/ TV program


Alice & Lewis

  • 25. 5. 2024, 22:30

High Definition, širokoúhlé

Merry Qweensmas. Today, Wonderland is celebrating “Qweensmas!” Well, more precisely, the Queen is the only one celebrating because at this time of year, all the residents have to give her their stuff, whether they like it or not! Alice finds the whole tradition so unfair and speaks her mind to the Queen. So they come to an agreement: the monarch will give her subjects their stuff back… if and only if Alice and Lewis give her a better gift than ALL the other gifts combined! Mission impossible? Not for Alice and Lewis! No sir: this year, EVERYONE in Wonderland will be spending a very Merry Qweensmas, not just the Queen! (10 min)

Six-year-old Alice has a magical key that leads her to Wonderland. In this “other realm”, she’s met an endearing rabbit, Lewis, and the two have become fast friends – best friends to be exact! Alice loves going to Wonderland and teaming up with Lewis and her other friends, even if it means contending with the whimsical, hot-headed Queen. Each episode entails a visit to Wonderland, where Alice experiences a wacky adventure with Lewis, confronting the crazy, eccentric rules and conventions that reign supreme in this parallel Kingdom. Alice’s adventures always begin in the “real world” where she is faced with a particular situation. Her far-fetched experiences in Wonderland lead her to a positive outcome or gain insight which helps her to resolve this dilemma and thus, at the end of each episode, she returns happily to the real world.

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