Mighty Mike

15. 6. 2024, 5:10

High Definition, širokoúhlé

Paws For Thought. Mike's owner buys him a pair of cute new shoes for his paws. Mike isn't pleased by the new footwear at all and they make some seriously awful squeaking noises. Meanwhile, the raccoons step in glue in the garage and discover that they now have the power to walk on the ceiling. Now they have a great way to rob the house and they can hear Mike from a mile off. (15 min)

Mike, a refined pug with sophisticated tastes, longs for a quiet life but is instead forced to defend his house from a bunch of furry intruders. Raccoons, turtles and Fluffy the Cat have a knack for showing up at the worst possible moments, dragging Mike into a series of unforeseen twists and turns! After his owners return, an exhausted Mike finds himself in the dog house once again, missing yet another opportunity to impress Cindy, the neighbor's elegant dog.

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