- 2. 10. 2024, 17:05
COSTA RICA. Spanish is one of the languages that Sorin speaks, so when it comes to countries that he visits for Travel by Dart, a Latino region is a gift. This episode features the only country in the world that doesn't have an army but provides a million happy adventures in between. Mihailovici jumps into a series of adrenaline-rushed activities, from getting to the hardest-to-access waterfall in the world to ziplining and ATV riding. While in Costa Rica, Sorin also finds himself in a crazy, magnetic field, in the middle of nowhere, as his car starts moving by itself up the hill. To sweeten up the things, a full-body massage in chocolate is a bucket list item that finally comes true during the filming of this episode. This incredible scenery brings visual treats to the viewers. It educates them on how Costa Rica and its equatorial climate became a top attraction for the rest of the world after the pandemic. Pura Vida!
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