/ TV program


Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz III

  • 26. 9. 2024, 4:55

High Definition, širokoúhlé

North Meets West. With the Wicked Witch becoming more of a threat, Dorothy, Glinda, and the gang go to Tattypoo, the retired Good Witch of the North to see if she'll come out of retirement to help them fight against the Wicked Witch of the West and her silver slippers. Just as Tattypoo is about to agree, the Wicked Witch strikes and erases her memory, putting her out of commission. The Wicked Witch has a plan to trick the amnesiac Tattypoo into believing that she was an evil witch just like her before she lost her memory. It's up to Dorothy and friends to retrieve enough mementos from Tattypoo's past to help her remember who she really was. (10 min)

DOROTHY AND THE WIZARD OF OZ is an animated comedy fantasy series that transports viewers back to the wonderful land of Oz. Following the defeat of the Wicked Witch of the West, Dorothy Gale (GREY DeLISLE) has been appointed Princess of Emerald City by Queen Ozma. Faced with obstacles at every turn – from flying monkeys to her arch nemesis, Wilhelmina (the Wicked Witch of the West's niece and protégé) – Dorothy bravely tackles her royal duties with her feet firmly planted in her magical ruby slippers.

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