/ TV program


Wagner - Das Rheingold

  • 6. 10. 2024, 14:05

Hartmut Haenchen conducts the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra and Dutch National Opera in a production of Richard Wagner's opera Das Rheingold, the first opera of the four-part cycle 'Der Ring des Nibelungen'. Richard Wagner, perhaps the greatest innovator of the opera genre in the nineteenth century, aimed for the creation of a ‘Gesamtkunstwerk’ in which theatre, music and words are united. The opera cycle was composed between 1853 and 1874, and consists of Das Rheingold, Die Walküre, Siegfried, and Götterdämmerung. Noteworthy about Wagner's operas is his use of the so-called ‘Leitmotiv’, a recurrent melodic motif that stands for a certain idea or character. Moreover, Wagner uses unconventional harmonies and very extensive orchestral instrumentation. The entire cycle is still performed annually at the Bayreuth Festival, where it premiered in 1876. This 2014 performance was recorded at Het Muziektheater Amsterdam under the artistic direction of Pierre Audi. Among the soloists are Thomas Johannes Mayer, Vladimir Baykov, Marcel Reijans, Stefan Margita, and Werner van Mechelen. (155 min)

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