/ TV program


Waldbühne 2002 - Night of the Encores

  • 7. 7. 2024, 2:40

In front of a cheering audience, Mariss Jansons conducts the Berliner Philharmoniker and violinist Vadim Repin as part of an evening devoted to the most popular recalls at the Walbühne in Berlin. One of the most impressive outdoor scenes in Europe, the Walbühne hosts the Berliner Philharmoniker each summer, performing in front of an audience of some 20,000 people. The 2002 edition of this annual concert celebrates the reminders frequently performed by major orchestras and ensembles. The Berliner Philharmoniker performs for the occasion with Russian-born Belgian violinist Vadim Repin, the youngest laureate of the Queen Elisabeth Music Competition in Brussels, played under the direction of many renowned conductors, including Simon Rattle, Valery Gergiev and Mariss Jansons. The evening's program moves from de Wagner to Tchaikovsky, from Sibelius to John Williams, and ends with the ultimate reminder: Paul Lincke's Berliner Luft! (92 min)

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