- 14. 10. 2024, 23:00
EP. 13. Volcanoes, earthquakes, tidal waves, and fires. Cataclysmic events that are capable of wiping out thousands of lives in a terribly short space of time. Then there are epidemics and pandemics, particularly chilling in their own way, because they literally and figuratively get under the skin. Let’s not forget man-made disasters, the industrial accidents and environmental disasters that highlight all that is worst about our presence on this fragile blue green planet. And what is more frightening than a nuclear calamity? Accidents on the road, on rail, in the air and at sea, well, may not have quite the same deadly power as volcanoes or earthquakes; but they hold their own terrors, and are responsible for 1000s of fatalities every year. In this sobering yet thrilling final instalment of Desperate Hours we will take a look at some of the worst of the worst.
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