Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz
- 13. 11. 2024, 5:15
High Definition, širokoúhlé
Locket Locket in My Pocket. The Munchkins are throwing a down-home, country fair in honor of Dorothy. While Dorothy enjoys the pleasures of the fair, Wilhelmina finds a magical locket that allows her to look exactly like whoever's picture she keeps in it (except for a green streak in her hair). Wilhelmina uses it to take the form of Dorothy and crash the fair. With the wicked Dorothy impersonator running about the fair, the Munchkins are appalled that Princess Dorothy is acting so greedy, grabby and ungrateful! The real Princess Dorothy must figure out what's going on and clear her name before the citizens of Oz revoke her Princess-ship. (15 min)
Following the defeat of the Wicked Witch of the West, Dorothy Gale has been appointed Princess of Emerald City by Queen Ozma. Faced with obstacles at every turn – from flying monkeys to her arch nemesis, Wilhelmina (the Wicked Witch of the West's niece and protégé) – Dorothy bravely tackles her royal duties with her feet firmly planted in her magical ruby slippers.
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