min)

13:00 13:10

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

The French Mistake. Tom is placed in charge of caring for the Duchess's French Poodle and needs Tuffy and Jerry's help in keeping the ill-tempered mutt under control. (10 min)

13:10 13:25

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Tom's Cruise. Tom and Jerry get locked inside a travel trunk and end up on a vacation cruise to France. (15 min)

13:25 13:30

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Ten Toms the Trouble. Tom uses a newfangled scientific machine to make copies off himself creating a living nightmare for Jerry. (5 min)

13:30 13:35

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Party Animals. Tom is placed in charge of the preparations for the Duchess's surprise birthday party for her nephew, Rupert, and Jerry is determined to make a mess of it all. (5 min)

13:35 13:45

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Turkey Tom. Tom and Jerry work together to save a live turkey from becoming the centerpiece of a holiday feast. (10 min)

13:45 14:00

The Tom and Jerry Show IV

Tom Save the Queen. The detectives across the hall must solve a series of high-profile thefts that are framing innocent people for the crimes. (15 min)

14:00 14:05

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Haircut. After (accidentally) rescuing a kitten from a tree Mr. Bean is set to have his picture in the newspaper! The photographer arrives with the grateful lady cat owner, the scene is set, smiles all round…but then disaster strikes when Bean is continually upstaged by… his hair. (5 min)

14:05 14:25

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Neighbourly Bean. As Mr Bean settles down to watch his favourite TV programme he hears loud noises from next-door. He moves from house to garden but can’t escape the relentless cacophony of trumpets, electric drills, and screaming babies. Bean’s mind turns to thoughts of revenge…. (20 min)

14:25 14:35

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Nurse! Envious of all the attention his landlady is receiving because of a broken leg, Mr. Bean decides to 'break' his leg too. When he ends up in hospital under the care of the Matron from Hell he discovers there are some kinds of attention even he doesn't enjoy. (10 min)

14:35 14:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Dead Cat. Whilst trying to redecorate the hall, Bean is obstructed at every turn by his landlady’s vile one-eyed cat. Bean pops it in the dustbin to keep it out of the way for a while. Just his luck that it’s rubbish collection day. (20 min)

14:55 15:00

Lucas the Spider

Flying. After watching Findley in flight, Lucas wonders what it would be like to fly. (5 min)

15:00 15:05

Lucas the Spider

Dr. Lucas is in the House. Dr. Lucas tries to make all his friends feel better but ends up under the weather himself. (5 min)

15:05 15:15

Lucas the Spider

Arlo's Portrait. Lucas decides to paint a portrait of Arlo. But Arlo can't sit still. (10 min)

15:15 15:30

Lucas the Spider

House Flies Don't Dance. Lucas and Maizie try and help Findley learn how to dance. (15 min)

15:30 15:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

The Answer is Starmush. It seems like Starmush is the only one who can answer Mush-Mush's difficult questions. But Starmush lives so far away in the Dark Forest! Mush-Mush hatches a plan to get Starmush to move to Mushton, so he can get answers right here at home. (10 min)

15:40 16:00

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

Good and Weevil. Chep is over-joyed when his weevil friend, Chase, returns to Mushton. But Chase seems to have changed, he's way harder to handle now. And he wants something from Chep! But what? (20 min)

16:00 16:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Beach Battle. When The Looney Builders enter a sandcastle building contest, Tweety sees the competition and loses confidence in his idea. (10 min)

16:10 16:30

Bugs Bunny Builders

Soup Up. As The Looney Builders help Petunia build a greenhouse, she can’t wait for the veggies to grow and does everything she can to speed up the process. (20 min)

16:30 16:40

Jessica's Big Little World

The Big Kid Playground. Jessica goes in the big kid part of the playground for the first time, and befriends Stanleigh. (10 min)

16:40 16:55

Jessica's Big Little World

Grocery Store Friend. While helping Duane at the supermarket, Jessica meets a new friend and has trouble staying focused on her responsibilities. (15 min)

16:55 17:05

The Tom and Jerry Show II

Going Going Gone Viral. When Rick uploads a video of Tom getting his head stuck in Jerry's mouse hole, the video instantly goes viral and Tom becomes the laughing stock of the feline community. Now Tom must restore his reputation by catching Jerry and capturing it all on video. Easier said than done. (10 min)

17:05 17:10

The Tom and Jerry Show II

School of Hard Knocks. Like a big brother, Jerry gets a sleepy Tuffy out of bed, makes them both breakfast, gets Tuffy cleaned up, puts on his backpack and scoots him past the mean ol' cat to the house next door where WINSTON waits, greeting his students, a gaggle of mice, including Jerry. They each hand their kindly teacher a treat as they take their seats on little spools of thread, ready for the start of class. Winston is teaching his students the basics of force and motion, and today they're going on a field trip to see physics in action. They end up at Tom's house where Tom bears the brunt of the school load until he gets a little tutoring himself. (5 min)

17:10 17:25

The Tom and Jerry Show II

Brain Food. Waffles is worried that his roommate Bo had his brain eaten by aliens, leaving him a zombie dog. Turns out he's not the first dog in his neighborhood to wake up stupid. Afraid of becoming the next Bo, Waffles hires the Cat and Mouse Detectives to put a stop to this alien invasion. Our Narrator thinks all of this extraterrestrial talk is a load of sci-fi hooey but not our detectives; they're covering all their bases and taking every necessary precaution. Turns out the dog's behavior has more to do with a tainted bag of kibble than visitors from another planet… or does it? (15 min)

17:25 17:30

The Tom and Jerry Show II

Cold Snap. Wanting to cool off from the blistering heat, Tom and Jerry use a little magic to make it snow, turning the witches' world into a haunted winter wonderland with an evil snowman, haunted snow forts and magic snowball fights. Now they have to figure out how to make it stop snowing. (5 min)

17:30 17:40

The Tom and Jerry Show II

The Tortoise Don't Play Fair. When a Hare loses to a Tortoise in the biggest race of the year, he comes to Tom and Jerry claiming foul play. It's up to the duo to see what's really behind the most famous race in history. (10 min)

17:40 17:45

The Tom and Jerry Show II

Wish Bone. Butch finds a wish bone in the garbage and dupes Tom into believing that it will make his wishes come true. Butch trades Tom the bone for a dozen cans of cat food. The alley cat thinks he's pulled off the best scam ever UNTIL Tom's wishes start coming true (from Jerry getting his just dessert to Toodles paying an unexpected visit)! Now Butch will stop at nothing to get that bone back! (5 min)

17:45 18:00

The Tom and Jerry Show II

Novel Idea. An overflowing trash bin filled with crumpled paper can mean only one thing…Tom is writing a novel - it's a mystery novel, of course! Tom soon realizes his book is playing out in real life (including the femme fatale who has taken an interest in the feline Mikey Spillane). At first, Tom has fun crafting his own fate, but soon realizes no matter how hard he tries to rewrite his story, he gets deeper and deeper into trouble. Jerry begins to suspect the alley cat, Butch, is up to no good – in the end, Jerry figures out Butch was retrieving Tom's discarded writing from the trash and using it to his advantage! (15 min)

18:00 18:10


Ace in the Hole. When a group of alley dogs, aided by a heroic stray, are saved from Catwoman by kind-hearted Buff, he brings them all back to live in the Batcave, unbeknownst to the rest of the Bat-Family. (10 min)

18:10 18:25


Batty Body Swap. After agreeing to swap motherboards and change bodies, the Batwheels have to quickly learn to “drive a mile in each other’s wheels” in time to stop the approaching Legion of Zoom! (15 min)

18:25 18:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Itch. Grizzy discovers that the frenzied "break dance" the Lemmings are doing is actually due to the fleas they are infested with. When Grizzy catches them too, it's panic all round! Grizzy is determined to eliminate the parasites, down to the very last one. The problem is his little roommates have no desire whatsoever to be treated... (10 min)

18:35 18:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Thirst Quencher. Another heat wave: even the riverbed is dried up. One very thirsty Grizzy discovers that the Lemmings have used the last remaining bottles of water to fill their inflatable pool. He has no intention of letting the Lemmings swim in what might very well be his last chance to quench his thirst. (5 min)

18:40 18:55

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Spider Lemmings. The Lemmings have caught a little spider. Her sticky, elastic threads are absolutely perfect for bungee jumping. Grizzy, who has no intention of getting caught in the web, decides to crush the insect. The only problem: he discovers that he has arachnophobia, which is seriously going to complicate the task. (15 min)

18:55 19:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Random Bear. Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over chocolate-spread jar lids, which they use as chips in a competition to win goodies. Indeed, next to the supermarket are two jackpot-style machines with slots the size of the lids. But more importantly, there's a key to be won that makes you eligible for the grand prize... the giant jar of Yummy on display under a glass cover. (5 min)

19:00 19:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Lemming Interference. Grizzy has prepared himself a TV dinner to eat in front of his favorite series. But his moment of pleasure is abruptly interrupted by unexplained static. Grizzy rapidly discovers that the true "interference" is the Lemmings, who are using the TV antenna as a diving board for their water games. (10 min)

19:10 19:15

Grizzy and The Lemmings

High Voltage Bear Attack. The Lemmings are having a rave party. When Grizzy throws their ghetto blaster into the river, he sparks a general power outage. Unless he finds an alternative source of energy, and before the Lemmings do, he can kiss his TV night goodbye! (5 min)

19:15 19:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Scents. When he realizes that his beloved she-bear adores the smell of flowers, Grizzy decides to offer her the geraniums that decorate the window ledges of the ranger's cabin. Can he bring them to her without the Lemmings, who are skating out by the caribou dung pit and trash bins, ruining his desired effect? (15 min)

19:30 19:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

The Answer is Starmush. It seems like Starmush is the only one who can answer Mush-Mush's difficult questions. But Starmush lives so far away in the Dark Forest! Mush-Mush hatches a plan to get Starmush to move to Mushton, so he can get answers right here at home. (10 min)

19:40 20:00

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

Good and Weevil. Chep is over-joyed when his weevil friend, Chase, returns to Mushton. But Chase seems to have changed, he's way harder to handle now. And he wants something from Chep! But what? (20 min)

20:00 20:10

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Double Trouble. Mr. Bean is over the moon when he meets Mr. Pod because both men have so much in common; same shirt, jacket, trousers and underpants. And to top it all, Pod is Bean’s spitting image! Bean falls to Earth with a bump, though, when his girlfriend, Irma Gobb, finds Mr. Pod much better looking than him. (10 min)

20:10 20:25

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Home Movie. Mr Bean is unimpressed with a horror movie he sees at the cinema and reckons he can do much better. Bean sets out to create his very own home movie masterpiece –featuring Mrs Wicket Irma and Teddy! The screening in the garden is a huge success but will Mrs Wicket be pleased with her makeover and starring role? (15 min)

20:25 20:40

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

Fish Sitting. Mr Bean has to look after Mrs Wicket’s pet goldfish while she is away. With a ravenous Scrapper sniffing around Bean ends up becoming more bodyguard than babysitter. But when he manages to lose his fishy friend Mr Bean takes a nightmare journey down the sewer and back to his neighbour’s house via the park. Can Mr Bean get the pesky pet back in the bowl before Mrs Wicket returns home? (15 min)

20:40 20:55

Mr Bean: The Animated Series II

The Cruise. Mr Bean wins two tickets for an exotic cruise and naturally he takes Teddy along for the trip of a lifetime. Once aboard the huge ocean liner Mr Bean soon settles into a life of luxury but while showing off to a new friend Bean becomes ‘man overboard’ and stranded on a dessert island. The hungrier he gets the wilder he becomes and desperate to find a way off the island. (15 min)

20:55 21:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Super Grizzy Bros. By pure chance, Grizzy discovers the pleasures of video games on the ranger's console. The Lemmings want to try their hand at the joystick but Grizzy refuses to interrupt his Kart racing game. They try everything, including temptation, to get him away from the console but there's nothing doing, Grizzy is addicted. (10 min)

21:05 21:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Fake Brothers. Grizzy builds a look-alike robot to keep the Lemmings away while he prepares a popcorn party for his beloved she-bear. But his double?s artificial intelligence truly leaves to be desired. If only it were as clever as the original... (5 min)

21:10 21:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Mind in a Whirl. When she is accidentally hit over the head, the she-bear Grizzy?s in love thinks she?s a Lemming. Grizzy thinks that another little well-placed bang over the head will knock her ideas back into place. The only problem is that the Lemmings, who are delighted to have a new playmate, have no intention of letting him proceed with his plan. (15 min)

21:25 21:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings

A Sizeable Problem. When a meteorite falls not far from the log cabin, strange berries start to grow. One of their properties is that they make anyone who eats them grow to disproportionate sizes. (5 min)

21:30 21:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Treasure Bear. Under the wood floor of the log cabin, Grizzy and the Lemmings discover the entrance to an underground gallery with an old treasure card that indicates the location of a treasure. Upon closer look, the representation of this treasure greatly resembles a giant jar of chocolate spread. (5 min)

21:35 21:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings

In the Service of His Majesty. When he brandishes a native american scepter that the Lemmings brought home with other antique objects, Grizzy sees the Lemmings bow low before him and behave like servants. One of them has escaped the spell, but he will have to confront both Grizzy and his fellow creatures in order to recover the scepter and reverse the spell. (10 min)

21:45 22:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings

Bear Art. Grizzy tries to impress the she-bear that he's in love with by making a sculpture of her from a piece of wood. But as soon as the artist's back is turned, the Lemmings gnaw at the work of art in order to transform it into a toboggan slide. Grizzy must succeed in getting rid of the Lemmings without his model realizing what's going on. An Art in itself! (15 min)

22:00 22:10

Alice & Lewis

Someone To Blame. Alice blames her cat for some minor mischief in order to get herself off the hook. Then she heads off to Wonderland to try and find a solution: she doesn’t want Echo to be punished for her wrongdoing. While she’s there, she finds herself playing detective with Lewis: they must find the mysterious individual who took and bashed up the royal carriage then abandoned it. Besides discovering the person’s identity, Alice also finds out that, when you’ve goofed, the best thing is to just admit it – simple! (10 min)

22:10 22:30

Alice & Lewis

The Book-Wizard. Alice is not good at taking care of her books, much to her librarian mom’s dismay. The Queen of Wonderland is careless with books too; in fact, she has destroyed Lewis’ Big Book, which lists all the laws of Wonderland! The poor rabbit is mortified!! To fix this disaster, our friends must go and find the Book-Wizard, an old, living book who makes and repairs books by the dozen on his “book farm”. (20 min)

22:30 22:40

Alice & Lewis

Teatime, Again and Again. Wonderland is stuck in a time loop and only Alice and Lewis are aware of it! Teatime is a sacred moment, so having to repeat every 2 minutes can be very bothersome! Our two friends are going to have to be very smart and swift in order to handle the problem in record time. (10 min)

22:40 22:50

Alice & Lewis

Bubble, Bubble, You’re in Trouble! When Alice turns up in Wonderland after offending Bastien, she finds out that today, the Wonderlanders are celebrating the Queen by sending “sweet notes” to the castle inside huge bubbles, for her to read. Alice wants to have a go, too! But her lack of tact gets the better of her when she sends a message to the Queen telling her how big her nose is! With the help of the Twins, Alice and Lewis go searching for the fateful bubble: it must NOT reach the castle, under any circumstances! (10 min)

22:50 23:00

Lu & The Bally Bunch - Shorts

Talking About Disappointment. The bugs talk about times they felt disappointed. (10 min)

23:00 23:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Catwalk. The Looney Builders are hired by Penelope Pussycat to build a fashion runway in France where they are encouraged to make their design bigger and more fun. (10 min)

23:10 23:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

Dim Sum. Chef Poyung Panda hires The Looney Builders to build her a Dim Sum bus in China. The crew faces a major setback and Bugs worries about letting down his favorite chef. (15 min)

23:25 23:35

Bugs Bunny Builders

Crane Game. As The Looney Builders build a giant claw game for Chibi Critter’s arcade in Japan, they discover the claw part is broken. (10 min)

23:35 23:50

Bugs Bunny Builders

Speedy. The Looney Builders rush to build a soccer stadium in Mexico for their fast customer, Speedy Gonzalez. (15 min)

23:50 00:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

The Bear Next Door. Grizzy and the Lemmings discover a strange gateway to a parallel world. On the other side, there is the same cabin, only it doesn't belong to a ranger. It's a chocolate spread museum, where the curators are... another Grizzy and other Lemmings, all with very different personalities. (10 min)

00:00 00:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Wild Zapping. Grizzy and the Lemmings clumsily destroy the TV remote control while fighting over who gets to watch their favorite program. While looking for a backup zapper, they happen onto a top secret Canadian Army prototype that enables you to apply the usual controls: "play," "pause" and "fast forward" to living beings. (5 min)

00:05 00:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Warning: Unlimited Lemmings. The Lemmings discover that by changing the speed limit sign on the side of the road, they can accelerate truck traffic and create a huge draft that is just perfect for their extreme kiting game. Grizzy would be more in favor of a "STOP!" or "No Entrance!" sign. A road sign battle begins. (15 min)

00:20 00:25

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Bouncing Bear. While trying to stop the Lemmings from playing their extreme trampoline game, Grizzy slips on the canvas and unwittingly executes an amazing somersault in front of his beloved she-bear. Seeing that she wants more, Grizzy decides to become a champ in the sport. But for that to happen, the Lemmings will need to let him work out. (5 min)

00:25 00:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Masked Racoon. The Lemmings have hitched up a racoon with a sweet tooth to their sled and get a ride by throwing cookies in front of the creature with a sling. To recover the supply of cookies, which were to be his afternoon snack, Grizzy has no qualms about making the Lemmings' sled skid out of control. When the sled hits a superhero's spacecraft, a mysterious costume falls out. (5 min)

00:30 00:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Spinning Lemmings. The Lemmings have unearthed a strange little gadget from amongst the Forest Ranger's belongings: a hand spinner. Grizzy thinks it's a silly game until he accidentally tries out the contraption for himself and becomes instantly addicted. What is the secret of this seemingly banal object that make the heads of its enthusiasts spin as well? (10 min)

00:40 00:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Game Madness. The Lemmings play with poseable figurines of wild Canadian animals. When Grizzy sees that the bear figurine has been put inside a little cage, whereas those of the Lemmings are gathered around a mini-jar of chocolate spread, he decides to join in the party and take control of his own figurine. (5 min)

00:45 01:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings II

Household Avatar. Grizzy discovers a new generation Tamagotchi game on the Ranger's tablet: the camera scans the player and gives him a virtual avatar of himself to take care of. You must feed it, put it to bed, play with it... Grizzy takes his new responsibility as a "parent" very seriously, but the Lemmings decide to complete the virtual Grizzy's education with far more intense activities. (15 min)

01:00 01:10

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

Good and Weevil. Chep is over-joyed when his weevil friend, Chase, returns to Mushton. But Chase seems to have changed, he's way harder to handle now. And he wants something from Chep! But what? (10 min)

01:10 01:25

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

A Fine Vine. Lilit remembers loving balancing on a slack-vine when she was a Mushlet. But actually, she never really learnt how, so she keeps falling off and getting really frustrated. It’s up to Morel to step up and finally teach Lilit how to slack-vine like a pro. (15 min)

01:25 01:40

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

A Speedy Recovery. Bolly hurts his foot and can’t go fast until it heals. Phooey! But when everyone gives him treats to cheer him up, Bolly decides he never wants his foot to heal. (15 min)

01:40 01:50

Mush-Mush And The Mushables II

Caught in a Web. Chep has to give the Mushlets a talk about spiders. But talking in front of a group makes Chep nervous. Mush-Mush offers to do it instead. Problem is Mush-Mush’s knowledge of spiders is so bad he ends up getting caught by one! (10 min)

01:50 02:00

Meet the Batwheels

The Knight Shift. Bam can't wait to recharge after a long night of heroism in Gotham, but first, the Batwheels need all kinds of help, delaying his much-needed nap just a little bit longer... (10 min)

02:00 02:10

Bugs Bunny Builders

Catwalk. The Looney Builders are hired by Penelope Pussycat to build a fashion runway in France where they are encouraged to make their design bigger and more fun. (10 min)

02:10 02:25

Bugs Bunny Builders

Dim Sum. Chef Poyung Panda hires The Looney Builders to build her a Dim Sum bus in China. The crew faces a major setback and Bugs worries about letting down his favorite chef. (15 min)

02:25 02:35

Bugs Bunny Builders

Crane Game. As The Looney Builders build a giant claw game for Chibi Critter’s arcade in Japan, they discover the claw part is broken. (10 min)

02:35 02:55

Bugs Bunny Builders

Speedy. The Looney Builders rush to build a soccer stadium in Mexico for their fast customer, Speedy Gonzalez. (20 min)

02:55 03:05


Stop That Ducky! After snagging an ultra-fuel-cell upgrade, Penguin’s Ducky Boat suddenly becomes the fastest vehicle in Gotham. Confident leader Bam must rally the Batwheels to stop the turbo-Ducky! (10 min)

03:05 03:20


Keep Calm and Roll On. After Jestah’s insults get the best of her, a short-tempered Bibi tries to not let the big-wheeled bully's words get to her so she can help Batgirl catch Harley. (15 min)

03:20 03:30


Secret Origin of the Batwheels Pt.1. When Batman, Robin, and Batgirl are all captured, the Batcomputer brings the Bat-Vehicles to life. Now the newly-minted Batwheels must defend the Batcave and face off with the Legion of Zoom… all without Batman’s help! (10 min)

03:30 03:40


Secret Origin of the Batwheels Pt. 2. With Batman, Robin, and Batgirl unreachable, Batcomputer brings Batman’s trusty Batmobile, Bam, to life to help protect the Batcave from a mysterious intruder. (10 min)

03:40 03:55


Secret Origin of the Batwheels Pt. 3. Bam discovers a villainous vehicle squad - the Legion of Zoom - is on the loose and preparing to storm the Batcave. In need of reinforcements, Batcomputer brings the rest of Batman’s Bat-vehicles to life, and the newly minted Batwheels must learn how to work together as a team to protect the Batcave! (15 min)

03:55 04:05

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Cabin On Ice. When Grizzy goes fishing, the Lemmings jump on the opportunity to transform the cabin into a giant ice slide. Upon his return, the bear puts an end to the rodents' bobsleigh party and gets ready to savor his day's catch. But the Lemmings steal his fish and draw the bear outside the cabin. Grizzy must try to recover his lunch while protecting his territory from a rodent invasion. (10 min)

04:05 04:10

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Return Of The Beloved Being. Grizzy pinches a magic statue from the Lemmings that has the power to make objects appear in real life. All you have to do, is pin the photo of one's desires upon it. Too bad for the rodents' snow-bike! Grizzy replaces the vehicle's photo with the portrait of his beloved she-bear who stayed behind in Canada. Barely arrived in African, the she-bear disappears again, victim of the rodents' trickery. It is the outbreak of a bitter dispute. (5 min)

04:10 04:20

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Masked Powers. Annoyed by the Lemmings' new magnetic train, Grizzy propels the whole lot of them far from the cabin. The rodents land in the neighboring hut of a sorcerer and a mysterious mask falls onto one of them, endowing him with the power of telekinesis. The Lemmings are thrilled! They return to the cabin to explore this new magic power. Perched upon pieces of furniture, they fly around the room to finish their life-size flying train game! (10 min)

04:20 04:30

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Roaring Lemmings. Grizzy chases after the Lemmings, who have loaded a jar of Yummy into their remote-control driven car. Where the bear gets to the gas station, he destroys the vehicle and recovers the chocolate spread. The rodents find little mini-cars and chase Grizzy all the way back to the cabin, where they trip him up and intercept the coveted jar. Helpless, the bear sets out after them, until he runs into a tank truck filled with Yummy. (10 min)

04:30 04:35

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Mini Troubles. To recover the jar of Yummy that Grizzy confiscated from them, the Lemmings decide to infest the bear's coat with fleas. The scheme works and Grizzy starts scratching himself frenetically. Nonetheless, the bear manages to counter their diversion and expulse the rodents. When they land on a sorcerer's hut, the Lemmings take possession of a magic scepter that has the ability to temporarily shrink objects. Now microscopic-sized, the rodents return to the cabin to get their paws on the chocolate spread. (5 min)

04:35 04:40

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

For Peanuts. Grizzy wakes up starving but the cupboards are empty. While the Lemmings play nearby with an elephant, the bear swipes their peanut reserves. Not at all pleased, the rodents decide to recover their bag of nuts and use the elephant's trunk like a powerful vacuum cleaner to hurl all sorts of objects at Grizzy. In the heat of the battle, the Lemmings discover a pack of fabulous peanut and chili pepper cookies that seem to make the pachyderm ultra-powerful. (5 min)

04:40 04:45

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Within Snout's Reach. Grizzy is about to start eating the last remaining food in the cabin: cocktail snacks. But the sly Lemmings get there first. A fight breaks out but is quickly cut short by the unexpected visit of a wart hog. The pig devours the crackers and then, using his snout, detects a forgotten old package of candy under the bed, which he also proceeds to gobble down. Everyone realizes that the creature has the ability to find food. Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over who will follow the beast to track down food. (5 min)

04:45 05:00

Grizzy and The Lemmings III

Safari Express. In order to win a trophy filled with Yummy candies, Grizzy and the Lemmings take part in a safari photo competition on an animal reserve. They must capture the portraits of a number of wild animals that live in the park. It requires all their cunning to approach the elephant, wart hog and bat and take photos for the contest. But when it comes to the super-speedy, blue-necked ostrich, it's a different kettle of fish! (15 min)

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