/ TV program



  • 25. 10. 2024, 3:00


Crabby Wedding / The Cloud Kingdom. Dora and Boots are setting up their friends' crab wedding, when suddenly, Swiper swipes the ring and loses it in the ocean. With the help of Tico/Bip Bip's boat, they water ski towards Rainbow Reef, but not without having to avoid the Tickle Fish! Underwater, Se?ora Tortuga guides them to the reef where they find the ring by choosing the right clam out of a shuffle. Dora and Boots return the ring to their crab friends and the wedding goes wonderfully! Everyone celebrates with a dance party. / Dora and Boots are playing hopscotch when they meet Vicky the Vicu?a, who is missing her flute. They decide to help Vicky find the flute, which will let her get back home to the Cloud Kingdom. In the Windy Woods, they must listen closely for the flute. The wind takes it away and Swiper swipes it! Vicky uses her Vicu?a speed to get the flute, but it lands just past sleeping crocodiles. They quietly hop over and grab the flute. With Vicky's flute song, they make it to Cloud Kingdom and find out she's a princess!

DORA is back for more fantastical adventures in the magical rainforest! Join the most outstanding little kid explorer in the world, and her best friend Boots as they discover new fun and new friends; the sky is the limit! ?Vámonos!

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