/ TV program


Clash of the Soloists

  • 15. 10. 2024, 21:00

We live in a world where millions of people will walk past a concert hall and only a fraction will step inside. Interestingly, a great number will gather at Wrestlemania. Aleksey Igudesman and Hyung-ki Joo have finally found common ground between these two, seemingly opposite, spectator sports. Clementi had to contend with Mozart’s ingenuity, Beethoven blew Steinbelt out of Vienna, and Handel sparred Scarlatti in a joust of fingers. In the right corner we have Korean/Japanese/Chinese piano prodigy Whay-Tsu Fast and in the left, Russian/American/Jewish/German/Spanish-speaking violin virtuoso Sergey Amadeus Showoff. In the feud as ancient as time itself, to determine the superior instrument, who will emerge triumphant? Who will prevail as champion in this Clash of the Soloists? Igudesman and Joo blaze through concertos with extraordinary dexterity and finesse that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. An unforgettable, laugh-until-soda-comes-out-of-your-nose performance that will leave listeners of all ages thirsting for more. “Clash of the Soloists” was commissioned by the Zürich Tonhalle Orchester to commemorate their 150th anniversary, with a world premiere performance featuring conductor, referee, and Maestro of Ceremonies, Joshua Weilerstein. (36 min)

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