/ TV program



  • 19. 6. 2024, 3:30

PERCEPTION. Seg 1 Saccadic Eye Masking. Saccadic eye movements are characterized as the fast movement of eyes when perceiving motion. These are so fast that they are blurred. To compensate for the blurriness, our brains mask these blurred visions to help us see a completed albeit masked version of sight. Seg 2 Plant Movement. While plants do not exhibit movement for locomotion or moving from place to place, they still exhibit movement in response to different stimuli. These movements are plant adaptations for food production, plant reproduction and survival. Seg 3 The Language of Color. Language plays a major role in how people from different parts of the world perceive color. The fact that some languages completely lack terms for some colors that other languages have come to know offers insight on how much influence it has on the way people see colors. Seg 4 Color Blindness. Color blindness is the condition that makes people not able to properly see and perceive colors. Color blindness is the result of damaged or underdeveloped rods and cones. these are the light sensitive cells that can be found in the part of our eyes known as the retina which are responsible for seeing colors. Color blindness can either be genetic or caused by sustained damage to the retina over time. Seg 5 Perspective Illusion. This is a technique used in illustrations to render scenes and objects in 3 dimensions with depth and foreshortening. The technique was pioneered by Italian painters during the renaissance period. It involves drawing objects with reference to points measured from a constant line of sight.

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