/ TV program


Classical:NEXT 2019 - reConvert Project

  • 2. 7. 2024, 23:02

The concept of percussion has been altered significantly by the evolution of the instrument. The methods of the innovative reConvert Project are unique and dedicated to changing the face of the percussionist world, by working actively with composers such as Georges Aperghis, Simon Steen Andersen, Michael Maierhof and Jorge Sánchez-Chiong and premiering over a dozen works written to help train emerging young composers. The reConvert philosophy is based on the re-examination of the aesthetic use of percussion instruments, where musical discourse is analysed and adapted to their creative needs. With numerous works using unconventional instruments and staging, a whole new experience is created for the listener. The reConvert project has performed in Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Austria, UK, Japan, Cuba, the US, Argentina and offered workshops in Buenos Aires, Havana, Spain, New York and London (Royal College of Music). In this performance from the 2019 edition of Classical:NEXT!, musicians Lorenzo Colombo (electronics and percussion) and Roberto Maqueda (electronics and percussion) interpret the works "Fernando Manassero" and "Amoeba". (24 min)

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