/ TV program



  • 6. 10. 2024, 1:40

EP. 02. On the plains of East Africa an epic journey is underway. Millions of wildebeest and thousands of zebras march in an annual, circular migration in search of lush grazing.Two major rivers, the Mara and the Grumeti, intersect their route and force the herds to cross. Crocodiles, the biggest living on earth, wait in these rivers to take advantage of this moving feast. In this ever-changing waterscape successful predators adapt their hunting strategies to suit the shifting environment.On the Grumeti River, DC is the Dominant Croc of a lose gang called the RagTags. When the wildebeest arrive to drink, these Pit Stops, Zone 1, are the crocs’ first challenge. It doesn’t go well for the RagTags. These smaller, inexperienced crocs don’t calculate their launch speed correctly, so opportunities are missed. DC finds a pool where he can work alone. He grabs an impressive male zebra, but the pool’s not deep enough to drown it. The zebra fights hard and DC is forced to let it go.Deep Water, Zone 2, is a zone exclusive to the Mara River. Steep banks and fast-flowing water make it a river that favours the crocodiles. Wildebeest plunge off the cliffs straight into the deep channel. To hunt here is easy: Swim, launch and drown.There’s no free lunch on the Grumeti. DC waits for the next opportunity. He picks up vibrations in the water that tell him the herds have started to cross. Zone 3, The Shallows, is a dangerous zone for crocodiles. Wildebeest gallop across the river and crocodiles can get trampled. DC captures a calf but the RagTags share with him and DC is left with a single mouthful. Frustrated with his small portion, DC drives the gang away. Theft is a viable strategy in the Grumeti. The RagTags follow DC when he tries to hoard his next prize. When DC spots one of the gang members and gives chase, the RagTags move in and steal the carcass.DC finds another opportunity on the Rocks, Zone 4. Wildebeest are forced to walk slowly to avoid tripping and falling. DC causes panic in the ranks and grabs a calf.This time he won’t share. He flicks the calf until the head tears right off the neck. Exhausted from the hunt, DC is forced to rest and recharge. He’s not alone. This pool belongs to a hippopotamus. Luckily the hippo is more curious that confrontational and he leaves DC alone. As the season moves on, the Grumeti River dries up. Only the tail-enders of the herd remain and DC needs one last kill before the herds disappear for good.On the Mara River the water itself is so treacherous that many animals die while crossing. Carcasses pile up on the riverbank, and the crocs here can scavenge long after the wildebeest have left. DC will have to hunt if he wants a stockpile. When the herds unexpectedly drink at the hippo pool, DC sets up for a Pit Stop attack. But suddenly they start to cross and it becomes a Rock Crossing!Wildebeest trample over him but he strikes a big wildebeest bull and holds tight. The hippo pool is not deep enough for a quick death. But DC outlasts the wildebeest in the tug-of-war. The Mara and Grumeti are two very different hunting grounds that require unique skillsets from the crocodiles. In both these trenches the predators responded to the nuances of the landscape and triumphed. At the Pit Stops and Rocks, in Deep and Shallow Water they learned to modify their hunting techniques – and thrived. And next year, when the herds return, these quiet waters will once again transform into Predator Zones.

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