Grizzy and The Lemmings II
- 21. 11. 2024, 1:45
High Definition, širokoúhlé
Beastly Genie. Grizzy and the Lemmings find a native American Indian vase with a genie inside that will make anyone's dreams come true, if they only let him out by rubbing the vase. There is nonetheless one little snag: the effects of the genie's magic instantly wear off as soon as he returns to his vase and the lid shuts. (5 min)
In a vast natural reserve lost in the middle of the untamed wilderness, there is a small haven of human civilization: the forest ranger's house. Because he is (from his point of view) the most evolved animal on earth, the bear Grizzy feels it's only natural that the ranger's house becomes his territory as soon as its owner is away. No other animal dares to contest this "bear's privilege" except the most inoffensive, stupid and ridiculous mammal family that exists: the Lemmings - who also move into the house as soon as the ranger is gone. Grizzy and the Lemmings lead a merciless battle over the house in an atmosphere of total madness, where the two adversaries constantly try to outdo each other with nasty tricks!
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