- 8. 10. 2024, 13:10
EP. 06. In this episode, Ray explores the Red Centre of the country and shows that the Australian desert is filled with life for those who know where to find water.He arrives in the Red Centre by chopper as he flies over the Uluru monolith or Ayres Rock. For his first stop, he goes to a red kangaroo sanctuary where he cuddles a joey, meets their carer Brolga and gets close to the usually wary adult red kangaroos. He pursues his journey deeper in the desert to meet a local aboriginal Sammy Wilson. They go to a traditional waterhole and chat over a camp fire about Sammy’s ancestral knowledge of the land. Ray spends the night out under the stars before driving more inland to rocky areas where water collects. There Ray comes face to face with a wild kangaroo and rock wallabies. He then follows tracks along a dry river bed that lead him to Australia’s wild dog: a dingo.
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