/ TV program



  • 10. 10. 2024, 23:30

EP. 03. Sleek,dangerous, fast, and vicious. Revered for their beauty and vitality. No-one runs the Race of Life faster than the Cheetah, and yet it is on the endangered species list. The Leopard is perhaps the best equipped survivor for the long run, with its population spread far beyond Sub-Saharan Africa. This success is probably to do with the fact they are ‘opportunistic hunters’. And what of the Lion? Known as the King of the Jungle, (even though they don’t live there), lions hunt buffalos, giraffes, warthogs, wildebeests and zebras, and antelopes when the opportunity presents itself. Lions are high up on the food chain, the very centre of their food web, so have almost no predators. Another loner in the race of life, the snow leopard prefers to inhabit steep cliff areas, rocky outcrops and ravines. To survive, the snow leopard must be a clever and resourceful hunter. Next, we leave the Snow Leopard and the great Asian mountains behind, and travel to the Americas, where the Cougar roam. Also known as mountain lions or pumas, cougars are agile and sleek, known for their habit of appearing from seemingly nowhere, and pouncing on their prey. The Tiger - solitary and beautiful, many cultures consider the tiger to also be a symbol of strength and courage. But every Big Cat born in the wild who survives to maturity can be said a winner in the Race of Life.

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