/ TV program


Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67

  • 15. 7. 2024, 11:47

Les Dissonances is a collective of artists founded by violinist David Grimal in 2004. The conductorless ensemble consists of musicians from the most prestigious European orchestras, international soloists, and young talents. In this performance, Les Dissonances perform Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67. Beethoven composed Symphony No. 5 between 1804 and 1808, completing the work at nearly the same time as his Symphony No. 6, ‘Pastorale’. Both symphonies premiered as part of an all-Beethoven program at the same concert on December 22, 1808. Symphony No. 5 has become one of the best-known compositions in classical music. It opens with the famous four-note motif, often interpreted as the musical manifestation of ’fate knocking at the door’. This rhythmic figure returns in various guises in the other three movements of the symphony. The second movement consists of a set of lyrical variations on two themes. The third movement begins gently, but leads to a blasting horn section presenting a theme that features the rhythmic pattern of the four-note motif. The movement leads uninterrupted to the fourth movement that features a triumphant finale ending in C major. This performance was recorded at Philharmonie de Paris, France, in 2015. (35 min)

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