/ TV program


Concert Live from Geneva

  • 21. 10. 2024, 2:34

To transcend the political and ideological divides between their respective countries, Daniel Barenboim, an Argentinian Jew and Israel's most famous pianist and conductor, and Edward Said, a Palestinian philosopher and Christian, created the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, an ensemble of young musicians between the ages of 13 and 26 who have as many Israelis as there are Arabs. Despite this great symbolism, the objectives and ambitions of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra are first and foremost musical: the political divisions of the Middle East are setting aside the time of the union of these young musical talents which speaks volumes about the power of cultural interaction. This performance delivered to Victoria Hall in Geneva features two famous masterpieces: Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 3 and Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 5. The concert ends with the Sad Waltz of Sibelius and the opening of La Forza del Destino of Verdi. (104 min)

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