Handel - Giulio Cesare in Egitto

28. 4. 2024, 12:01


Giulio Cesare in Egitto details the encounter between the titular character and the Egyptian pharaoh Cleopatra during the final years of the Ptolemaic dynasty. Renowned as one of the most colourful romances in history, this tale combines conflict, adventure and exoticism. Many of Handel's contemporaries agreed that this extraordinary opera offers "beauty of all kinds in abundance." The composer's intricate approach to instrumentation illuminates the central characters of this drama with grand arias that traverse the entire spectrum of human emotion. This performance features Andreas Scholl (countertenor), Cecilia Bartoli (soprano) and Anne Sofie von Otter (soprano). It was recorded at the Salzburger Pfingsfestspiele in Austria, in 2012. (250 min)

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