Mighty Mike

25. 5. 2024, 5:40

High Definition, širokoúhlé

The Rival. Mike's plans to hang out with Iris are cruelly dashed when he trots out onto the patio to find her playing with a hunky other dog. Mike is crushed. This means war! The boys begin a merciless fight for Iris's affection while she watches horrified. But when the raccoons break into the house armed with an air horn, the two romantic rivals have to team up to overcome their differences to eject the raccoons from the house. (5 min)

Mike, a refined pug with sophisticated tastes, longs for a quiet life but is instead forced to defend his house from a bunch of furry intruders. Raccoons, turtles and Fluffy the Cat have a knack for showing up at the worst possible moments, dragging Mike into a series of unforeseen twists and turns! After his owners return, an exhausted Mike finds himself in the dog house once again, missing yet another opportunity to impress Cindy, the neighbor's elegant dog.

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