/ TV program



  • 19. 10. 2024, 19:35

“Leopards of Dead Tree Island” (1 x 52’) takes us on an unforgettable HD journey into the lives of these three cats: Mosweo – a young mother who gave birth to two cubs during the abundance of summer. She is solitary by nature and takes on parenthood alone. Will she be able to rear and defend her cubs in this challenging environment - competing with lions and hyenas and coping with floods and drought? Buddah is the dominant male leopard of Dead Tree Island. He is the father of Mosweo’s cubs but he offers her no support or protection. To further complicate matters Tipa, her previous offspring, still shares her same territory, competing for food and posing a threat to her new cubs. He is now an independent three year old moving dangerously close to his mother’s new den site. He is an insider that she has tolerated so far. But, with the arrival of her new set of cubs he’s become an adversary that needs to be dealt with. Tipa also remains within his father’s territory. Buddah’s heavy frame and mauled ears allude to his age and stature. He moves through Dead Tree island with confidence and entitlement, fighting off his most irritating of rivals – baboons. Tipa’s efforts to hunt and assert his own authority are clumsy and naive in comparison. The island covers the natural hunting grounds of all these secretive cats, they are drawn together by circumstances beyond their control leading to tension, drama and ultimately tragedy. Mosweo loses one cub to a predator and then finds the last of her litter paralyzed and dying. She tries everything in her power to comfort and revive her doomed offspring – but to no avail. Mosweo’s is forced out of Dead Tree island when Buddah’s attention strays towards an exciting new scent. A new, stronger female has made her way into his territory and Mosweo tries desperately to divert his attention away from this new rival. But the new female is in estrus and mates with Buddah, thereby cementing her own place among the group of leopards at Dead Tree Island. The contrasting environments of the Okavango Delta provide a uniquely beautiful backdrop as this drama unfolds among the Leopards of Dead Tree Island.

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